Tag: commercial

23rd June 2014 Athens, Greece

Sotiris Leontaris

by Sotiris Leontaris

Head of DIT, British Embassy Athens, focusing on the Embassy's commercial work

Business opportunities as a way of putting Greece back on the exporting map

Guest blogger: Klio Panourgia, Assistant Trade Advisor, UKTI, British Embassy Athens One of the tasks undertaken almost on a daily basis by UKTI teams at posts is the identification and publication of Business Opportunities; these are opportunities that can lead directly to export business for UK companies and can range from general procurement notices to tenders […]

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26th June 2012 Athens, Greece

Marina Arvanitakis

by Marina Arvanitakis

Commercial Officer, UKTI

British presence at Posidonia 2012 – Reaffirming close links in shipping

First week of June 2012 and the international shipping community turned its attention to Greece for Posidonia, the largest international gathering in the shipping calendar.  It is a high profile bi-annual shipping exhibition/conference with exhibitors from over 85 countries and about 18,000 visitors. This can be easily understood, as Posidonia is a reflection of the […]

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16th February 2012 Athens, Greece

Sotiris Leontaris

by Sotiris Leontaris

Head of DIT, British Embassy Athens, focusing on the Embassy's commercial work

Business is GREAT

The British Embassy always enjoyed a close relationship with the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and has been supportive of its objective to enhance trade relations between the two countries. To this end, for the second year running, the Embassy and the BHCC combined forces for this New Year reception and traditional pitta cutting which […]

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13th December 2011 Athens, Greece

Marina Arvanitakis

by Marina Arvanitakis

Commercial Officer, UKTI

Greek-British maritime cooperation: A success story


Shipping is a key activity for us in the Commercial section in the British Embassy in Athens. It is by far the healthiest and most dynamic sector of the Greek economy and a field where Greece and the UK have had a long history of successful cooperation. Bearing in mind that Greeks control the world’s […]

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2nd September 2011 Bucharest, Romania

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by Raluca Bragarea

Head of Communications, Bucharest

Commercial Diplomacy at the heart of our work

I was in London last week for a packed one-day training to understand how the Foreign Office supports the overall work of the British Government to take forward the growth and prosperity agenda. Commercial diplomacy is a newly coined concept yet diplomats have always been looking out for business potential in their host countries, whether […]

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25th June 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Lifting the burden on business

When President Basescu and David Cameron met in Downing Street on 6 June they agreed to work together to promote new growth in the European economy, including by reducing the regulatory burden on business. We took the first steps to implement this agenda at the European Council yesterday. Romania and the UK worked together to […]

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3rd February 2011

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

How to resolve impossible disputes

Where is the world’s leading centre in dispute settlement?  In other words, where do you go if you want to resolve a commercial dispute and need top-quality advice from the world’s leading experts? The answer, of course, is London.  So I’m delighted to attend a seminar at the Big Conference Hall of the Academy of […]

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26th May 2010

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by Peter Beckingham

Former governor in Turks and Caicos Islands

From Manchester to Mumbai – Bringing life to new Indian retail outlets

My aim for this new blog is to provide snapshots every two weeks from Mumbai illustrating the vibrancy of UK–Indian business relations.  I am fortunate to meet in my job hundreds of UK and Indian businesspeople, ranging from the heads of some of the UK’s largest companies,  and India’s ( and the world’s!) richest businessmen, […]

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