UK in North Macedonia

A blog about the work of the British Embassy in North Macedonia

5th March 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Lt Col Richard Parry

Lt Col Richard Parry

Defence Attache to Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia

From Wales to Macedonia: Dojran Stories

Each year on 1 March we Welsh celebrate St David’s Day, which is Wales’ national day. Usually we present facts promoting Wales, about tourism, trade, or creativity. Probably many of you know that the World’s first £1 million cheque was signed in Cardiff, or that canned beer was invented in Wales. Probably many of you […]

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22nd February 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Сер Алан Данкан

Сер Алан Данкан

Министер за Европа и Америка

Кон мојата посета на Македонија

Откако Обединетото Кралство изгласа да ја напушти Европската Унија, често добивам едно исто прашање од луѓето кои ги среќавам надвор од земјата: – Што значи ова за мојата земја? Мојот одговор е секогаш ист – Британија ќе ја напушти Европската Унија, но ние не ја напуштаме Европа. Сакам оваа порака да ја донесам на мојата […]

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22nd February 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Sër Allan Dankan

Sër Allan Dankan

Ministër Për Evropë dhe Amerikë

Në prag të vizitës në Maqedoni

Nga momenti që Mbretëria e Bashkuar votoi të largohet nga Bashkimin Evropian, njerëzit që i kam takuar jashtë shtetit shpesh më kanë pyetur të njëjtën pyetje: Çfarë do të thotë kjo për vendin tim? Përgjigjja ime është gjithmonë e njëjta, Mbretëria e Bashkuar largohet nga Bashkimi Europian por nuk e lëshon Europën. Në vizitën time […]

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22nd February 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Sir Alan Duncan MP

Sir Alan Duncan MP

Minister for Europe and the Americas

Ahead of my visit to Macedonia

Since the UK voted to leave the European Union, I am often asked the same question by the people I meet overseas: What does this mean for my country? Every time my answer is the same, the UK will be leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe. On my first visit to […]

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6th February 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Five Thoughts on Diplomatic Tweeting in Macedonia

Like all British Ambassadors, I was encouraged (slight diplomatic euphemism) by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to get active on Twitter when I came to Skopje. TBH, as twitterati say, I had anyway been thinking of jumping in to the frenzied waters of social media.  So I readily bought the FCO’s argument that it was […]

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26th January 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

#Macedonia2027: Your feedback matters

Last week I asked where you would like Macedonia to be in 2027.  I illustrated the question with a vision of a country moving strongly forward. A successful European state, ahead of the pack in the Balkans, leading by example. Name issue resolved. In NATO. Negotiating with the EU. Of course, in an exercise like […]

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20th January 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Записи во дневникот 26 август 2027 година

Во висините на Шар Планина воздухот има вкус како шампањ. По пет часови насладување, бевме уморни, но среќни од нашата прошетка. Драго ми е што сум повторно назад во Македонија. Последен пат пешачев на Шар Планина пред девет години. Тогаш, додека служев како британски амбасадор во Скопје прошетките како оваа денес ми беа прибежиште број […]

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20th January 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Shënime nga ditari, 26 Gusht 2027

Në malet e larta të Sharit në Maqedoni, ajri ka shije të shampanjës. Pas pesë orëve duke e pirë, ecja jonë sot na raskapiti por na gazmoi. Është e mrekullueshme të rikthehem në Maqedoni. Ka nëntë vjet që nga çasti kur eca në Malin Sharr. Aso kohe, kur isha në postin e Ambasadorit Britanik në […]

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18th January 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Charles Garrett

Charles Garrett

British Ambassador to Macedonia

Diary entry 26 August 2027

High up in Macedonia’s Shar Planina mountains the air tastes like champagne.  And after five hours of drinking it in, our walk today has left us tired but happy. It’s great to be back in Macedonia.  It is nine years since I walked in the Shar Planina.  Back then, when I was serving as British […]

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11th November 2016 Skopje, North Macedonia

Georgina Thorne

Georgina Thorne


Early October 1918 Corporal George Henry Carter, M2/130656 of the 880th Motor Transport Convoy, Army Service Corps writes to his wife Minnie. His letter, written and indeed read with hope and optimism speaks of change. He confirms an Armistice had been reached with the Bulgarians; ‘…the Germans are about done too, So I am looking […]

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