Tag: #tourism

7th August 2017

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia

Holidaying in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Normally, we go back to the UK for a few weeks during the summer, to catch up with family and friends.  But this will be our last full summer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as I’m due to leave in August next year.  So this year, we decided to spend some time discovering some new parts […]

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14th October 2014 Colombo, Sri Lanka

Laura Davies » Deputy High Commissioner to Sri Lanka and the Maldives

by Laura Davies

Former Deputy High Commissioner to Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Talking openly about mental health

Last Friday was World Mental Health Day.  The World Health Organisation estimates that 450 million people worldwide have a mental health problem.  In the UK, 90% of prisoners have some kind of mental health issue, as do 10% of children.  Sri Lanka has the fourth highest per capita suicide rate in the world.  Globally, one […]

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23rd January 2014

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by Greg Dorey


Tourism in Ethiopia – One Park, Many Worlds

I spent last weekend in the Bale Mountains National Park, in a top quality lodge newly opened by a British entrepreneur (one of two such lodges in the country). The Park itself is stunningly beautiful and full of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna, including the endangered Ethiopian Wolf (of which we saw […]

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14th December 2013 Havana, Cuba

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by Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Crank it up and dance in Matanzas!

The Sauto Theatre in Matanzas is apparently one of only three theatres in the world which can be transformed into a dancehall with the turn of a crank.  Normally the audience sits below the stage but when the chairs are removed and the floor is raised, the stage and auditorium become one large space for dancing salsa or the danzón.  Unfortunately not many visitors can see […]

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21st February 2013 Washington DC, USA

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by Amy English

Congressional Liaison for the Foreign and Security Policy Group

Of Congressmen and Penguins

It’s late afternoon and I am standing next to a Congressman on a warm, blustery day, surrounded by thousands of eyes looking inquisitively upon us. Despite our best intentions to understand them, their voices only get louder, squawking with unrestrained excitement. In late January, thousands of gentoo penguins are being introduced to a special visitor […]

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31st January 2013

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Homage to Cappadocia

A tear-drop forest of twisted rock-forms rears up, stretching into the distance.  Each fantastic shape has been hollowed out over the millennia by unknown hands to form dwellings, monasteries or, between the 4th and 11th century, painted churches. Welcome to Cappadocia. We all know that Turkey teems with outstanding historic and tourist sites.  Yet Cappadocia, […]

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15th August 2012 Washington DC, USA

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by Amy English

Congressional Liaison for the Foreign and Security Policy Group

Blossoming relations between small Islands and a large nation

You know you’re British when the first conversation starts, and continues, with the weather. I descended upon the Falkland Islands in the early afternoon to glorious sunshine and a cool breeze – exactly what I needed after a long flight full of recycled air. As soon as my ride picked me up from Mount Pleasant […]

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6th October 2011

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Is Kyiv worth a visit?

The following is a guest blog from Mary and Detlef Golletz, friends of mine who visited in the summer. “Kyiv?” friends asked quizzically as we discussed plans for a short break.  A reasonable question, given that it proved impossible to buy local currency in the UK and our 2008 Lonely Planet Guide said that the […]

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