Tag: investments

21st March 2012

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Doing business in emerging Europe

Britain is a trading nation. In most markets in the world – Asia, Africa, America, and the Middle East – the UK holds a disproportionately large share of inward investment and exports. But not, unfortunately, in central and eastern Europe. For whatever reason UK companies still lag behind their German, French and Austrian competitors in […]

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8th March 2012

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Romania, country of choice for British investors

Today I opened the new service centre of Stanleybet, one of the most established British investors in Romania and one that is now expanding its operations here. Stanleybet has chosen Romania from the eight countries in which it operates as the location for its service centre, dealing with customers in Italy, Germany and Cyprus. Why? […]

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31st January 2012

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Which way out?

Romania’s former Foreign Minister, Andrei Plesu, commented yesterday on the tough economic conditions facing Romania and quoted Caragiale “From this dilemma we have no way out”. Certainly the economic outlook looks a bit like Bucharest’s roads did last week, blocked at every junction and with more snow on the way. Growth forecasts are being revised […]

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13th September 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Justice Reform is great for Business

Joint blog by Catalin Predoiu, Romanian Minister of Justice  and Martin Harris, British Ambassador to Romania 2011 has already proved to be a great year in Romania-UK relations with the visits of President Traian Basescu and Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi to London.  Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu’s visit last week, as the guest of the Justice Secretary Ken […]

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2nd September 2011

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Increasing Ukrainian gas production

A dozen TV cameras zoom in on a pen and an inch-thick contract.  Signatures are completed; contracts swapped; and more signatures added.  Eventually the process is complete and there are handshakes and a round of applause. I am at the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy to witness the signing of an important Joint Activity Agreement between […]

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9th August 2010

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Stopping bribery in Ukraine – and the UK

I blogged last December about the urgent need to tackle corruption in Ukraine, which had slid to place 146 (out of 180) in Transparency International’s corruption index for 2009. Since the election of President Yanukovych, the new Ukrainian government has announced several anti-corruption measures, including welcome steps to deregulate business. That in turn could help […]

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