Tag: games

30th July 2013 Washington DC, USA

Maeve Atkins

by Maeve Atkins

Communications Officer

Nostalgic for 2012: The Olympic Legacy

Nostalgia is defined as “a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period of place with happy personal associations.” With this weekend marking one year on, was I feeling nostalgic about the London 2012 games, which I experienced from more than 3,000 miles away? I most definitely was. While I couldn’t […]

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25th February 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

The Olympic Flame burns bright in Romania

I was in Poiana Brasov last week to support Team GB at the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival. I spent two days on the slopes, and brought my three daughters along too to watch the figure skating – their favourite sport. For many of the young British athletes and their coaches this was their first […]

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30th August 2012 Dublin, Ireland

Robin Barnett

by Robin Barnett

Former Ambassador to Ireland, Dublin

Paralympics – the greatest show on Earth continues.

I am just about to go on leave out of Poland. One of the things I plan to do is watch lots of the Paralympics live on TV. One of my best experiences thus far was the farewell ceremony for the Polish Paralympics team last Friday. They are a fantastic bunch of dedicated athletes, who are gunning […]

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21st May 2012 Washington DC, USA

James Barbour

by James Barbour

Press Secretary and Head of Communications

Celebrating Olympic values

The countdown clock in our Embassy tells me that the that the London 2012 opening ceremony is barely two months away. The Olympic Torch has begun its tour of the UK. All around the world, athletes are qualifying for their national teams. Here in the US, the first goosebump-raising, Morgan Freeman-voiced Olympics ad hit the […]

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27th September 2011

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by Greg Dorey


Almost a triathlon

Some weeks ago I wrote about several of my colleagues’ swimming accomplishments at Lake Valence. Now, inspired by the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, they have been entering foot and cycling races too. On 4 September, 3 colleagues competed in the Budapest half-marathon. One male colleague ran alone, and two other female colleagues ran in […]

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8th September 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

UK celebrates International Paralympic Day

Today, September 8th, is International Paralympic Day. The main celebrations will be hosted right in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. The UK was the birthplace of the paralympic movement, and so the games will be coming home when the Olympic and Paralympic Games are held in London in 2012. There will be a […]

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28th July 2011

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

London 2012… and legendary Ukrainian athletes

It’s always humbling to meet elite athletes.  So I am rather in awe when we bring together at the residence to mark the one-year countdown to London 2012 some truly great Olympians from Ukraine.  They include Valery Borzov, who I remember winning the 100m and 200m gold medals at the 1972 Olympics in Munich and […]

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3rd June 2011

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by Greg Dorey


Sport – nation shall speak unto nation…

Earlier this week we held a very well-attended, high profile press conference at the Embassy at which the Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelő Alap (MTVA) – the official Hungarian media sports TV/radio organisation spoke about the London 2012 Olympics and all the international sporting events leading up to the Games in which Hungary is involved. Agnes Cserhati […]

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15th April 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Guest blogger: London 2012, a celebration of diversity in sports

Blog by Sally Wood-Lamont, President of the Romanian National Paralympic Committee I am delighted that the UK will host, for the third time in the history of the Olympic Games, an event that will keep the whole world connected through the values of fair competition and excellence in sports. That London 2012 has Paralympics at […]

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5th April 2011

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by Greg Dorey


Chain Reaction – Volunteering

In Japan, a country much in our thoughts these days, volunteers generate a greater share of GDP than the financial services sector. And research shows that for every £1 the average company invests in volunteering programmes, they get a return of between £3 and £5. In general, the business case for employer supported volunteering is […]

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