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Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

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31st December 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

New Year Honour for Founder of Hospices of Hope, Romania

People shaking hands

This New Year, HM The Queen has recognised the achievements of one of the most remarkable Great Britons in Romania. Graham Perolls is made a Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George in the New Year’s Honours List, an order of chivalry reserved for those who render extraordinary service in a foreign […]

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2nd December 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Supersensory Perception

The United Nations has made 3 December International Day for Persons with Disabilities. The theme this year is “Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all”. It’s been a strong theme in the relationship between Britain and Romania, with many organisations working together to improve the services available to people with […]

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23rd October 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Guest blog: Romania offers serious business opportunities in the transport sector

This is the message from Romanian Transport Minister Mrs Ramona Manescu during a speech she delivered for the Mass Transport Conference, an event hosted by the British Embassy in Bucharest and the UK Trade & Investment. I joined the Minister on the occasion together with the director of EBRD Romania, James Hyslop, and the Team […]

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17th October 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

How Europe can COMPETE

I was in Cluj again last week. It’s one of my favourite cities – a university town, full of ideas, traditions and rich in history. One way or another, Cluj has always found its way to the forefront of innovation and industry in each of the eight centuries since its first mention in the historical […]

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16th September 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Începe anul şcolar: mult succes elevilor din Podari

Am răspuns invitaţiei elevilor  şi profesorilor din Podari de a deschide anul şcolar împreună. Am dorit să fac acest lucru pentru a marca succesul acestei instituţii în aducerea copiilor la şcoală şi păstrarea lor în programele educaţionale. Deoarece agenda nu îmi permite să merg la Podari, am ales să transmit mesajul meu  online. ‘Am fost […]

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23rd July 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Romania’s bright low carbon future

Energy has long been a strategic sector of Romania’s economy. It was the fifth largest oil exporter in the world before the Second World War. Today it is still one of the few countries in Europe that can meet the majority of its energy needs from domestic sources. According to Bloomberg, it is also one […]

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1st July 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

A Call to Public Service

One of the UK’s most eminent public servants, Sir Suma Chakrabarti, gave an address to students in Bucharest last month, making the case for a career in public service. Sir Suma is now President of EBRD, but before then he had a long and distinguished career in the British civil service. I worked with him […]

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18th June 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

EU – US TTIP – The Big Deal

At the G8 meeting in Northern Ireland yesterday, the EU and US embarked on the biggest trade deal ever negotiated. Despite the rise of the economies of Asia, the EU and the US remain the two giants of the world economy, accounting for half the world’s GDP between them. The US invests three times more […]

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13th June 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Smart Defence – Smarter Defence Industries

How will Europe provide for its security in the future? The challenges we face are changing and becoming more complex, requiring investment in new technologies – in cyber security for example. But defence spending has been declining, with austerity cuts in budgets across the continent. This year, for the first time, Asia will spend more […]

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9th May 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Lumină din Lumină

I love the Orthodox tradition of sharing the Holy Fire from Jerusalem  at Easter. Last weekend my wife was back in London so I was a single parent for Easter in Bucharest with our two younger daughters (and one of their friends). We went to the midnight service at our local Orthodox Church. There was […]

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About Martin Harris

I took up my role as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine in September 2023. Previously, I was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ambassador…

I took up my role as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Ukraine in September 2023. Previously, I was Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ambassador at the British Embassy in Bucharest and served at the UK Delegation to the OSCE in Vienna.