Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Blogs

A unique insight into UK foreign and development policy

25th July 2024

Geneva, Switzerland

Wearing Thin

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

9th November 2023 Skopje, North Macedonia

Matthew Lawson

His Majesty's Ambassador to North Macedonia

Remembrance of WW1 Veterans in Skopje: Lessons for a United NATO Alliance

World War I was a defining moment in history, a global conflict that changed the course of nations and lives forever. It touched every corner of the world, including this very country where I have the privilege to serve as His Majesty’s Ambassador. Here, under the Macedonian sky, lies a significant site that has a […]

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16th October 2023 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Exhausted nations

If anyone sensible was trying to design a system to get countries from across the world to reach agreement on tricky, highly sensitive issues, then they wouldn’t do it like this. First, call a very long meeting. Let’s say five weeks long. But make sure it comes hot on the heels of two other very […]

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16th October 2023 Canberra, Australia

Louise Cantillon

British Consul General and Deputy Trade Commissioner Asia Pacific (Australia & New Zealand)

UK in Australia launch Science and Technology Season

Innovation and invention will help us to overcome some of the most important challenges facing the world today. That’s why I’m so excited that the team here in Australia is launching its Science and Technology Season. Over the next ten weeks we will run trade missions, attend trade shows, host visits and events all focused […]

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13th October 2023 Vienna

Jasper Newport

Intern at the UK Mission to the UN (Vienna)

Atomic diplomacy: what I learnt interning at the UK Mission

IAEA General Conference with Minister Bowie speaking on a panel

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is one of the most significant organisations in the UN system. When I started my internship, I found both the IAEA and the UK Mission in a flurry of activity. Preparations were underway for the IAEA’s General Conference, a central event in the Agency’s calendar…

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11th October 2023


Head of Girls’ Education Department for a day

Being the Head of Girls’ Education Department for a day

Hi, I’m Layla and I’ve taken over Judith Herbertson’s role as Head of Girls’ Education Department for the day. I’m 16 years old, currently studying my A levels in geography, history and politics. I’m interested in a career in international development because I want to make a difference by helping others.  I’ve taken over Judith’s […]

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5th September 2023 Vienna

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by Corinne Kitsell

Ambassador and UK Permanent Representative to IAEA and CTBTO

Lift off from Vienna: working with the UN to protect outer space

Alien invasions, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek versus Star Wars. Or the Space Race, rocket launches and astronauts exploring the moon. These might be the things that come to mind when you think of outer space. How about the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)?  You might wonder why a UN organisation […]

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2nd August 2023 Berlin, Germany

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by Kate Robinson

Science and Innovation Advisor, British Embassy Berlin

Light bulbs, defrosted freezers and heat pumps: how to support energy-saving behaviours in the home

Lessons from a science-policy roundtable The messages in the latest IPCC report on climate change are sobering, to say the least: human activities have caused the planet to warm by 1.1°C, causing widespread damage to both people and nature. We are all familiar with the narrative by now: there are low-cost options for mitigating and […]

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18th July 2023 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

A Little Bit Broken

One thing I’d somehow managed for the first 52 Council sessions, was to avoid serious injury. The odd week of Covid, a minor bout of pneumonia, and some less-than-pleasant food poisoning misadventures aside, I’ve kept myself in functional working shape these last 20-plus years. I’d like to say good shape, but let’s not get carried away. […]

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