Tag: british

8th October 2020

Adnan Muminović

Adnan Muminović

Chevening Scholar

When things appear too good to be true, they usually are. Except for when they are not…

About a year ago, I decided to quit my job in Sarajevo and move to London in order to pursue my second master’s in something called Psychology of Economic Life. Inevitably, as part of that decision, several others had to be made as well. Those included, but were not limited to, the decision to trade […]

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20th July 2019 Stockholm, Sweden

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by Judith Gough

British Ambassador to Sweden

British Council impact (and new offices) in Ukraine

One of the many things that the UK and Ukraine have in common is a keen interest in quality education. We are both countries that like to study (and play!) hard. The UK remains a destination of choice for Ukrainian students, who often leave my country as star graduates. International students come to the UK […]

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11th July 2019 London, UK

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Chief Operating Officer

Diplomacy has never been more relevant. Here’s why

Last year was the deadliest year on record for journalists. UNESCO records suggest that at least 99 journalists were killed, 348 imprisoned and 60 held hostage. That is why, this week, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has jointly hosted with the Canadian government a major international conference in London, putting media freedom at the forefront […]

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29th April 2019 Vienna, Austria

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Vienna Girlsday: lessons in Styrian dialect and a visit to Burgenland

Last week, for the second year running, the British Embassy Vienna took part in the “Vienna Girlsday”. I certainly learned a lot. The aim of the “Girlsday” (in German it is called “Töchtertag” or “daughters’ day”) is to introduce young women to areas of work where women are under-represented.  In the UK in 2019 we […]

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4th April 2019 Stockholm, Sweden

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by Judith Gough

British Ambassador to Sweden

NATO at 70: The Alliance stands with Ukraine

Today marks the 70th Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. The Alliance was founded in the aftermath of the Second World War by a group of European and North American countries, united by their desire to create a lasting peace in Europe. Much has changed in the world since 1949. Security threats are more diverse […]

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20th February 2018 Montreal, Canada

What happens when Canadian and UK AI experts gather ? A four-day programme in the UK

There are over 100 Artificial Intelligence (AI) startups and more than 250 AI and Machine Learning (ML) scientists based in Montreal. It is no surprise then that this popular city has become a global powerhouse for AI R&D and entrepreneurship. Following Montreal’s four-day programme in October, I in collaboration with UK partners[1] organised an AI […]

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18th December 2017 Science and Innovation Network

Sir Emyr Jones Parry

Sir Emyr Jones Parry

President of the Learned Society of Wales

Wales and the World: Higher Education and the Learned Society of Wales

In 1870, Frances Hoggan qualified as a doctor of medicine in Zurich University, the second woman to qualify in Europe. She was born in 1843, the daughter of a curate in Brecon, mid Wales. Wanting to study medicine, she had to go to Zurich because women in Britain were prohibited from sitting professional examinations in […]

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5th October 2017 Toronto, Canada

Kat Bodkin

by Kat Bodkin

Head of Science, Innovation & Policy

Transformative Technologies: UK-Ontario Look to the Future

The United Kingdom and the Canadian province of Ontario are both leading global centres of science and innovation and are investing in many of the same transformative sectors. To provide a platform that will help to further the ties between the two jurisdictions, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Transformative Technologies was signed in Toronto […]

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7th August 2017

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Holidaying in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Normally, we go back to the UK for a few weeks during the summer, to catch up with family and friends.  But this will be our last full summer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as I’m due to leave in August next year.  So this year, we decided to spend some time discovering some new parts […]

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16th June 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Why we value UK-Macedonia partnership?

Earlier this week I had my first one-to-one meeting with Zoran Zaev since he became Prime Minister of Macedonia. It had been delayed by a week because of what we call ‘purdah’, the election-related silence in which British civil servants are not allowed to say anything which might influence voting or government formation. Given the […]

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