Tag: charity

4th June 2015

Paul Brummell, British Ambassador to Romania

by Paul Brummell

Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate

Great Britons supporting the disabled in Romania

Two events on successive days last week demonstrated again to me the important role which Great Britons working with Romanian counterparts in the civil society sector are playing in supporting groups and communities in need of help, in these cases young people coping with disabilities. On Friday I made my second visit to Galati, on […]

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15th October 2014

Paul Brummell, British Ambassador to Romania

by Paul Brummell

Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate

Great Britons in Romania

In my first blog as British Ambassador to Bucharest, I wanted to write a few words about the contribution of some Great Britons to the development of the voluntary sector in Romania. One of the pleasures of my first few weeks at Post has been to meet a range of dedicated Brits who have devoted […]

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7th October 2014

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by Nigel Baker

Ambassador to the Holy See (2011-2016)

Contributing to Caritas

Caritas Internationalis (CI) is the official humanitarian and development agency of the global Catholic Church. Created in the 1950s under papal guidance, it was described recently by Pope Francis as “an essential part of the Church”. It now has over 160 member organisations operating in 200 countries and territories around the globe, including CAFOD in […]

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8th May 2014 Bucharest, Romania

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by Raluca Bragarea

Head of Communications, Bucharest

Great Britons in Romania – BRIAN DOUGLAS

Today’s guest blogger is Kent Bolton, Hon. Secretary/Treasurer, RCHF (UK) and Hon. Treasurer for the sister foundation in the Netherlands, Stichting RCHF, who tells the story of one of the British volunteers making a difference in Romania. Here is his account: Brian Douglas first traveled to Romania in early 1994, delivering much needed aid, including […]

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18th February 2014

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by Jonathan Allen

Former Ambassador to Bulgaria

Welcome to The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award to Bulgaria

Yesterday, I took part with the President in the official launch of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Scheme in Bulgaria. This was not just an offical duty, but a personal pleasure too, because from the age of 14- 18, at school, I participated in the Scheme. The lessons I learned then stay with me now. As […]

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31st December 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

New Year Honour for Founder of Hospices of Hope, Romania

People shaking hands

This New Year, HM The Queen has recognised the achievements of one of the most remarkable Great Britons in Romania. Graham Perolls is made a Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George in the New Year’s Honours List, an order of chivalry reserved for those who render extraordinary service in a foreign […]

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8th April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

International Roma Day – La Multi Ani!

Being an Ambassador is a great job. In the last two years, I’ve steered a battleship, driven a sports car, travelled all over Romania and met some wonderful people. But the day I enjoyed most was July 27, 2011, when the British Embassy marked a year to go to the London Olympics by holding a […]

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2nd April 2013

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Roma Inclusion in Rotherham and Romania

Last month I was in Rotherham in South Yorkshire with a delegation from Dolj County looking at approaches to Roma inclusion. This was the return visit after the leader of Rotherham Municipal Borough Council Roger Stone OBE visited Craiova and Podari last January. I wanted him to see the excellent work that local authorities have […]

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27th November 2012

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Nicoleta Ghita – British Ambassador for a Day

On Tuesday last week I gave up my seat as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Romania to Nicoleta Ghita, a very confident and capable young lady from Sector 5 in Bucharest. This was part of Child Takeover Day – an initiative that started in the UK and has been brought to Romania for the first time […]

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7th November 2012 Washington DC, USA

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by Eric Hepburn

HM Consul General and Counsellor for Corporate Services

As the clocks go back, US supports veterans

So I am standing on the start line in at 01:50 in the morning wearing a very bright red star-patterned nightshirt, donated by the partner of my colleague in the German Embassy. It’s 38f and pretty chilly. To my left is Captain America and to my right is someone in pajamas and a dressing gown. […]

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