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Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

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31st August 2016 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Hasta la vista, Cuba!

That’s it. I’m off. It’s been four years. Four fascinating, complicated, frustrating, perplexing, wonderful years. Is Cuba the only country in the world where it’s simultaneously fast and furious and time stands still? There’s been change. Obama came and went. In El Vedado, a Maserati now parks alongside a Moscvich. People now IMO their Miami […]

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18th August 2016 Havana, Cuba

Claudia Parera

Claudia Parera

Chevening scholar

One year as a Chevening scholar – tips, anecdotes and real ale mojitos

Once again, I am delighted to publish a blog by one of the Cuban Chevening scholars currently in the UK. This time Claudia Parera explains how her MSc in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Bradford will help her to focus on the Digital Economy while she also offers useful tips for future scholars. […]

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31st July 2016 Havana, Cuba

Anthony Henderson

Anthony Henderson

Head of Press, Projects and Politics, British Embassy, Havana

Chevening Scholarships in Cuba – our 23rd year

Around this time of year, I get to work on one of my favourite parts of the job – Chevening Scholarships. These provide fantastic opportunities for professionals from over 160 countries and territories, including Cuba, to go to the UK for a year to study a master’s course, fully funded by the UK Government and […]

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5th May 2016 Havana, Cuba

Ricardo Gonzalez

Ricardo Gonzalez

A Cuban economist in London

Once again I have the pleasure to publish a blog by one of the fifteen Cuban Chevening scholars currently in the UK. Ricardo Gonzalez is a teacher and researcher from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Havana and is studying a masters in economics at Queen Mary University, London. Thanks to Ricardo for this […]

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4th May 2016 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Building the right buildings

On Thursday this week Londoners vote to elect the next Mayor. London is a vibrant, global city with a huge population and a massive economy so the Mayor’s job is an important one with responsibilities ranging from transport to construction. In the last decade or so, the skyline of London has been transformed by some […]

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28th January 2016 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Flooding in Havana – a sign of things to come?

Havana is a beautiful, evocative, charming, intriguing city. Yes, many buildings are in desperate need of repair and the holes in the roads need filling in but the city has a faded, pastel-coloured splendour that provides a stunning backdrop to many a photo snapped by a tourist or a Saturday night party on the Malecón. […]

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26th January 2016 Havana, Cuba

Dr Judith Harvey

Dr Judith Harvey

Director, Cuba Medical Link

What Britain’s future doctors are learning in Cuba

Health services everywhere are under pressure, so perhaps there are lessons to be learned from Cuba, where, to quote Cubans, “We are a poor people but we die of rich people’s diseases.” British medical students have an opportunity to see for themselves during their ‘elective period’ – a few weeks when they can study where […]

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15th January 2016 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Health and Education in Capitalist Countries

There’s one misconception that I hear time and time again in Cuba that needs correcting. Barely a week goes by without someone telling me that in capitalist countries people have to pay for all health and education services. That’s simply not true. In many, many countries with capitalist economic systems, health and education are provided […]

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24th November 2015 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Violence Against Women – It’s Your Responsibility

To all the men out there, this blog is for you. Please don’t close the window, tab or page. Don’t look away. Keep reading and click on the links. This isn’t a women’s issue, it’s a men’s issue. You need to understand it. And then do something about it. Violence against women is horrible, brutal, […]

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2nd November 2015 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Starting from Scratch

This excellent blog was written by Chevening scholar Osmel Barreto who arrived in London just one month ago to study for an MSc in IT and Strategic Innovation. Osmel tells us about his experience of cultural change and having to learn how to do so many new things all at the same time. Thanks for […]

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About Tim Cole

Hi! I’m Tim Cole, the British Ambassador to Cuba. I arrived in Havana in August 2012 and presented my credentials as British Ambassador the following month. I’ve been a diplomat…

Hi! I’m Tim Cole, the British Ambassador to Cuba. I arrived in Havana in August 2012 and presented my credentials as British Ambassador the following month. I’ve been a diplomat since 2001; before Cuba, I spent 5 years in London where I worked on Pan-African policy and global economic issues and 6 years in southern Africa as Deputy Head of Mission in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Most of my career has been in Africa as before joining the FCO I ran humanitarian aid programmes in Central Africa for the British NGOs Christian Aid and Save the Children. I’m married to Clare and we have 2 children – Jonathan and Zea.

The idea of this blog is to tell you what the British government is doing in Cuba and why. If you enjoy the blog and want to read more, please follow me on Twitter.