Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Blogs

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12th May 2023 Skopje, North Macedonia

Richard Welham

HM Revenue & Customs Western Balkans Regional Training Coordinator

Women into leadership

 The 2022-23 Programme of Events concludes with Women Into Leadership 23 in Birmingham and a nomination for a Civil Service Team of The Year Award. The British Embassy Skopje based Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) funded HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Western Balkans Training Team have concluded the 2022 to 2023 calendar of events […]

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25th April 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

Sian MacLeod

by Sian MacLeod

Former UK Ambassador to Serbia

Challenges, risks and threats

Slovyansk in 2017

On 24 February 2022 the world watched with horror and disbelief as Vladimir Putin had launched his illegal, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Many people including in Serbia did not to believe or want to believe that Moscow would take such a reckless step, particularly against another Slavic nation with many historic, family and cultural ties […]

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24th April 2023 Vienna

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by Corinne Kitsell

Ambassador and UK Permanent Representative to IAEA and CTBTO

Multilateralism and diplomacy for peace

Ambassador Corinne Kitsell

Today (24 April) we are celebrating the International Day for Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace. I didn’t plan a career in multilateral diplomacy when I joined the Foreign Office but an early experience at the UN in New York – an amazing city, especially when you’re an enthusiastic 20-something – sealed the deal.  I loved […]

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5th April 2023

Ennis Diaz

Communications and Political intern at the British Embassy in Venezuela

Ambassador for a Day in Venezuela

Within the framework of International Women’s Day, the British Embassy in Caracas held the “Ambassador for a Day Contest”, an initiative of the British Government to promote the participation of young women in leadership roles. As a result, UK Heads of Mission around the world give hundreds of women the chance to experience first-hand our […]

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5th April 2023 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Groundhog Council

I think it’s over. But I’m not entirely sure. Each morning for the last six weeks I’ve been waking up to the grim realisation that the Human Rights Council session was still going and going and going. It went on for so long that I’ve lost track of everything. What day it is, my name, […]

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15th March 2023

Alicia Herbert

Alicia Herbert

FCDO Director of Education, Gender and Equality and the UK’s Special Envoy for Gender Equality

Rights, freedom and potential: our Women and Girls Strategy

Last week the FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office) launched its International Women and Girls Strategy on International Women’s Day. As the Director for Education, Gender and Equalities, and Gender Envoy at the FCDO, I had the privilege and pleasure of joining the Foreign Secretary in Sierra Leone for the launch, where we saw the […]

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20th February 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

Sian MacLeod

by Sian MacLeod

Former UK Ambassador to Serbia

Ukraine one year on: look back in anger

Kurir OpEd - 22 Feb 2023

On 24 February 2022 the world watched with horror and disbelief as Vladimir Putin launched a full scale, illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. One year on that horror and disbelief is mixed with anger and sorrow. At the senseless loss of tens of thousands of lives – Ukrainian and Russian. At the callous disregard […]

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14th February 2023 Skopje, North Macedonia

Richard Welham

HM Revenue & Customs Western Balkans Regional Training Coordinator

Open Source Intelligence Events signal the beginning of a twelve month Commitment to Financial Investigation Training in North Macedonia  

The British Embassy Skopje based Conflict Stability & Security Funded (CSSF) HMRC Western Balkans Training Team have enjoyed a successful (if hectic) start to their 2023 programme of events. The team, supported in no small part by respective Fiscal Crime Liaison Officers (FCLOs) FCDO and respective embassies. Financial Investigation Training: North Macedonia Skopje January 30th […]

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23rd December 2022 United Kingdom

Lord Herbert of South Downs

by Nick Herbert

PM's Special Envoy on LGBT+ Rights

A year of contrasts: PM’s Special Envoy for LGBT+ rights reflects on global events in 2022

2022 was a year of contrasts for LGBT+ rights. I often talk about two worlds of rights: one in which conditions seem to be going backwards for LGBT+ people, but another in which progress is being made. It’s impossible to ignore the awful things that have happened this year. Two people were killed in Norway […]

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17th November 2022 Belgrade, Serbia

Sian MacLeod

by Sian MacLeod

Former UK Ambassador to Serbia

Wisdom, Trust and Remembrance


Citizens look to their national leaders to govern responsibly and in the interests of their country. They hope that leaders will be blessed with wisdom and good judgement, and that they will exercise their authority responsibility.  In return, leaders earn the trust of the people they govern. In democratic societies people are free to make […]

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