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Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

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27th November 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Rast, radna mjesta i pravičnost: Reformska agenda

Kuda god da putujem u Bosni i Hercegovini, pokušavam se sastati sa običnim građanima, posebno mladima i sa njima razgovarati o novoj strategiji EU i Reformskoj agendi koja je rezultat te strategije. Jedna stvar jasno proizilazi iz svih ovih razgovora: većina ljudi u stvari uopšte ne razumije Reformsku agendu. To nije njihova krivica. Javnosti nisu […]

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3rd September 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Agenti promjena

Nedavno su me pitali da na jednom događaju govorim na temu budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Ja sam bio jedini govornik. Bilo mi je drago što učestvujem, ali da budem iskren, bilo mi je i malo čudno. Ja sam strani diplomata koji ovdje živi tek godinu dana. Po čemu sam ja bolje kvalifikovan da govorim o […]

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18th August 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia


Tokom moje prve godine boravka u ovoj zemlji, iznenadilo me je koliko se političke energije u RS troši na brigu o zamišljenim prijetnjama njenom daljem postojanju.U političkim govorima nedovoljno se govori o stvarnim problemima sa kojima se obični ljudi u Republici Srpskoj, i cijeloj BiH, suočavaju, u okruženju narušene ekonomije, visoke stope nezaposlenosti i nekontrolisane […]


18th June 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Sjećanje na Srebrenicu 

U proteklih nekoliko dana mnogi su izrazili snažne stavove o planiranoj rezoluciji UN-a kojom će se obilježiti 20 godina od genocida u Srebrenici iz perioda strašnog rata 1990-tih u kojem su sve strane pretrpile velike žrtve, vojne i civilne. Kada je Velika Britanija prihvatila odgovornost za izradu nacrta ove rezolucije, znali smo i rečeno nam […]

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9th June 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Trenutak za Magna Cartu

Poput mnogih drugih stvari ovdje u Bosni i Hercegovini, istorija rada na reformi sektora pravosuđa je duga i komplikovana. Bilo je važnih postignuća; bilo je bolnih posrnuća. U BiH postoje mnoge odlične i pravične sudije i tužioci, ali ima i onih koji su izdali ovlasti i povjerenje koje nosi njihova pozicija. Mnogo je govora o […]

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29th March 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

2015 godine slavimo tri poznata engleska izvoza

Engleska u 2015. godini obilježava dvije velike godišnjice – 800 godina od nastanka Magna Carte i 750 godina od osnivanja prvog engleskog parlamenta. Oni koji žele vidjeti dokument opisan kao najznačajniji engleski izvoz mogu jednostavno posjetiti British Library gdje su na izložbi kakva se vidi jednom u životu izložena, ne jedan, već dva primjerka. Magna […]

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20th March 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

SSP: Veliki korak naprijed

Vijeće za vanjske poslove EU je u ponedjeljak donijelo odluku da aktivira Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju (SSP) sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom, sedam godina nakon njegovog potpisivanja. Ovo je velika stvar. Sedam godina je ova zemlja stajala u mjestu na svom evropskom putu. Sada ponovo kreće naprijed i to je razlog za slavlje. Pokretač aktivacije […]

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6th March 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia


U samom startu sam u nepovoljnom položaju pri pisanju bloga o ulozi i zastupljenosti žena u politici i društvu, zbog činjenice da nisam žena.  Ali jesam sin, brat, muž, otac i kolega jakih, kreativnih i pametnih žena, što me dovodi do zaključka da je bilo koje društvo u kome su žene nedovoljno zastupljene, bez ikakve […]

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24th February 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Zašto NATO

Prošle sedmice sam se vratio iz sjedišta NATO-a u Briselu. U januaru je Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo preuzelo od Turske ulogu NATO ambasade ovdje u Sarajevu pa sam išao da se upoznam sa prioritetima i izazovima NATO-a u našem svijetu koji se brzo mijenja i sve je kompleksniji. Pred NATO-om je veliki zadatak re-konfiguracije kako bi odgovorio […]

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22nd January 2015

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Radna mjesta, još radnih mjesta i samo radna mjesta

Kada su Petera Sorensena na njegovoj oproštajnoj konferenciji za štampu, u kapacitetu specijalnog predstavnika EU, upitali šta bi trebali biti prioriteti za budućnost, njegov odgovor je bio jednostavan: “Radna mjesta, još radnih mjesta i samo radna mjesta.” Teško se ne složiti sa time. Nezaposlenost u Bosni i Hercegovini je najveća u Evropi sa otprilike 30% […]

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About Edward Ferguson

Edward Ferguson took over as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Serbia in July 2023. Before coming to Belgrade, Edward served as the Minister Counsellor Defence at the British Embassy in Washington…

Edward Ferguson took over as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Serbia in July 2023. Before coming to Belgrade, Edward served as the Minister Counsellor Defence at the British Embassy in Washington DC in September 2018. Together with the Defence Attaché, he led the British Defence Staff (United States), a network of 1,000 people spread across 28 States. As the UK’s senior policy adviser on defence relations with the United States, he was responsible for UK-US collaboration on strategic planning, nuclear policy and programmes, trade and acquisition, and science and technology. He was the US Network’s lead on HMG’s Integrated Review and AUKUS, and the senior champion for the Race, Ethnic and Cultural Heritage Group.

Previously, he served as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2014 to 2018, where he created and led a new international strategy, co-launched by the British and German Foreign Ministers, that re-energised Euro-Atlantic integration after years of stagnation while stimulating economic growth and reducing high levels of youth unemployment.

A former Exhibitioner and Choral Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, where he was also Treasurer of the Oxford Union, Edward graduated with First Class Honours in Classics in 2001. Joining the Graduate Fast Stream of the Ministry of Defence, he started out in the Naval Staff before joining the Iraq Secretariat during the build-up to and subsequent execution of Operation TELIC. In 2003, he was involved in financial and requirement scrutiny of the Department’s future helicopter procurement programme.

From 2004 to 2006, he managed a national award-winning £300-million programme to consolidate the MOD estate in Greater London and to redevelop RAF Northolt. In 2006, he volunteered for an operational tour, serving as Political Advisor to a British Battlegroup in Maysaan Province, Iraq (while his brother was a troop leader with the British Army in Basra). On his return, he took on responsibility for the strategic management of the UK’s bilateral defence relations with the United States, Canada and Western Europe.

From 2007 to 2009, he worked as Private Secretary to three Defence Secretaries, acting as their closest adviser on issues relating to operations in Iraq, the £6-billion defence equipment programme, science & technology, counter-terrorism and counter-piracy.

In 2009, he was appointed the Head of Afghanistan and Pakistan Policy, responsible for advice to the National Security Council on the policy, financial, legal, parliamentary and presentational aspects of the UK military contribution to operations in Afghanistan, and on the long-term defence role and interests in Pakistan.

From 2011 to 2014, he was Head of Defence Strategy and Priorities, leading two teams, one responsible for leading the MOD’s contribution to developing the 2015 National Security Strategy and the Strategic Defence and Security Review, and the other for prioritising the MOD’s international defence engagement activities. In 2013, he graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with an MSc with Distinction in Strategy and Diplomacy. He has been a member of the RCDS Strategic Advisory Panel, a member of the US Air Force Grand Strategy Advisory Board, and is a graduate of the PINNACLE Command and Staff course.