Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Blogs

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29th March 2018 Science and Innovation Network

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by Xolelwa Zulu

Science and Innovation Attaché - British High Commission-Pretoria

South African Wheat Scientists tame the ‘Beast from the East’ in the UK

Late in February to early March [26 Feb-2 Mar], I led a group of five (5) South African small grain researchers and enthusiasts on a UK Agritech inward visit. With the support of the UK Science and Innovation Network ( in South Africa, the group set out learn more about the UK research offer in […]

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28th March 2018 Vienna, Austria

Fabian Seshadri

Fabian Seshadri

Second Secretary, British Embassy Vienna

Trade and comparative advantage: why Harry Kane doesn’t mow his own lawn

As a British diplomat in Austria (I am Second Secretary for Economic and EU issues), I have found one of the most surprising things about Austrian politics is how people feel about trade. Austria’s export ratio (i.e. goods exports as a ratio of GDP) is high – 52%, compared to the High Income Country average […]

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26th March 2018 Kolkata, India

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by Bruce Bucknell

Former British Deputy High Commissioner Kolkata

Baked earth

The pile of bricks was sitting just outside the entrance to the site. The humble brick has been used for the construction of buildings for longer than recorded history. The myth of a ‘mother earth’ or ‘earth goddess’ is as old. Many ancient civilisations worshiped a female deity who represented the fertility of the soil. […]

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26th March 2018 Tokyo, Japan

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by Paul Madden

British Ambassador to Japan

Shall we dance

You may have seen the 1996 Japanese movie  Shall We Dance, about a “sarariman”, or office worker, who found meaning in his humdrum life by taking up ballroom dancing classes. It was one of the most popular Japanese films ever to reach an international audience. I was delighted that its star, Tamiyo Kusakari, and its director, […]

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23rd March 2018 Vienna, Austria

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

“The Hare with Amber Eyes” and other Vienna treasures

What are the greatest treasures in Vienna?  What can you see?  And what is lost? I was privileged recently to attend a press conference at the Jewish Museum in Vienna at which Victor de Waal and museum Director Danielle Spera announced important news which connects the UK to Austria. The de Waal and Ephrussi families […]

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19th March 2018 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

The Chill Factor

Since the number of blog followers clamouring for a Council update has now reached single figures (thanks Nuala) I thought I’d better respond. It’s been busy. And cold. But mostly busy. As the 3rd week of the session came to end, UN staff voted to go on strike over impending allowance cuts, which suspended the […]

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19th March 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

UK pulled Macedonia out of Brussels’ hostage and moved it to New York

Foto: Gjorgji Lichovski

Goran Mihajlovski is one of the journalists in Macedonia that has followed closely the relations between the UK and Macedonia since their early days. As part of marking the 25 years of relationship we asked Goran to give us his experience of the early 1990s and the British-Macedonian links. Amb Garrett: How do you remember […]

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19th March 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Британија ја извлече Македонија од заложништвото на Брисел и ја пресели во Њујорк

Foto: Gjorgji Lichovski

Горан Михајловски е еден од неколкумина новинари кои одблиску ги покривале настаните во раните 1990-ти кога Британија и Македонија воспоставувале дипломатски односи. По повод 25 години билатерални односи Британија – Македонија го прашавме Горан да се потсети на тие денови. Амб Гарет: Какво ти е сеќавањето за воспоставувањето на билатералните односи меѓу Британија и Македонија? […]

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19th March 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Mbretëria e Bashkuar e zhvendosi Maqedoninë nga Brukseli në Nju Jork

Foto: Gjorgji Lichovski

Britania dhe Maqedonia kanë marrëdhënie diplomatike nga viti 1993. Me rastin e 25 vjetorit e pyetëm Goran Mihajlovskin për kujtimet e tij mbi fillimin e miqësisë britaniko-maqedonase. Ambasadori Garet: Ç’kujtime keni për vendosjen e marrëdhënieve dypalëshe mes Britanisë dhe Maqedonisë? Mihajlovski: Në dhjetor të vitit 1993 isha gazetar në rubrikën politike të gazetës “Veçer”. Por […]

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19th March 2018 Delhi, India

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel is the Global Cities Lead at Future Cities Catapult. Her new book, Local Leadership in a Global Era focuses on the types of policies local governments need to adopt and the behaviours they need to exhibit if they hope to thrive in the global Innovation economy.

Cross Catapult Collaboration

‘My success will not depend on what A or B thinks of me. My success will be what I make of my work.’ This quote by the namesake of the Newton-Bhabha Fund, Homi J. Bhabha, aptly describes the work of the UK Catapult Centres. Simply put, Catapults get things done when it comes to finding […]

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