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Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

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17th April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Comemorarea lui Lady Margaret Thatcher în România

Săptămâna trecută am primit la ambasadă mulţi vizitatori și multe mesaje de condoleanțe la moartea doamnei Margaret Thatcher. Am fost impresionat la citirea sentimentelor exprimate de numărului mare de admiratori pe care i-a avut aici în România şi a  felului în care acțiunile și realizările sale au fost percepute în această parte a Europei. În […]

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17th April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Margaret Thatcher, remembered in Romania

Last week we received many visitors to the Embassy and many messages of condolence on the death of Margaret Thatcher. I was touched to read the sentiments of the many admirers that she had in Romania, and her achievements as seen by people in this part of Europe. In the first place, she is seen […]

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8th April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

International Roma Day – La Multi Ani!

Being an Ambassador is a great job. In the last two years, I’ve steered a battleship, driven a sports car, travelled all over Romania and met some wonderful people. But the day I enjoyed most was July 27, 2011, when the British Embassy marked a year to go to the London Olympics by holding a […]

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2nd April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Integrarea comunităţii Roma în Rotherham şi în România

Luna trecută am fost la Rotherham, un oraș aflat în sudul regiunii Yorkshire. Împreună cu o delegație din județul Dolj, am încercat să găsim modalități de a reintegra comunitatea romă în România. De data aceasta, a fost rândul nostru să vizităm orașul după vizita preşedintelui Consiliului Municipal din Rotherham, Roger Stone OBE la Craiova şi […]

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2nd April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Roma Inclusion in Rotherham and Romania

Last month I was in Rotherham in South Yorkshire with a delegation from Dolj County looking at approaches to Roma inclusion. This was the return visit after the leader of Rotherham Municipal Borough Council Roger Stone OBE visited Craiova and Podari last January. I wanted him to see the excellent work that local authorities have […]

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26th March 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Reforma proceselor de migraţie

Prim Ministrul britanic David Cameron a prezentat ieri viziunea Guvernului britanic asupra reformei procesului de migrație. Aş dori să subliniez câteva idei principale: În primul rând, Prim Ministrul a reconfirmat faptul că restricțiile de muncă aplicate lucrătorilor români şi bulgari vor fi ridicate la sfârșitul anului 2013: “Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2014 românii și bulgarii […]

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26th March 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Managing Migration

The Prime Minister David Cameron has set out his thinking in a speech yesterday on how best to manage migration in the UK. I’d like to underline several points from his speech. Firstly, David Cameron reaffirmed that transitional controls on Romanian and Bulgarian workers will be lifted in 2014. He said “from the beginning of […]

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14th March 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Video blog by Minister for Europe in Bucharest

Minister for Europe David Lidington visited Romania recently, as I was telling you in my last post. I invited him to do a short video blog about the visit and his vision for the partnership between the UK and Romania. You can also check my Twitter account for a brief recap of the Minister’s key […]

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11th March 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Free Exchange on Free Movement

One of my followers on Twitter (@HMAMartinHarris) urged me last week to: “please untangle the politicians heads. UK and Romania should be partners.” I want to offer reassurance on two counts. Firstly – the UK and Romania are partners, on a very broad range of issues. Second – the politicians are putting their heads together […]

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25th February 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

The Olympic Flame burns bright in Romania

I was in Poiana Brasov last week to support Team GB at the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival. I spent two days on the slopes, and brought my three daughters along too to watch the figure skating – their favourite sport. For many of the young British athletes and their coaches this was their first […]

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About Martin Harris

I took up my role as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine in September 2023. Previously, I was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ambassador…

I took up my role as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine in September 2023. Previously, I was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ambassador at the British Embassy in Bucharest and served at the UK Delegation to the OSCE in Vienna.