11th December 2012
Combating intolerance and promoting freedom of religion or belief

The British Foreign Office and the Canadian High Commission in London collaborated last week in a conference in London, under the aegis of Wilton Park, on the question of promoting freedom of religion or belief. Participants came together from across the world, and from a range of institutions – different faiths, different governments, and different civil society groups – to debate the issue. The conference was structured around UN Human Rights Resolution 16/18 which was agreed at the UN Human Rights Council earlier this year, and which represents a new and consensual way of tackling this critical and complex subject at international level. The Holy See was represented by the Apostolic Nuncio in London.
I was struck by the emphasis on practical action. Yes, there was plenty of discussion about the text. But there was a strong sense around the table that a great deal more needed to be done – with religious and political leaders taking clear responsibility – beyond what was simply said and written. One participant reminded the conference in stark terms that, if anything, the overall state of freedom of religion in the world is sliding backwards. Dialogue has to take place in tandem with real activity on the ground.
We learned about a number of real examples. The creation of a human rights manual for Churches, to help them and their communities understand better their own rights and be more convincing advocates. The drawing up of guidelines for the media on responsible and intelligent use of language when addressing religious issues (for example, to avoid the loose and meaningless but often provocative use of labels such as “moderate” or extremist”). The establishment of rapid response funds by governments to help victims of religious persecution. And better training of diplomats, politicians, government servants and religious leaders.
We agreed that it was in the strategic international interest to work for religious freedom for everyone, every day, in every part of the world. We are a very long way from that. But, without it, intolerance, misunderstandings and tension around faith will remain a constant presence, destabilising and dangerous. The British Government will continue to make the issue a priority.