Tag: NGOs

14th September 2015 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Civil society; democracy’s oxygen

15 September marks the UN International Day of Democracy, a day on which Governments are encouraged to strengthen national programmes devoted to the promotion and consolidation of democracy. The UN General Assembly resolution establishing the day encourages all member states to bring the day to the awareness of their citizens. The resolution also reaffirms the […]

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12th March 2015 Budapest, Hungary

by Jonathan Knott

Former British ambassador to Hungary, Budapest

Ladies and… ladies

Guest blog by Theresa Bubbear, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Budapest. It’s not often that I have a good idea.  And when I heard myself suggesting a speed mentoring event to mark International Women’s Day this year I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or a crazy one. It […]

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15th October 2014

Paul Brummell, British Ambassador to Romania

by Paul Brummell

Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate

Great Britons in Romania

In my first blog as British Ambassador to Bucharest, I wanted to write a few words about the contribution of some Great Britons to the development of the voluntary sector in Romania. One of the pleasures of my first few weeks at Post has been to meet a range of dedicated Brits who have devoted […]

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18th August 2014 Budapest, Hungary

by Jonathan Knott

Former British ambassador to Hungary, Budapest

Adventures on Sziget – Day 3 (and 4 and 5)

Guest blog by Ben Luckock, Head of Policy Team at the British Embassy in Budapest.   Having read Theresa’s account of her two days at Sziget (Day1 and Day2), it was with great enthusiasm that I headed down to the Island of Freedom on Friday afternoon. Much of the mud had dried up and the […]

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15th August 2014 Budapest, Hungary

by Jonathan Knott

Former British ambassador to Hungary, Budapest

Adventures on Sziget – Day 2

Guest blog by Theresa Bubbear, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Budapest. On Thursday the team and I headed back to Sziget for day 2 of our Embassy engagement. Budapest thoughtfully provided some British festival weather for us – it poured almost all day, and the mud came up as the rain came […]

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14th August 2014 Budapest, Hungary

by Jonathan Knott

Former British ambassador to Hungary, Budapest

Sziget Adventures – Day 1

Guest blog by Theresa Bubbear, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Budapest.   In 2012 I blogged about my first experience of Sziget.  Yesterday I went back to see what was happening and what had changed. This year’s festival is bigger and better than ever, with 400,000 visitors expected and some top […]

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8th January 2013 Washington DC, USA

FCO Seeks Innovative NGO Counter-Proliferation Projects to Fund

How do you prevent the spread of dangerous weapons around the world? Negotiations? Treaties? Sanctions? Seizing illegal shipments? Securing dangerous materials? All of these play an important part. But there is always room for innovation. And who is better suited than the wealth of NGOs and think-tanks based here in the US to combine their […]

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16th June 2012

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

HM The Queen honours Great Britons in Romania

Congratulations to Stan Platt OBE!  Stan has been made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Stan is a long-standing and highly-respected member of the British community in Romania. He and his wife Camelia do fantastic work for visually-impaired people in this country, providing equipment like […]

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21st May 2012 Washington DC, USA

James Barbour

by James Barbour

Press Secretary and Head of Communications

Celebrating Olympic values

The countdown clock in our Embassy tells me that the that the London 2012 opening ceremony is barely two months away. The Olympic Torch has begun its tour of the UK. All around the world, athletes are qualifying for their national teams. Here in the US, the first goosebump-raising, Morgan Freeman-voiced Olympics ad hit the […]

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