This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Matt Baugh

Ambassador to Somalia

Part of UK in Somalia

20th January 2012 Nairobi, Kenya

London Conference on Somalia: Enhancing Security, Supporting Stability

Thank you for the fantastic response to my previous blog. It’s great to see so many comments. For my next few blogs I intend to focus on the key themes of the London Conference, and would like to ask that comments try to focus on each of those issues.

So, in this blog I want to open the floor – to a discussion of security issues. I want to pose two issues:

  • Firstly, the role of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and in particular the question of how the international community can best support the operation; and
  • Secondly, how support for the Somali security and justice sectors can help support the political process and stability in Somalia.

Improving security for the people of Somalia is vital. But – security cannot be sustained without a political process; and a political process cannot endure without better security. Both are critical; both are inter-twined. How can and how should they work together? Recent gains by AMISOM have provided an opportunity for people in Mogadishu to return to their city and start to rebuild their lives. The visible signs of rebuilding in the capital are a sign that confidence is slowly beginning to return. Improving security means more than just physical security, as important as it is – it also provides the means to further weaken Al Shabaab; to tackle the scourge of piracy; to provide an environment for further stability and recovery.

We want the London Conference to highlight the need for greater resolve – both international and Somali – to improve the security situation for ordinary people and create an environment in which a political process can flourish and effective governance can be extended across the country. This poses a number of questions – how big should AMISOM be? And how sustainable is it in the long term?  What about Somali security forces? And, most importantly of all, what about the issues of civilian protection and the rule of law? The challenges are great.  But so are the rewards.

I want to hear what you’ve got to say about this. Do you agree with what I have said above? Have we got the balance right? What are the issues around security and justice that you think need greater attention?

I look forward to the debate.  Please leave your comment below, or at UKinSomalia Facebook or UKinSomalia Twitter where we are also using #LDNSomalia to talk about the conference.

112 comments on “London Conference on Somalia: Enhancing Security, Supporting Stability

  1. Hor. President sillanyo made it crystal clear that Somaliland had made a bold decision to devorce somalia in 19991. thus, I’d suggest to somalis please stop pipedreaming of hoping Somaliand might consider in future reunification with somalia.
    Osman Qaal,
    Ottawa, canada

  2. Oh man…i literally just wrote the longest and most heartfelt essay on the matter,and then i tried to submit it and lost it.This is the summary….

    1.Off topic i know but its a recurring theme with us.I am for ONE SOMALIA,though im from the north.Please walalayaal stop attacking and being negative about SL,it is being brought up because they do know it is still part of somalia,officially.If you dont support atleast respect it enough to let it be.

    2.Security in somalia is a tough one bacause 20 years of neglect,war and lawlessness has created a complex,insecure,politically charged and fragile ‘nation’.This should not be the surprise it would happen anywhere,throw tribal systems in and your made.

    3.Somalis do not agree on much but we do agree on one thing..we HATE outside intervention.I understand to a degree why they are there.Alshabaab and militia are destroying us,but more outsiders will not help in the least.When Ethiopia,whom with which we have bad blood was in somalia we united in the fact they should not have been there,even when we did not like Alshabaab.European and American intervention can therefore be NO option,Alshabaab will have a feild day with recruitment because they will declare it as actual Jihad and it will look like that,ideological that is.If more muslim coutries got involved perhaps it would be less black and white.

    4.All you somalis should know that there is only one this that can defeat Alshabaab and that is Islam,if all somalis and particularly all there followers and even leader,sat down and read the Quran and studied the hadith and seerah and the lives of the rhighteous companions it would soon become self evident.

    How can you punish someone when you have not put them to trial,which is a prerequisite for any sentence how can you establish a court without any leader,which is recognised as the leader of that land.
    How can you punish someone for stealing when you cannot prove they needed it.How can you hold people accountable to laws which they have no understanding of,which they didnt even know they were subject to.
    How can you do that in the name of islam when one the severest punishment will go the the ruler who opressed.

    All we need is the correct aqeedah and for our people to be free from the shackles of domination through these renegade preachers.Make dua no dowladh can help you if you dont have trust in Allah SWT.

    WALAHI , thats where we went wrong.


    P.S PPL DO STAY ON TOPIC….what are we like….
    (Yes this is the summary version)

  3. Hi all of you!
    What make a different this conference and other? As it said Somali peace conference in London in my opinion there is no peace conference and there will be no peace and reconciliation unless Somalis itself analyze the word peace itself and why we need peace and reconciliation this time of. Because many years and lot of life’s has been lost and destroy the great nation we have had and those whom design and succeed their dream to destroy and never recover from the worn are steal on the peace process. How come Somalis are so naive and childless people? Let us stay where we are and keep up the system we have had past twenty years which is killing and looting. That is what we do for living so many years and generation to come. Don’t forget we use to be all Somalis, but that was history.

  4. Hi everybody,
    It is very regretful that this is happening. Conference for Somalis in London. Don’t expect anything. Let us come all together and get solution for our problems. Do not forget that it was Britain, Italy and France the ones that divided us. Without their divide and rule policy there would be no problems in NFD, WEST OF SOMALIA (Soomaali Galbeed or Ogadeenya). Even Somaliland and Puntland would not exist. These are the products of colonialism.
    What should we do?
    (1)Somalia needs strong decentralized (not federal) government with (2)strong national army.
    The first federalism leads us nowhere. It’ll create tribal warfare. If we apply federal system how many states do we need in Somalia? Each tribe or clan its own state is that what we really want? and do you think that is the solution of the Somali problem?
    Because Somalis are very homogeneous people unlike the other communities in many parts of the world why do we need a federal system? If we get the power decentralized so that every village or town all over Somalia can access the basic services that they need , do we need a federal system?
    We just need corruption free government that applies justice, equality and rule of law. Government that is accountable to its people. One which respects the rights of the minorities. Can’t we get those things without federal system with its land disputes?
    The second one creation of strong national army. After the fall of the last Socialist regime of Somalia in 1991 the role of the national army has vanished. If the country wants to gain its security back we should be focusing creation and strengthening the current one that is fighting to oust AL Shabaab and I believe that we have now starting point.

    The strengthening of the Somali army should be accompanied with a policy which gives our neighboring countries reassurances that Somalia is not a threat and that it is their interest that Somalia can deal with its own problem in this way.

    My advice:
    At the moment Somaliland should be left alone while South Somalia is been tidied. Before anything happens there should be an official apology given to these people because of Jazeera genocide (intlectuals and army officials from Isaaq tribe killed by former regime)and the distructure and bombardment carried out by the former Somali army.
    Now that federal system is causing land disputes and likely warfare among tribes. There are so many mini states like Puntland, Galmudug, Ximin iyo Xeeb, Jubba, Jubba raas, Waax iyo Waadi, Azania any many others.
    The British government should not be supporting even one single state. We need new policy that discourages this federal system.
    The current government is doing good job (Many thanks to the president Sharif and his first minister Abdiweli) It is not optimal. But it is good starting point. We have to enhance and strengthen that by developing ways to fund the government institutions. The Somali national army should be further expanded, disciplined, well equipped and well paid.
    AMISOM have done so far good job (thanks to the people of Uganda and Brundi and their leaders. The Kenyan should not be part of AMISOM. They spoil everything.
    All the best

    Britain can learn a lot from Turkey and its leader (Erdogan) as far as it concerns Somalia.

  5. As a Somali person, I am disgusted by the hatred and pride of somalilanders, haven’t you still learnt your lesson, you are not. LET ME REPEAT an independent country and never will be because you only own three cities, it that is not enough to form a whole country and also with your mentality and hatred for your own people, you will not get anywhere, let be serious here you are a minority compared to other tribes such as Hawiye and Darood and just because the British colonized your region for short while does not mean they should recognize you as an independent state.

  6. It is important that we Somalis acknowledge that we are in a difficult situation. It is not the best condition we have hopped a foreign force to fight or defect our civilian from another Somali. This is where we are; we need to sit back and think way forward. LC is coming, we need to thank UK, and very importantly we need to thank Turkish government which forced UK and others to organize this conference.

    For conference organizers, this is not the first conference organized for Somalis and we know all where they end up. If you are sincere about helping Somalia (which I believe you are) and ceasing the opportunity that exist today, the conference needs to provide support for rebuilding Somali security infrastructure lead by Somalia. Continuation of presence of foreign force will simply provide recruitment for the opposition and diminish the support of Somali Government. We need a separate peace keeping forces from UN to help rebuild the liberated areas different from AMISON and provide space from reconciliation. AMISON is no longer a viable peacekeeping force.

  7. There is famous Suldaan who’s summarised the English “Ingiriisku Awr Halkuu Marinaayo Irbad Buu Ku Dayaa”

  8. Hi there, I am a British citizen studying my Masters at Leiden University, the Netherlands. I am currently in the process of researching for my thesis about Somalia. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a contact email address to request attendance to the upcoming London Conference. Many thanks, Mr Jean Newbery.

  9. Also forgot to mention which is important to security is as gains will be made through Military front the International Community must help Somalia with disbarment of armed militia in the capital, Mogadishu as well as other areas that will be liberated from Al-Shabab. If disarmament is not done and immediately replaced with effective Police force in those regions then there is a chance chaos and mayhem to return to the City and other parts of the country.
    Another option International Community including Britain can do, is try to do reconciliation process with Al-Shabab, I know some may say this is a crazy idea but hear me out. There might be some elements within the group that are willing to listen after they start to see their cause has failed. Currently they are talking tough but there is a need to continue the negotiation as you never know a group of them my give up this hopeless cause may turn the whole tide of the war against them as they are getting weaker and weaker. This approach requires careful planning and with the help of Saudi-Arabia and other Gulf states. In the past, Al-Shabab turned down the government’s offer to reconcile. TFG has been criticized for failing to push the case forward. There may be certain neutral bodies somewhere in the world that the rebels could trust. For instance, some highly revered Islamic clerics in Saudi-Arabia have expressed willingness and interest to mediate talks between the TFG and Al-Shabab. Renowned preachers from Saudi-Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Egypt and Kuwait have expressed interest in mediating the TFG and Al-Shabab. Nevertheless, the TFG looks unprepared to take advantage of this free service but Britain and help them consider these options and recommend the Arab League to look at the matter more closely.

  10. Thanks Mr Ambassador, Matt Baugh for another great blog. I think this question about security is the most important aspect that can break or fix the current insecurities in Somalia.
    1. With the help of African troops a joint mission known as AMISOM is doing great job but the issue is they don’t have the full resource to tackle the extremist elements who have bases in 60% of the country. AMISOM troops need tactical surgical support. They need the help of Super-Power like ie US, UK or NATO force to help them with logistics and Military deployment in and around the country. Not drone attack or air attack killing innocent women and children but the capability to deploy a contingent Military force with the backing of any of the above Super-Power like any where in Somalia is urgently needed.
    2. More interestingly, the extremists appear to have failed to rally Somalis or to effectively play the nationalist card as they did in 2006. All this does not however mean Somalis are now more accepting of foreign military involvement. The more plausible explanation is that the insurgent groups are deeply unpopular. The overwhelming majority of Somalis, desperate to see peace restored to their homeland, want to see the back of Al-Shabab at all cost. Even turning a blind eye to the recent deployment of Ethiopian forces which claim they are there to get rid of Al-Shabab. So you can imagine if Ethiopia is welcomed with silences. The welcome UN-led, NATO-led or UK-US-led military will get. It will not be a Blackhawk down all over but it will be a sigh of welcome and relief that help is on its way and people will welcome it.
    3. Let’s just say that wouldn’t be possible a Military size of Afghanistan or Iraq led by NATO, US, UK etc. However at least a short term goal should be the logistic support of AMISOM as well as deploying tactical surgical forces like Commando Style unites deployed along with AMISOM troops to areas where Al-Shabab are located. I am talking about similar deployments the British have made in Libya quite recently with SAS troops deployed to Benghazi and other areas which were controlled by the insurgent troops against the Gadafi forces. This should also be an option card on the table. If Britain seriously want to combat extremism and defeat them. We need the support of not just African force but International Force.
    4. As for long-term, the joint Somali Army is required. I am not talking about Mogadishu Army which is loyal to government based in Mogadishu or Army in Puntland loyal to Puntland administration but a joint Somali Army. One that joins the current Military (one in Mogadishu fighting along side AMISOM, as well as Puntland, Somali-LAND and all small armies such as Al-Sunnah-Wal-Jama’ah etc etc). All these small armies should join and be trained like Afghan army was trained by the British and Iraqi army was trained by the British. We need serious international support on the Security front.
    5. Somali security and justice sectors are improving and will continue to improve once military gains have been made. Good politicians have been elected and International community can help train the National Police, CID unites etc.

  11. The phrasing of the “Conference details” is unfortunate. In the first paragraph the FCO announces that “we expect around 40 governments to attend…” etc. In the second paragraph, it is stated that “we are ALSO inviting representatives of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions etc.” The impression created – no doubt unintentionally – is that the representatives from Somalia/ Somaliland/Puntland/Galmudug/ASWJ are being invited as participants of secondary importance, or mere observers, of a meeting at which “the international community” will command centre-stage. In order for progress to be made during this laudable initiative, it must be imbued with an understanding and ready acceptance of the fact that it is the views of the insiders – not the outsiders – which should be most closely heeded.

  12. Thanks Matt Baugh for asking feedback and judging your words, you seem to be specific about your questions. The role of Africa Union forces should be nothing more than creating peacefull environment where is conflict and active wars in Somalia. How we can best support is creating definitively measurable realistic goals. Therefore, thier actions should not contradict the the goals. The outcome shoud be measured according to the planed goals. If goals are not met actions of the AU troops conflict the interest of the mission of the Peace and Good governance building, there should be acountability and legal justice that can confict and carry out justice.

    I agree the need of rule of low and restoring peace. Sustainability is another issue. If all the options are not on the table and you don’t look outside the box, permenant peace and stablity will not be achieved. We don’t have to deny the history of the conflict and how it started.
    The problem of Somalia originates from Somaliland vs Somalia and was evolving since the inception of the Somali republic. The fighting was the resolve of conflict that permiated from achievement of different goals by Two Somalis. The best way to address the problem is to dealth with the most valnerable Somalia (South) first. And then bring Somaliland to the table after Somalia’s conflict is ended.

    Unified and responsible governmet in the south can be able to challenge the issue of Somaliland. Somalia is now in no shape to negotiate and address its people’s issues. It seems that Somali interim government’s effort to bring Somaliland in to its problems is misleading. The supporters of Somali unity are missing the point by not addressing one task at a time. Thank you for loving Somali Unity, but no thanks in misdirecting the goal. The goal is to create peace.

    Somaliland can attend the conference by helping the world design the best course of actions. There is no particular interest for Somaliland according to the agendum. There must be ofcourse good thing, if a nighbouring country’s long standing civil war and devastating conflict is broughtto end.

  13. We are very grateful to the UK government to finally take some stance on the serious issues we face in Somalia. However, I do hope that the conference does not provide another platform for URGING key stakeholders to reconcile their differences. Rather the outcome or solution should be followed up with decisive action against those individuals who seek to serve their individuals interests. The UN has recently taken a tougher stance on such people but does not go far enough. Somalia is NOT a difficult place to bring about law and order. It merely requires a tough and decisive intervention similar to the events in Sierra Leone.
    The African Union is playing a crucial in Somalia. However, we need to increase the contingent to required level which I believe is about 20,000. The cost of this is minimal against that of dealing with piracy and associated terrorism activities which run into billions of pounds per annum. It is difficult to say at this stage the exact figures but let’s get the Amison troops to the figures quoted by the African Union.
    We cannot have a political process without security. Security comes first followed by stability and political process. With guaranteed security all things follow suit.
    This is a golden opportunity for Britain to play a key role in bringing back Somalia to its former glory. I voted for the Conservatives because of the will and no-nonsense approach of David Cameron and I hope that his government apply the same in this conference and ultimately in Somalia.

  14. As we prepare for the Somalia conference in London in Feruary, I sense a new and protracted civil war in the north of Somalia. Outside the city of Buuhoodleh, hundreds of militias from northern cities of Hargaisa and Burao are readying themselves to try capture what they call the borders of former British Somaliland. The British government is very much aware that the people of SSC never accepted the term ‘British Somaliland’. If this conference is not able to prevent what we heard last Thursday when nearly hundred men lost their lives, then we are set for complete failure in this conference.

    Furthermore, this war is being waged in the name of the very host country, a slap in the face of the British government. I would like to ask the conference organiser, Matt Baugh – have you told the tribe who control Hargaisa to capture Sool, Sanaag and Cayn by force? If not why are you still continuing to pay for what you call policing and security funds. These very funds are fuelling the Isaaq group’s desire to dominate other peaceful clans in the north.The people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn are able to defend themselves as they have done in the early twentieth century but your clarification on this matter is very much appreciated.

  15. Keyse:

    Its great opportunity for Somalis and much thanks to the British Government to host this monumental conference. The sad fact is that Somalis inability to come to a consensus after 20 plus years in the wilderness, forced the Global community to intervene and them from themselves…Unfortunate sad of affairs indeed. With regard to all these numerous X-lands with pseudo-history of being separate countries is just laughable. SSDF was a tribal organization that sought to give a certain Clan the political clout … which resulted in whats now called Puntland, similarly SNM was a tribal Organization that sough to enhance and protect the ISAAQ Clan thus Somaliland was born from that… There was no input or participation from other Non-ISAAQ clans in their neighborhood so it’s quite disingenuous to claim that all the clans in the region are for Somaliland. It’s nothing more that political leverage as far as ISAAQ is concerned ..since by population they are the majority in this enclave called Somaliland hence the Non-ISAAQ clans will remain a minority in that set-up and will ensure the domination of the majority. We say HELL NO…. I hope after 20 yrs… the Somali wisemen would put aside the destructive clan politics and select competent leadership and a constitution that protects the rights of every Somali regardless of Clan and gender.. Ameeen

  16. Dear sir, ladies and gentlemen,
    I hope that the conference will be able to get to the crux of the argument.
    It is a popular opinion among the Somali people for the whole of Somalia to be united. But as the conference will not be discussing this, it is not an argument we should be making.
    I wish the conference well and support the efforts being made by the British and Somali government.


  17. Hi Matt Baugh
    and confrence holder

    As u know Somalia became independent from the UK on 26 June 1960 and Italian Somaliland became independent from the Italian-administered UN trusteeship. on July 1, 1960, the Somali Republic was formed. We can´t accept beyond of this. Italy have allready published its probose that saying Somali must be under trusteship dor some years, that is lost dream which Somali people will never accept. And UK made the biggest mistake then ever when u divided Somalia for five parties. DONT MAKE OTHER MISTAKE AGAIN. You must respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia and for our inalienable right to independent existence.
    To insure the security Somalia needs to rebiult its security forces. We also need good leedership. No trusting IGAD and our neigbouring countries such as Kenya and Ethiopia. NO YES MAN. I hope this confrence will be the last one, and Somalia will be PEACE insha allaah.


    Alibashir Hersi
    Chairman of Somali United party

  18. Dear Matt
    You have highlighted few important and overlapping issues in your opening statement. I would like to comment on three points.
    Firstly, the role of AMISON needs to be clearly defined and timed. It should focus to assist Somali security forces with the process of restoring and enforcing law and order. It is not clear if this is the case now. The STG must also set out a clear national security strategy detailing the mission of AMISON and how is supporting Somali people.
    Secondly, a new and deadly version of clan based war wickedly disguised as Somaliland administration and subjected to innocent civilians from neighbouring clans. The Somaliland army is currently conducting frequent attacks against Dhulbahante (Darood sub-clan) civilians in Buuhoodle area. This dreadful ethnic cleansing crimes and ongoing massacres of Dhulbahante civilians inside Dhulbahante clan territory have been unfolding as you organise this important conference. It is unfortunate that your office did not comment on these appalling and inhumane killings of innocent civilians perpetrated by Somaliland’s present authority. The latest attack was yesterday and Somaliland army slaughtered yet another 21 civilians who are defending their lives, families and homes. Ridiculously cynical irony is de facto Somaliland regime that solely authorised and fully responsible for these tragic crimes against humanity is spreading cheap and groundless propaganda by calling its victims a militia group in a desperation to cover-up its acts of terror. This is latest version of filthy clan/ethnic wars in northern Somalia.
    Finally, the security of Somali civilians is provided by their clans or ethnic groups. It is changing for better in Mogadishu for the first time in twenty years. However, it is important to build on the existing clan based security. The heinous trend of clan wars said above is akin to gunpoint democracy without any principles driven by policies that only serve particular clan’s interests to detriment of clans it is subjected to. Adequate understanding and urgent prevention of this trend of violence will safe further displacement chaos and humanitarian crisis in Somalia.

  19. Hi Matt,

    The problem of the Somali people should be seen from a regional perspective. I do believe that the partition of the Somali homeland is the original sin and raison d’etre of the current situation we find ourselves in. The collapse of the Somali state is directly linked to the British-led division of the Somalis into various mini-parts. There is a historical injustice of great proportion here. Unless, the historical grievances of the Somalis are genuinely addressed by the international community, a lasting solution of the Horn of Africa problem is far off. Thanks

  20. This is not the first time an international conference is hold for the somalia. Many conferences were held in the past. The question is what we have learned for these conferences and how we could avoid the mistakes that have been done in organising these meetings. As far as I am concerned simply calling a conference does not fix the somalia problem. As we have seen from the agenda of this conference, I do not think there would be any different outcome. Already the agenda is not set by Somali, but by foreign parties to the problem in the current somalia. I fully understand the current somalia problems concern, security, piracy, al-shabab, building institutions. However, this is the by-products and outcomes of the deep-rooted somalia problems. If we are discussing in this conference about the problems that have materialised as a result of the collapse of somalia statehood in the beginning of 90s, it does amount to dealing with the superficial treament of the problem rather than addressing the core issues.

    Somalia collapsed because of the injustice committed on the people. There is no gaurantee that these injustice would not be committed again. A case in example is the atrocity that was committed against the Somaliland people in 1988. This is a fact no one should deny it. As a result of this atrocity, the somaliland people have decide to establish their own state. I do not think so some people have to force the somaliland people to join a somalia in a condition that had made possible for atrocity we had witnessed. The current somalia conference first of all should try to reconcile the parties currently fighting in southern somalia. The somaliland people should be given their right to decide whether to be a part of the somalia. Somali people do not inhabite the present somalia.The question of greater somalia is a matter to be solved after peace is achieved in southern somalia. This conference should only try to solve the problem of southern somalia. Somaliland should also participate and try to encourage their brothers and sisters in the south to come up with a last long solution. However, as some people have done here, if they want to dictate the agenda to the somali people, I do not think this conference would achieve anything fruitfull. Somaliland has its own history as independent nation. The people of this region has decided to take their independence after they found out that their human rights would not be respected within the somalia republic. Brother and sisters please come up with your own agreement to end the war in southern somalia and respect the decision of the somaliland. otherwise the confernece would not be any difference than any other one held for somalia in the past.

    1. Dear Ambassador,

      This noble initiative by the British government to organise and hold this Conference on Somalia is commendable. I mean if it all concerns bringing peace to “Somalia” only. The Roadmap as devised by the Special Representative is a non-starter and it will never work. My bet is that it will complicate the situation and further undermine the small successes reached recently by AMISOM.

    2. Security
      The answers are simple, the implementation is the problem. On the issue of security it boils down to money, just as one would assume. Looking at the evolution of both pirate organizations and militant Islamist groups in Somalia, both started out as fillers of a societal vacuum. Piracy followed earnest efforts by maritimers in Somalia to protect their coastline. Then they quickly realized that they could make much more money from ransoms than from issuing fishing licenses and trespassing fines (which was futile since there wasn’t even an infrastructure to do so). Militant groups arose to bring about a semblance of a legal system; however, as with any place suffering from anarchy, those with the greatest ambitions as well as the largest guns hijacked these efforts and redirected them for their own gains.
      Strengthen the Somali armed forces both land and navy by offering (as well as monitoring) the pay and training of a functional coast-guard and military. I believe you will find many pirates and Jihadis switching occupations, the ones left are the criminals.
      Offering competitive pay and training for the Somali armed forces has a two-fold effect. It drains the recruiting pool of young men and women who would otherwise fall prey to militancy, extremism and piracy. It also enables the development of the rule of law as it provides the means to enforce the law which is almost non-existent today. Needless to say this will require incredible oversight and total third-party control of the money as very few members of Somalia’s current government can be trusted with little more than their own salary.
      Also to DE-legitimize the mission statement of Islamist groups the Somali government must adopt a correctly interpreted version of Shariah Law into the legal system. Most Somalis support this idea, to resist would only fuel Islamist justifications to continue an armed struggle. The key to taking the wind out of their sails also lies in the development of a domestic armed force rather than relying on neighbouring armed forces which are seen as invaders and only adds more fuel to the fire. Somalis are torn because as much as they may dislike Al-Shabaab, they dislike (perceived Christian) Ethiopian and Kenyan troops on Somali soil even more.
      So in recap, replace AMISOM troops in a facilitated transition period by redirecting funding to the Somali armed forces and Coast Guard, adopt a sharia based judicial and legal system, and for the love of god hold on to the money and never let it get into the hands of those in power, because if they aren’t corrupt now, several million dollars will surely do the trick.
      It is increasingly clear (if not blaringly apparent) that a constituency based system is the way forward. The assumption by some states that they can somehow achieve sovereignty while denying groups within these very regions of the same option is just illogical, if not unjust. With regards to south Somalia a decentralized constituency based solution is preferable because it allows for a systematic bottom-up approach with each area self-determining their route for stability as well as electing their representatives. It allows those who can work together to work together, and those who can’t to find somewhere or someone they can. However this is a difficult proposition since Somalia’s clans are not neatly compartmentalized into set areas and are and in some cases living side by side or completely interspersed in some regions. As you can discern it clearly is a clan based constituency that I believe will eventually take precedent since even those denouncing a clan based system will quickly refer to seeking guidance from their “elders” which is simply a watered down title of clan-leader. Nevertheless it will ultimately be a discussion discerning between major clan lines and which of those can work together. A federal system would encourage each group that ascends to some level of power in their area to also demand statehood, resulting in city-states which would then fracture into neighbourhood states and so on. Anyhow I’m no political expert but whatever system would allow an extremely fractured population to work together cohesively would be beneficial. I think Britain has some clues on how to fix this.

  21. Dear Matt and all,
    To improve the security situation for ordinary people is morally and ethically is crucial. However, sending AMISON or any other military intervention is not the solution. In my humble view the problem is not about the ordinary people who are creating insecurity and instability but it is the worldlords who are now pretending to be politician. Many of them are from overseas including Britian. They families and children are living in Europe and America. In addition, although there are a lot of good done by the International Community but I my view UN, Arab League, African Uninion and so called IGAD failed again and again. Therefore, the only solution to create sustainable peace and stability it is paramout for Britian to take the lead politically, morally and ethically by directly telling as it is to TFG that they are the main obstacle to peace and stability. Why? i) Ordernary Somali people did not selected TFG so they can not be representative to them ii) They have not come up tangible strategy or formula. For example, why could not they open authentic debate and discussion with the key players who are creating insecurity rather than politically creating more distruction and hatred among their fellow Somali?
    iii) Yes, no individual should be above the law but what is the point if TFG itself are not law abidding civil servants when they are themselves do not lost their legal and moral compas? They should be accountable to predetermined international and local legal obligation and if the International community are putting blind eye on the suffering, killing innocent people what hope is there ‘…create an environment in which a political process can flourish and effective governance can be extended across the country?
    iv) Britain should carefully monitor each and every TFG and other self-made individuals who are directly and telling the International Community one story to get financial support and military support but completely are bunch of useless who can not even control their own children that they left in Europe and America let alone their nations.
    Please, British Gov and International community do not be fooled by the TFG by their liers and skillful emotional blackmail.
    Lastly, Somali people know each other like the back of their hand, they know those who are danger to their nation and people through clan and tribal sytem but in my view unless tribal leaders are involved part of the peace process there will never be peace and security in Somali. The reason is this is the political key to start create a flourishing peace in Somalia and beyond. For example, if every tribe without coercion chooses their representative like they did in Somaliland, rather than supporting a worlords who have no moral compass except his own self interest then we can start to talk about the concept of peace. I wish every success for the British Gov. for facilitating this noble course. Of course that is only if there is not vested interest. Likewise, I would say to the Somali people who are participating in this peace process please and please think outside the box, put all your differences aside and let the peace and beuaty of the Somali people previal.
    Think about the innocent human beings who with no fault dieing everyday, think about the shame, humilation and bad name that you are giving to not only yourselves but to the name of humankind. Please and please think rationally rather than following your desires and inclination like animals.
    Think about creating peace and prosperity in your country. Think about what you can achieve in peace and stability compare to anarchy and clan conflics. Thinking about helping each other for the sake of peace and security for your children and grand children. Look beyond your tribal or political affiliations.
    Hold your heads high and forgive each other rather than being hostile to each other. Think about how the world helping you politically, financially and morally. Come on guys this is not about x or y this is about saving human lives. This is about your children and grand children’s future. Look how Britain and other countries unreservedly helped Somali community who were not save in their own country. Ready the history of Europe particularly, continental struggle, the Thirty Years War (1618- 1648) that devastated seventeenth-century Europe, the 20th Century two War World that killed millions of peaople and destroyed towns and countryside alike in Europe and beyond. Read the horrible history of Africa particularly the slave trade, colonial era and current civil wars – how human being were treating one another.
    Think about how lack of security is destroying the lively hood many nation in the World, Syria, Afganistan, Iraq just to name few. Wake up my fellow Somalis and please and please give peace and prosperity a chance. Walk the walk (rather just talking the talk (ficil sameeya intii aad hadal uun wadi lahaydeen). I have said what I have say. It is over to you.
    London UK.

  22. Dear Matt,
    Firstly, a Big Thank you for our British goverment who demonstrated some leadership in this matter.
    It is sad to hear from many Somalis the dispute between them instead of seeing the bigger picture and focussing issues raised in this blog.
    Indeed you have raised very important questions and my comments regarding these will be as follows:

    The missions of AU in Somalia and Amisom has totally failed and needs totaly different approach. Somalia is in situation which is worse than during colonisation and needs an enhanced, sincere political rescue.
    I believe that there is need of having a mandate from the UN to appoint a country that could prepare the restoration of suitable Somali political process in aperiod of 5 to 10 years as the situation is far more complex and difficult than even before the Somali independence. With the mandate of UN this country will work closely with Somali intelectuals, nationalists, traditional elders, politicians and international communities in order to develop a sustainable political process. The international communties will need to provide the resources to make this strategy work including security and economical resources. You have rightly pointed that there will not be a stability without a sustainable political process. TFG has failed because its foundation was wrong as it is based on warlords, and clan system instead of capacity, skills, knowledge and experience and most important national interest. Majority of TFG people is driven by personal interest and they lack the capcity to lead the country into a sustainable political process. People need to learn from the last 21 years and we should not contibue something that is not working. Al-shabaab and piracy are the result of the political vacuum and when this is in the right path they could be dealt in a much more effective way. As a resident of UK and a European citizen who lived in other EU countries, I know that UK can do this in a successful manner if they have the right intention. UK is leading the world on issues regarding human rights, equality and diversity and there is great interest in Somalia’s security and stability as it became now a global issue.

    I wish the conference to be a successful one which can provide a lasting legacy and thus a different one than the previous ones.

    Founder and Managing Director of Somali Development Services Ltd
    Leicester, UK

  23. Hi Matt thanks for providing us an opportunity to air our opinion relating the scheduled Somali conference in London on 23rd February 2012. Basing my views the two themes that you suggested namely, AMISOM and Justice and Security in Somalia.
    In my opinion Amisom forces in Mogadishu have done a great job to safe guard the government of Somalia and the key important positions such as the Adan Ade Airport and the port of Mogadishu and the presidential place (Villa Somalia). It will have been impossible for Somali’s and international community to talk about peace and security in Somalia, particularly Mogdishu without the support of AMISOM Forces. Therefore, I will believe the majority of ordinary people who love peace and respect will be great full for the work of AMISOM and it will be remembered after the people nation recovers from the war trauma. Somali’s have failed to run their country peacefully and respect their neighbours who have extended a helping hand during the civil war from 1991 up to present. the international community have given us a chance to reconcile among us in more than 14 international hosted conferences, but the Somali people have always failed to address the really issues and divide among their selves clans and sub clans and start fighting among each another without respecting their vulnerable citizens.
    Justice and Security
    In relation to justice and security, I believe Somali people and its nation deserves to receive capacity building support from the international communities and the stake holders of the 23rd February 2012 conference lead by the British government. I believe the Somali people are lacking educated and skilled work force that can run the country without relying on clan affiliation but solely rely on their education and the rule of governance and I will suggest that the following elements should be considered in the conference in order to achieve peace and stability for a future Somalia:

    • To train national skilled police force with criteria of age and their education
    • To build fair and free judiciary system which regulated by the culture and tradition of the people
    • To build prisons and train prison soldiers who know their role and responsibility
    • To train Somali national army and marines with the appropriate and necessary equipments to overtake the role of AMISOM once peace and stability is restored
    • To develop criteria to whom can hold key positions of future Somali Government such as president, minister, police commission and chief of the army by looking their education, age and experience to work with the Somali people and the international community
    • To allow civilians and citizens to return to their rightful properties in Mogadishu and elsewhere in the country without fear of clan domination

  24. The Failure of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former SNM Militia Leader Ahmed Mohamed “Siilaanyo” To Prosecute War Crimes in Somalia
    War Criminal Ahmed Silanyo

    Bye: SSC Diaspora (Khatumo State of Somalia)

    (People from SSC Regions of Somalia)
    SSC-Somalia: War criminal Exposed.

    Silanyo’s Tribal Militiamen Bandits in SSC War Criminal Silanyo yesterday War Criminal Mohamed Ahmed Kahin
    War crimes are serious violations of the laws applicable in armed conflict (Also known as International humanitarian law) giving rise to individual criminal responsibility. Examples of such conduct includes “murder, the ill-treatment or deportation of civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave labor camps”, “the murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war”, the killing of hostages, “the wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages, and any devastation not justified by military, or civilian necessity”.[

    The atrocities committed during the Rwanda Genocide impelled the world to cry “never again.” The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) was set up in 1994 to prosecute and convict the individuals responsible for those horrific actions. “Never again,” however, lasted less than 10 years.

    The civil war breakup of the Somali Democratic Republic in 1991 brought inter-clan violence to the territories of this republic. A surge of tribalism and tribal-demarcation upon the demise of clannish in Somalia was the root of this violence. Somalia was a Socialist country composed of many tribal groups and, in most tribes, no one clan group dominated. For example, Daaroods were the majority group in Puntland, Northern SSC Regions, Lower Juba regions, NFD (Kenya), Ogden (Ethiopia), and Hawiye were the majority in Central and some area of southern regions. Isaaqs were the majority in West Northern regions. However, members of the same clan group were often separated by the political borders of the regions. One by one, the tribes proclaimed their territorial border from other tribes; the conflicts became more violent and many atrocities were committed. Most shocking were the numerous violations of human rights and crimes against humanity; in scale and scope, the killing of members of other tribe groups was so systematic that it often resembled genocide.

    The people from Northern SSC region had experienced such clan genocide tragedy when the Mohamed Ahmed Siilaanyo the leader of SNM (Isaaq Tribe) it proclaimed secessionism of so called “Somaliland” from the Somali republic, the SSC people it faced an insurgency and genocide in the Erigavo, Kalshale, widhiwidh, and Buhodle City to day (Feb.2st.2012).The SSC regions are composed of a majority of sub-clan Dhulbahants and Warsanghels from Daarood tribe. SNM has also retaliated killing innocent Awdal State people of Samaroons.

    Mohamed Ahmed Siilaanyo and his lieutenants had committed rape, murder and sexual violence to the peaceful people of SSC Regions of Somalia;

    Kalshale genocide survivors said warlord Mohamed Ahmed Siilaanyo and his lieutenants has allegedly helped trained, fund and arm used a barbaric campaign of terror to destabilize USP unionist regions of Somalia with the aim of taking control of these regions under his secessionist tribal state of so called “Somaliland”.

    Acts of torture, beatings, rape, and other abuses of suspects and prisoners by warlord Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo’s tribal-militiamen forces continue to take place in SSC regions. Conditions in prisons and detention centers remain harsh and life-threatening. The warlord’s use of arbitrary arrest and detention is increasing significantly, particularly following fighting in the SSC regions between local Unionists and the SNM Secessionists, which also contributed to an increase in peace instability for these regions.. Freedom of movement has deteriorated greatly due to actions by Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo’s militiamen, armed bandits, and tribal secessionist rebels.

    In Laascaaood and a number of other towns, civilians find themselves at the mercy of brutal and ill-tribal militiamen forces. The War Criminal Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo’s tribal-guard in particular has been implicated in a number of cases of rape, arbitrary arrest, and assault.

    Current SNM Bandits Leader war criminal Mohamed Abdullahi (Jidhif)

    Unless the International Communities takes immediate action to put an end to this culture of impunity, human rights violations will continue to take place in ssc regions on a widespread scale.
    Over the last 10 years, the international community has spent billions of dollars as well as countless hours of humanitarian initiatives in an effort to maintain the peace in Somalia. But crimes against peace have steadily increased, costing millions of lives while serious human rights abuses continue unabated across the SSC regions of Somalia.

    Besides, on early 1996, civil groups in Africa, including the African Human Rights Organizations, came out in support of calls for stiff sanctions against Somali war criminals and warlords in Somalia’s 20-year -old civil war. Affiliations; and the trial must be held simply because it’s just and it’s right. It is, therefore, incumbent upon each and every human being of conscience, as a matter of moral imperative, to be fully engaged in this basic issue of justice. To do otherwise we will have been derelict in our moral duty.

    Clearly there are identifiable individuals in this category like Ahmed Mohamed (Siilaanyo) and his Lieutenants Muuse Biixi Cabdi, Colonel Mohamed Abdullahi (Jidhif Colonel Dahir Riyale Kahin, Colonel Mohammed Kahin, Dhagaweyne and Ali Gurey we will do everything possible to expose.

    Finally, the question of war crimes trial should be based on moral ground; and believes of human rights.

    Bye: SSC Diaspora from North America, Pacific and European Union

  25. For your first question I do not think AMISOM could secure south of Somalia, rather than african countries like to continue misery in south of Somalia, so their army will be sponsored continuesly by the west including UK tax payer.
    The best way international community can support is that through British Somaliland which can secure south of Somalia, as you are aware historically Britain take over italian forces from south of Somalia with help of British Somaliland protectorate, therefore that task would be possible.

    Regarding your second question by helping existing stable authorities by its security and justice system will be way forward, but the questions coming from your second question is

    A) how you can help with corrupted TFG who even can not even manage their parliament?

    B) Where is the legitimacy comes from when you look somaliland? how internationally can be valid judical system without recognition?
    therefore recognition of Somaliland will be for international interest other wise their rule either for pirates or terrorists will be as jungle law!!.

    1. Somalia is suffering from cancer called tribalism .The concept to which the word tribalism frequently refers is the possession of a strong cultural or ethnic identity that separates one member of a group from the members of another group.The quiestion is what is the cure for this tribalism.? Somaliland is fair and has a working political system, government institutions, a police force and its own currency but all means nothing without peace.
      Somalia needs to talk to the Peace Committee for Somaliland and learn from them.

      There is a general consensus among the khatumo state and SSC No peace and No cooperation and without cooperation theirs no agreement,no agreement leads to jungle lawless state.

      I wish all the best for Somalia and Somaliand
      May allah make this land peacfull again.

  26. Hello,

    Whoever reads the comments here can understand how serious is the crisis of Somalia and indeed Somalis at large. I was shocked to see so many people who are after over 20 years so obsessed about Somaliland and its departure. Why can’t we first focus on the bigger picture and the fact that Somalia is in danger of a total wipe out? Why are we ignoring the good things that our sisters and brothers in Somaliland have done for their country and draw lessons from their success? Why can’t we make sure not to miss this great opportunity offered to us by Britain?.

    We in Somalia need help from the world community and we must accept when there is a hand extended by a friendly nation. If we just abuse each other in front of the international community and demean each other then we shall only go into deeper problems. Let us forget Somaliland and think what we can do for Somalia. People in the North are the ones who initiated the whole union. If they decided to leave the same union now then no one can do anything about it. We should only wish them best luck. Those who do not accept this should not enlist their names under Somalia because we do not want to be seen as enemy by Somais in the North.


    1. Somalis needs Confidence-Building measures, that leads to peace within themselves. The question is how can we build confidence in Somalia and indeed with Somalis? We have seen in Northern Somalia (Somaliland and Puntland) got together under the tree in their own way of resolving problems. Somalis have their own way of coping mechanism that needs to be incorporated not alienated.

      On the issue of security, it is vital to have security in place to have any system working. Let us strengthen the Somali security forces increase their number, train and give them all the necessary equipments/tools. Giving them incentives will help their confidence. In the events of out-doing Al-Shabab and gaining new grounds, promote to those perform better. Give them individual awards to the best and bravest solders/officers as a recognition in the society and morale boosting. Building bridges between the Somalis in general and their forces are required.
      With respect to foreign troops (AMISOM, Ethiopians, Kenyans) greater cooperation between themselves and between the Somali forces and the foreign troops are necessary.
      There are regions in Somalia that have established their administrations let us focus them and reward their achievements provided that the aid is used its desired purposes. There has been allegations that Somaliland uses aid money for military purposes, thus greater accountability must be in place to ensure whether the aid is used as its intended purposes. UK and others needs to help convince the se-called Somaliland that they are part and parcel of Somalia, hence cooperation is required between themselves and their neighbours. Having Puntland and Somaliland cooperation will open a different dimension in Somalia politics, since they are both stable relative to South-Centaral Somalia, and nearly comprise 2/3 of Somalia.

      Mohamod Ibrahim.
      London UK.

  27. Dear Matt,

    Please see my advice below.
    Short term solutions.
    -The UN must Lift army embargo Somalia. UK, EU and USA must support the Somali army and give them the right tools, and they will finish the job.
    -build strong Somali army(10.000 men and women from Puntland and Somaliland could enjoy now with the TFG army in Mogadishu)
    -Help Puntland building a strong coastal marine force to respond pirates on the land.
    -Don’t wait any more and announce how you want help Puntland to build coastal marine force and how you want to finance it. one more advice on this issue (Ask your friends from the Golf regions to finance this project).
    Relocate your Office in Mogadishu:
    All donor countries embassies who is now dealing with the TFG must be relocate in Mogadishu by end of juni 2012

    Long term solutions.
    Political process.
    The Somali govt must design a way forward for democracy, creating multi-party system. no late than dec2013.
    AMISON should leave the country by end of 2013

  28. Somalia is bereft of basic justice system. Your law schools are so expensive that the average Somali cannot afford. How do you provide training for future Somali lawyers should be part of the conference.

    AMISOM and TFG need aerial support to crush Alshabab.

  29. I agree with your above comments. Security and justice are foundations of stable and strong government. Security is improving slowly and the obstacle to peace seems to be more on the Muhajireen Shababs and their loyal Somali friends than your typical Somali Alshabab fighter. Muhajireens are the foreign elements within Alshabab

  30. I know full well the U.K is staunchly anti-puntland but it doesn’t matter because we will have a 2 trillion dollar oil revenue soon because the first oil drilling has just begun in our state and we will build our own infrastructure. Puntland will remember turkey, dubai, yemen and to smaller extent the U.S who funds, trains and arms our Puntland Intelligence Service.

    The U.K has never given one cent of development to Puntland and that will not be forgotten

    1. Mr Ali xeeb you are not from Puntland, you are just imitate what you are not. please stop your propaganda.

  31. Dear Mr Mark as you already known Somalia is one country.

    Officially the Puntland State of Somalia (region in northeastern somalia), Somaliland( Hargaisa area) and Khatumo state of Somalia(Sool, Sanag and Ayn) are all autonomous states. It is very knowledgeable about so called Somaliland autonomous state still in civil war against Khatumo state of Somalia.

    Thank you for your time.

  32. Dear Matt Ensure any aid given to the Somaliland administration is used solely for humanitarian purposes. Some of the aid money has up until now been misappropriated to purchase weapons and used against SSC and Awdal people. Unfortunately there appears to be little international recognition of this ongoing genocide. Any development projects that have taken place have only done so in the SNM towns. So when the UN or NGOs visit they can be shown a positive slant and conceal the fact that no resources have been spent outside region which they claim to control. At the same time Hargeisa administrations have been given excessive access to the airwaves to propagate their deceitful slant on events and hide their crimes on the population of lasanod and buhoodle.

  33. maxaa somaliland keenay kuwaana ingiris markey maqlaan wey soo nikiyaan naga fariista UK provide more support for amisom help somalia TFG build strong army and police stop giving money to those corrupt mps they are abusing their power they are warlords un-educated bunch of old men who do nothing but stealing and waiting for little handouts we had enough of alshabab butchers we want peace and unity thank you

  34. Dear Mr Mark as you already known my country of somalia is suffering very much from both man created disasters and also natural ones @ beginning we had a kind of government no matter what was different of integration was but now my people had lot of hard ship I am not saying that its good to cut our heads and ask you for bandage@ the first hand , however, I feel u had your Agenda and solution towards this lost nation of my crazy people who distracted their nation into thousand tiny states as to convince the anger and hatred against one tripe to an other. . I don,t want to ask. You to fuel the flame of horn of Africa but some east and horn of africa invaded my country and reason is the somalia,s madness of disintegration and divisions .although as have already mentioned you have your agenda at same time what you asking us is little bit obvious nevertheless, do what your decision makers went you do . My suggestion is somalia is one nation no tiny states no provinces I went my country back to universe wht so ever it takes . Thank you rgards Rashid Bacalul

  35. Well Matt,

    For us citizens of the Republic of Somaliland, the answer to the two issues you have highlighted are:
    1. Not applicable
    2. Not applicable

  36. Dear Baugh
    It is of the utmost importance that the new Khaatimo State of Somalia is invited to the conference in its own right as a State that comprises the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC). If the conference is to be representative and transparent, two essential requirements for its success for bringing peace and stability to Somalia, then its sine qua none that the Khaatimo State of Somalia is invited.

    Of course, our neighbours in the secessionist enclave calling itself Somaliland would scream since they see the SSC regions( now the Khaatimo State) as land bequeathed to them by the British colonial government on its departure. They may threaten to stay away from the conference unless they get their way. Britain knows better than any other country in the world, as the former colonial power, that no one clan in Somalia can claim ownership to another clan’s territory and should tell the secessionists so in no uncertain terms.

    Britain should also ensure that its generous aid to the enclave is not used to deny, suppress and commit atrocities against other clans as part of its hegemony and misguided aspiration to establish a state based on the former British colony’s borders.

  37. Dear Matt Baugh,

    Somalia needs a bottom up approach, its difficult to get positive results in Somalia untill reconciliation starts right at the bottom, where neighbors in a village reconcile, then neighbors in a city, then neighbours in a state then finally neighbours at the national level. But when neighbors in a village haven’t even reconciled it’s a bit much to ask for them to sit down genuinely and talk about national matters.

    Somalia’s only cure can be reconcilation at the bottom-layers and working up until the national level. Somalia’s religion, culture and traditions needs to also be taken into consideration since on the ground this is what most people follow.

    Somalia’s main issues are tribal ones, any solution that doesn’t answer this is doomed to fail. The war today in Somalia may appear to have religious over-tones, however when assessed their is an underlying clan over-tone that is hidden. For example the Islamist groups all share the same extreme form of islam yet their divided into groups such as Hisbul Islam, Ras Kamboni, Shabab, etc.Its quite clear what divided then is not the extreme interpretation they have of islam, but clan factors.

    Somalis in-general before colonialism, lived united but autonomous where each clan took care of it’s own territory and people. This can only be best replicated under a federal united Somalia. When the colonial era came they implemented their own central based system which gave one city everything and everybody else nothing. This made locals view the central government as a by-product of a clan and it incited clan anomousity.

    The clan anomousity was already occuring right after indepedence at 1960 where somalis had enlisted over 100 parties all of which represented clan interests, their were attempts of coups, and finally resistance groups in the late 70s till the 90s.

    As for the Somaliland issue, The solution their proposing of dividing the nation will not solve Somalia problems but only add to it. Colonial borders are not what somalis are fighting about, noone at the local level cares which country colonized where. The Colonialism system is the very system that laid the foundation for Somalia’s civil war when everything was politically, militarily, economically, socially located at mogadishu.

    For Somaliland to suggest to solve Somalia’s issues is to go back to colonialism is obviously not what any sane person would propose. There is also the legality of the issue, Somalia united as one country voluntarily in 1960 and both areas indepedence days were sychronized for hargeisa it was the 26th of june and Mogadishu the 1st of July. This was planned years before and mutually agreed upon.

    Economically Hargeisa was never discriminated against in Somalia, it was the second largest city after mogadishu. All Somaliland infrastructure today is what the previous Somalia governmentt built such as the ports, airports, roads, water networks. These basic economic infrastructure didn’t exist in other parts of Somalia such as Puntland where it was even referred to by somalis as “un-reachable”.

    Politically the Isaaq enjoyed all the powers that other clans enjoyed. They had senior officers in the army, they were prime minister, held major portfolios within the government. Ethnically they are no different to other somalis infact the people who live in Bay and Bakool are ethnically, culturally, and linguistically more different to Somalis yet they are not calling for separation of the nation.

    The War-Crime argument they putting forth is no different to when Somalia Military Government genocided areas of mudug province of Puntland, yet Puntland remains staunchly pro-union and pro-somalia. Its no different to the genocides that occurred in Baydhabo by USC militias loyal to Mohamed Farah Aideed, its no different to when a section of somalis were genocided in the capital city in 1991 by USC Clan militants.

    Infact the SNM movement itself has blood on its own hands where senior milita commanders such as Lihle, Dhegaweyne and many others genocided people on clan basis. The Hargeisa administration till this day calls heros those commanders and even praise people such as Hassan Kulmiye Farah in Hargeisa who were part and parcel of the Military Regime yet they demonize other clans who were part of the military authority.

    So its very clear for all to see their agenda is a clan based one concealed under colonial premises with a sprinkle of ” genocide” to entice the world to act upon their hidden clan objectives. But Thankfully the UK govt is not blind and can see through it!!!

    Even if the nation is divided, the clan factor will just continue in Somaliland where other clans in that area are vehemently opposed to it such as the Awdal and SSC areas. The SSC area can have a spill over effect to Puntland and create an all out clan war.

    The Somaliland administration is also clan based where 66% of the parliament is from the Isaaq clan and 80% of the government post is for the Isaaq clan. Anyone who is rational can see that doesn’t seem like a government that will last long in peace with it neighbours.

    Finally the piracy issue the best solution is to provide support to the Puntland government in creating an effective coast-guard to protect it’s waters from local piracy and also illegal fishing.

    Piracy can not only be stopped by naval fleets around the world since they don’t have access to where the pirates are coming from. It cannot even be stopped by mogadishu or hargeisa administration because 90% of the pirates are based in Puntland’s jurisdictions and due to somalia’s clan based territories other administrations cannot go access areas of other clan’s territory without a local uprising or even clan war.

    Puntland is situated at the redsea and indian ocean channels which is one of the main factors why piracy exists there and not in other parts of Somalia. No Administration in Somalia controls 1600km of Somalia’s 3300km coastline other then Puntland.To ignore this is not going to solve the issue of piracy.

    The main factors that caused piracy is well known; It is the lack of a strong coastal coast-guard policing it’s waters, a total absense of road infrastructure to reach coastal areas by authorities, local grievances who feel they are not getting any opportunities for development and the strong illegal fishing crisis happening in Puntland.

    The above factors is what made it so lucrative for pirates to base themselves in Puntland because they are working in the most strategic part of somalia coastline and have access to half of Somalia coastline to conduct their activities and one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.

    The pirates have gained local support to base themselves in their towns due to the local grievance in coastal communities to illegal fishing which is robbing them of their livlihood. The Pirates know full well the lack of local development in the coastal area has made locals think its better to host pirates and finally the pirates have full knowledge knowing they have no threats from local authorities since they know the authorities on land cannot respond quick enough due to the lack of coastal roads, lack of a strong coastal guard, and the local grievances against illegal fishing and lack of development.

    The UK needs to make sure they answer the following if piracy is to be truly defeated;
    1. Win back the locals in the coastal areas with development opportunities so they see that as better alternative then hosting pirates.
    2. Help Puntland build a strong coastal force to respond to pirate bases on-land, this will also give locals coastal community job opportunities.
    3. Puntland Coastal Guard needs to also deal with the illegal fishing as part of it’s mandate so the pirates cannot use this to win over local fishermen
    4. UK government needs to tell the international community Somalia waters need to be protected and pass legislations at the U.N.
    5. Puntland Govt needs to re-educate the locals not to host the pirates since all the issues they were upset about such as illegal fishing, lack of development and no coastal guard would be answered.

    The above formula is the only way to deal with piracy and eradicate it, because it answers many of the factors above and it does in a way taking into consideration realities on the ground. To build a coastal force in Mogadishu or Hargeisa wont stop the issue and the pirates will use the clan card to garner support from the locals and it will be back to square one again.

    So the only way to end piracy is to work with the Puntland government and coastal communities anything other then that, we will still be holding piracy conferences in 2030!!!

  38. To those who hate somaliland and stabillty of the region.
    UK and rest of the world knows and knew how you killed, raped and torgered our innocent people, we are not like you, we forgave you, let your crimminal actions to be a history. There is one thing that we will never ever allow and happen, No more Mogadisho, No more unification with Somalia, No more massacre. You can’t ignore reallity on the ground so forget Somaliland please.
    Listen this story, it is about somaliland man who fought for and helped the people of great Britain during world war 2, he got nothing from UK goverment, he is age now and Lives BURCO, second largest city of somaliland. He was one of great Heros in PURMA war. His Name and Number is Mohamed Nur Ismail , 1110007, Member of east african command, Somali battalion 71 KR. Here is his appeal to UK about recognising somaliland as independent country.

    I think UK goverment will hear his voice becouse he fought and wounded for their freedom during world war 2.

    Part 1 of his story
    part 2 of his story
    Part 3 of his story

    You- somaliland and Isaaq haters what you did for UK.

    Keep in mine most known

  39. Dear M Baugh
    Thank you very much for your kindly assistance to Somali people; you are such a wonderful, dedicated and kind-hearted man who could go an extra length to make others happy. At least that was evident on 23/01/2012 when you had to meat officials in Mogadishu for the sake and happiness of Somali people. I also would like to thank the British government`s effort towards Somalia whether its humanitarian aid, or reconciliation etc.
    I believe that British government alone can help Somali people, the evidence are the number of Somalis origins live in UK including me, comparing to other part of the world. Moreover, if i give my opinion I think it was good idea to invite Somali factions, as well UN, EU, AU, however, inviting the so called Islamic conference, and Arab league, I believe the conference is better without them. Finally many thanks for your every time help, good-natured support and for always being there. You are very much appreciated for your time, unrelenting efforts, and encouragements. Honestly, you’ve made an impact.”

  40. Dear Matt
    May I draw your attention to clan based authorities who currently receive British aid and overtly deploy oppressive policies and gunpoint democracy against other Somali clans simply because they do not share their political view? Current regime in Somaliland is perfect example. It has repeatedly ordered armed attacks against civilians in Buuhoodle and Laascaanood as recent as last week. As you may know these racially motivated attacks are partially assisted by British aid. The recurring bloodshed of civilians committed by Somaliland’s regime has exposed its hypocritical and two-faced political agenda. To tirelessly campaign for democratic rights of certain clans and launch armed attacks and indiscriminately slaughter other clan’s who are defending their home, their freedom and political rights. These attacks are unproved and brutal violation of human rights.
    The clan/ethnic extremism is as deadly and destructive as religious extremist. They are both blinded by misguided and distorted hate for particular clan, race, faith or political ideology. This is an important factor in understanding and finding a realistic and sustainable solution to lawlessness in parts of Somalia.

  41. Dear Matt
    May I draw your attention to clan based authorities who currently receive British and overtly deploy oppressive policies and gunpoint democracy against other Somali clans simply because they do not share their political view? Current regime in Somaliland is perfect example. It has repeatedly ordered armed attacks against civilians in Buuhoodle and Laascaanood as recent as last week. As you may know these racially motivated attacks are partially assisted by British aid. The recurring bloodshed of civilians committed by Somaliland’s regime has exposed its hypocritical and two-faced political agenda. To tirelessly campaign for democratic rights of certain clans and launch armed attacks and indiscriminately slaughter other clan’s who are defending their home, their freedom and political rights. These attacks are unproved and brutal violation of human rights.
    The clan/ethnic extremism is as deadly and destructive as religious extremist. They are both blinded by misguided and distorted hate for particular clan, race, faith or political ideology. This is an important factor in understanding and finding a realistic and sustainable solution to lawlessness in parts of Somalia.

  42. The Massacre in Las Anod
    Osman Hassan
    January 23, 2012

    The massacre that Somaliland’s occupation forces committed in Las Anod on Sunday 21 January 2012, in which a number of people were cold-bloodedly killed and many fatally wounded, may be the first of its kind. But it is only part of the wider crimes against humanity which the one-clan secessionist enclave calling itself “Somaliland” had adopted as their instruments of occupation and suppression since they occupied the capital city and other parts of the Khaatumo State of Somalia (formerly SSC) in October 2007.

    Outsiders may only be aware of some headline-catching instances of the odious nature of this occupation. Just to mention some, memories are still fresh of what they did at Kalshaale in Feburary 2011 when their tanks chased and deliberately run over scores of SSC nomads in the area; or at Widhwidh when elders were rounded up and gunned down on the spot; or at Bali Hadhac when people sitting around an open air tea shop were over run by an armoured truck, killing several of them, including one pregnant woman; or their night assault on Buuhoodle town last week when their attacking militia opened fire indiscriminately on the sleeping residents, killing a number of them and wounding many others, not to speak of the considerable damage to properties.

    Much as these specific cases may generate greater shock, yet they are part of unpublicised daily violations of the human rights of the residents of the capital, including extra-judicial killings, rape, indiscriminate detentions without trial, kidnappings, curfews, intimidations, humiliations, the closure of schools and businesses etc. And it is through these egregious actions that the occupying authority use as part of their ethnic cleansing policy in order to force the local SSC population to flee from the city. Most of the displaced have found their way to the Somali refugee camps in Kenya.

    These widespread, systematic and inhumane practices by the secessionists against the people of the partially occupied Khaatimo State amount to crimes against humanity as enunciated in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Those in Somaliland who are associated with these practices, whether as leaders or perpetrators, are liable to be indicted at the ICC. If in the past the SSC people had been always on the receiving end, voiceless, powerless and helpless, this time they have their Khaatimo State of Somalia and their own regional government that would henceforth not only defend them physically but will also pursue justice against those in Somaliland who had committed crimes against their human rights.

    Somaliland’s make-belief that the Khaatimo State and clan regions in the north are their patrimony bequeathed to them by the former colonial power, or that the people in these regions are disposable at the behest of the ruling clan are part of the prevailing conventional wisdom in the enclave. No one articulates this chauvinistic ideology better than Abdi Waraabe, better known as Abdi the Hyena. He called the other day for the removal of the SSC people en masse from their regions unless they succumb to Hargeisa’s dictate. As the most senior citizen in the area and a member of their Parliament, he was simply echoing what their political, religious, traditional and the masses espouse and have been saying so ad nauseam.

    Coming back to the massacre at Las Anod on Sunday, this is the first time when the occupying Somaliland authority of Sool called for their army to shoot on sight kids and women demonstrators whose only crime was to oppose the occupation, wave the national flag of Somalia and shout slogans in support of Somalia and the establishment of the Khaatimo State of Somalia. Putting this heinous crime in its right perspective, one has to remember that the British colonial authority has never committed anything of this sort for all their 80 plus years rule of their former colony.

    Rather, this cowardly and unspeakable act of firing at peaceful and defenceless demonstrators is normally associated with fascist authorities or criminal outlaws. In particular, it has similarity with the infamous action of the government of South Africa during the Apartheid era when their police opened fire in March 1960 on unarmed black African demonstrators, killing many of them, in what has come to be known as the Sharpeville Massacre. This time, the Las Anod Massacre of women and kids was committed by no other than people we look upon as our own “brothers” in the secessionist enclave. Unfortunately, these are people for whom any association with Somalia or other Somalis is an anathema. Such relentless inhumane actions on the occupied from the SSC regions will only widen the unbridgeable gulf between the communities and make the emergence of a united people under a country by the name of Somaliland well neigh impossible.

    With the establishments of Awdal State, Makhir State and finally the Khaatimo State of Somalia, Somaliland is in a state of delirium and desperation as all the other clans it occupied as hostages to facilitate its recognition are slipping away one by one from its control and as it comes face to face with the demise of its phantom state. Desperate people invariably embark on desperate, destructive and self-defeating actions. This is how one should see their actions on the ground and their recent call to their people to bear arms, young and old, and fight the SSC people in order to nip the nascent Khaatimo State of Somalia in the bud.

    In contrast with the hostile and blood-curdling threats from Somaliland, the SSC people at their conference at Taleex, exercising their inalienable right to self-determination to establish their own State of Somalia, had affirmed their irreversible membership of Somalia, the supremacy of the central government of Somalia, under which the State comes, and their wish to live in peace with all their neighbours. While all other Somali clans and regions have supported the Khaatimo conference at Taleex, and welcomed the new Khaatimo State of Somalia, the exception has been the one-clan secessionist enclave. Their response is to call for an all-out attack on SSC people. When this threat is against regions and its people whom the international community consider as part and parcel of Somalia, the secessionists’ mindset is a throwback to the by-gone age of colonial gunboat dictations to the “natives”.

    Needless to say, the people of Khaatimo State of Somalia will defend their inalienable rights to run their own affairs through their own freely chosen regional institutions and liberate their occupied regions preferably by peaceful means but, failing that, by other means compatible with international and national laws. But at all times, they will defend their people and territory from all possible aggressions from the secessionists. The onus is therefore on them for plunging the region into a new conflagration that could draw other regions and clans.

    Hitherto, the international community, seeing the SSC people voiceless, occupied and subject of gratuitous dispute between Somaliland and Puntland chose to close their eyes and minds to the crimes Somaliland was committing in the SSC Now that the latter has their own State, on par with Somaliland and Puntland, the international community should no longer sit on the fence or look the other way.

    If peace is to be maintained, it behoves the international community, above all Great Britain and the USA, to use their considerable leverage over the enclave and persuade them that they consider the Khaatimo State as part of Somalia and as such Somaliland has no right to claim it let alone occupy it. For his part, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (SRSG) bears part of the secessions’ self-delusion when he recently told them for his own reasons that they deserve recognition as a country based on the borders of the former British colony. This amounts to giving away part of Somalia, but also the Khaatimo State on a plate. The least the SRSG can do for the sake of peace is to hitherto confine himself faithfully to his mandate which clearly requires him to defend Somalia’s unity and territorial integrity and not ingratiate himself with the secessionists.

    Osman Hassan
    Foreign Relations Commission
    Khaatimo State of Somalia
    Email: osman.hassan2

  43. i see alot of people they are talking about north somalia or ex somaliland administration, some somaliland web page they note the isaaq clan people to post this web their secessionists IDEA . so i see some of them they are talking out of topic please respect the issue and focus on this blog This is a great opportunity for all Somalis that really need Peace and Stability in Somalia……Good news for a change for all Somali Doon(unionists). And bad news for all Somali Diid (secessionists):the much awaited london conference.
    thanks UK

  44. Hi MATT, you have a great opportunity to find out more, so just drop any question here as you see, you will learn a lot as well as you will get an idea about the people you want work along with. When you heading to north they will drag you to west, bear in mind every individual has his own agenda and personal interest or tribe, so keep ur head up!
    This conference is for SOMALI WAYN, if you are not happy, stay away and keep ur comments to ur self OR DONATE IN GOOD MANNERS. The UK govern, KNOWS A LOT! we need to contribute positive revelation here PLEASE!
    AMMISOM are there to complete an operation, they earning money and they don’t want finished their mission, because they are enjoying and if they finish they won’t get any money. They could finish the battle within a week and wipe up the AL-SHABAAB, but they don’t want to complete their operation. They are there to abuse innocent people. So pleas lets be realistic and respect each other’s view, let be Somaliland whatever they want to be, the recognition is not on ur hand, so stop wasting energy and time. We need to remember alshaab are our people/young boys who have been persuaded into this wrong war they named JIHAD, and we know GODANE& SHANGULE are from NORHT/WEST-SOMALILAND, who have been funded by Somali land , DAHABSHIIL,and others. it’s not nice to put a fuel in the fire, and showing the world that south are not stable,( let me get recognition) and i am part of their problem doesn’t go to gather. What goes around comes around. Everything s happening by reasons and the ALLAAH SUBAXAANAH knows the best of his UMMAH/nation, we know Somaliland has a peace MASHALAAH, we are not ill people and hope they take advantage of it, as we know what is happing now in Somaliland, but never the less it was heaven for some people who will die for it, and we all respect that.
    LETS CONTRIBUT A POSITIVE SOLUTION, stop lobbing for nothing, we need to know WHY AMMISONM are there?? We also need to understand why so many young people to go to ALSHABAB, AMMISOM abuse the Somali troops fights beside with them, so we need to empower the Somali troops, in terms of skills and money, UN pays to those who don’t really fight for real changes, but pays those who abuses our nation,
    lets empower our nation to stand our own f

  45. hi Matt

  46. In my point of view, AMISOM security in Somalia is a short strategy plan and international community need to limit it is existence in Somalia to have exit time table. It is also crucial to develop in Somalia a long strategy security based on local, regional and national level. In the case of security, it is important to have local, regional and national security forces. I think Britain could assist developing sustainable local, regional or national level security forces while at the same time building jails and justice systems. There are many spoilers in the home country such as clan militias, pirates and other rising spoilers. International community could help AMISOM in funding, technological and make them effective and AMISOM should be deployed in each district which liberated from Alshabaab and train local police. I think Somaliland bloggers misunderstood the question, they should deal with local affairs rather than national.


  47. Thanks H.E. Matt.
    I Would Like To Share here my opinion about that Conference, it’s time the time of Hope For Somalia, And i think that UK can play important role if they do this Points.
    1. With the respect of Great Britain, They Have To respect the territory and the sovereignty of the Somali republic.
    2.UK gives Hargeysa Administration Amount For aid for Different ways, but they Used to kill innocent people for that money, so They Have To make equal sharing with Awdal State, Hargeysa State, And Khatumo State.

    Somalia its Federal Republic,Britain, Must be Give The Financial Aid, For Equally and Justice, to federal states like, Awdal, Hargeysa, Khatumo, Puntland, Galmudug, and So And So., unless this proplem will never be solved again.

  48. if British government wants to do better in somalia they must do two things
    1 – recognize Somaliland as an independent state
    2-und Rest of somalia and build together, and Somaliland may play big role to help a lot with international community
    to find a solution for the twenty years of problems

    If the government wants all British somaliland somalia again and build together is just a waste of time
    that will never work
    even in 100 years

  49. uk waa inay ogaataa one clan hal qabiil inay taageertay somaliland waa isaaq uk waxay ka caawisay army ciidanka maanta awdalstate iyo khaatumo state ku xasuuqaya beelaha somalli midowda doonaya inay power ku isticmaasho waa ujustice beesha dhulbahante deegaankoda inay maamul iyo kala dameyn ka sameystaan isaaq uma dii di karo dhulbahate waxay ka dhasheen daarood isaaqna wuxuu u qabaa nacayb iyo cadaawad daarood iyago ku dooda xasuuq dawladii siyyaad bare kana aargoosan iyagoo xasuuqin dhulbahante

    waxa la gaaray waqtigii beelaha kale ee reerwaqoyi maamul iyo kala dameeyn UK ka caawinlahayd snm duulaanka,dulmiga iyo xasuuqa beelaha isaaq ahayn uga deeyn lahayd

    isaaq xuduudi GB inay ku gumaytaan samaroon ,dhulbahante+warsengeli GB don,t support ujustice every clan has own history

    1. @Matt

      Please request someone to provide a translation to exactly what Layla is saying above, that is what I have explained in my postings. We (the people originating from Northern Somalia) are very concerned about the escalation of violence on the innocent villagers and towns of the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions who do not support the notion of a single clan ruling (Isaaq / Somaliland).
      Please note that the situation in North Somalia is likely to escalate without international intervention. The unionist (the SSC people) regard Siilaanyo as a single clan leader (Isaaq leader) he does not represent nor seeks to support the peace and stability of the villagers who support the central government of Somalia. There is constant attacks in the SSC regions which have recently formed a local government known as the Khaatumo State of Somalia.
      The term ‘Khaatumo’ means good ending to problems, this exactly what the unionists in the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions seek but they need the international community to intervene and support the peace and stability of the region.

      Khaatumo State of Somalia welcomes British intervention to see the reality of the situation on the ground and calls out to all Human Rights and Political figures to look into the daily events in the region. I hope this London meeting will not ignore the voices of the people in Khaatumo State of Somalia and all those calling for an independent Awdal State of Somalia.

      Please read these articles..

      Please take a minute to also read this important article titled: “SSC” Is the Last Hope to Bridge Somalia Back Together:


  50. My Greatings to Matt Baugh.
    Whatever they said, Somaliland will never ever be united with somalia, we are two different countries. We gonna die for our freedom and beloved country. Therefore don’t waste your time about that issue.
    Here is the best option for you:
    1- Recognise somaliland as an independent country.
    2- Nothing else.

    M Nur

  51. In responce to this i would like to conclude my saying by some point.
    a. Somalis are not lacking the assence of leadership, and this came when the old people who were laible of the cllopsse of Siyad Barre for their poor plan are nominated them selfs as the only participants of the political feild, ignoring the powerful words coming from the Somali youth. so as we try to blance the politcal feilds such as the potencial members of parlaments where some of the sinoir political leaders have already sorted out that it should be nominated as a clan bassed system which is absloutly wrong accodering to the public Views, and that was because its been built on a plan where the leaders are undermining the rights of some others.

    2. there is a huge need of Some muslim countries to participate the peacemaking mission in Somali so the rebels may not have the support of some civilians that they are fighting against non-Muslims.

    3. i suggest that the intronational cumminity to encourage all the investors and the private companies partcipate rebuilding Somalia so the Somali youth will get employed, particularly the fishermen so that may immidiatly decrease the number of pirate hunting ships in the Indian ocean and the gulf of Adan.

    many thanks

  52. Assalama Caleykum Soomaaliyey, waxaan aad uga xumahay meeshaan naalno qarnigaan. Soomali weeye waxa loo dhigahyo shirkaan London ka dhacahaya, marka qoraalkeygu wuxu ahmiyadda saarahaya la hadalka Ummadda Soomaliyeed ano weliba adeegsanahaya luqadda aan ku hadalno. Waxay ila tahay inaan laba mid dooranno: 1-Inaan isku tashanno oon annagu is afgaranno si aan uga gudubno aqabadaha na haysta oo qabiilku ugu horreeyo waxna isla meel dhiganno. Qabiil qabiil ka adag ma jiro taana waan soo tijaabiney 20 sano ugu dambeysey waananna aragnaa dhaxalkeeda. Iyo 2-Inaan u diyaar garowno shirkaan go’aanka ka soo bixi doona haddaynan Soomali heshiin, saadashuna waxay hogatusaaleyneysaa sidaan in naloogu arrimiyooo: United Somali Emirates. Haddaan taarikhda Great Britain dib u raacno siduu u xalliyey qaba’lkii carbeed ee isku ba’binjirey wadddanka hadda loo yaqaano United Arab Emirates wuxuu ahaa inuu abuuro federation loogu magacdaray Trucial States Council iyo Proclamation of Union January 4deedi 1968. Halkaasoo lagu khasbay ineey wadaagaan hal dal oo lagu magacaabey United Arab Emirates ingiriiskuna uu kor ka maamulahayey.
    Marka su’aashu waxay tahay maxaa xal ah? Waxay soomali tirahdaa nin buka boqol u talisey, waxay kale oo soomali tirahdaa ama talo keen noqo ama tala raac, ugu dambeyn waxa kaloo nirahnaa caano daadey dabadooda la qabtaa. Ilahay waxaan ka baryahay inuu nagu aaddiyo meeshu kheyrku ku jiro. Aaamiin.

  53. Its sad to see some of the comments pointing to particular tribes like the Isaaq as possible issue for them. I assure as an Isaaq and Somaliland we have no ill feeling for Somalia. Somalilanders have a majority regardeless of which clan who support its defacto Independence. However, I would assure this doesn’t mean it doesn’t wish to support its Somalian brothers to attain the same peace and security. Thus, I urge you to set asside any misguided notions that Isaaq or even Somalilanders would not wish well for you. We believe wish your brother what you would wish for yourself. Therefore, rivalary is not a solution. Somaliland will support security and peace with its neighbouring countries as it is in their interest too.

    Somalis should not be busy wasting each others time on negative actions. Even if Somaliland should be a head in certain respects it can only benefit the region but should not be seen as a hinderance or slight in any way.

    Somalia chooses federal state whilst Somaliland is a united nations that is on a different path. Lets respect what we have and build on it not destroy it for hollow desires of pride and ego.

    Rebuild yourselves with the help of the International world while you have this valuable opportunity. Do not waste it with petty hate towards a clan that have done nothing to you but support its own destiny.

    A Abdi

  54. Dear Matt,

    Thank you so much for you are effort to bring somalians all in one table again. we us a somalians” we know the reality and what is the fundamental problem of somalia. the button problem of the somalia is two major one. the main one is political problem , and that means the country “somlia” needs the stable government with a matual respect, the second problem is tribale problem. if i make you a better vision of the problem solution , in my idea will be these:

    Number one we have to know and realise that all somalians are people or one nation. They have the some cultures, the some religions, and the some language and the some country. somilas they have long historical relations that means they are inter-married each others are deep in realtives even in tribes are open in marriege without discriminating. the most problem of somalia is political problem, becouse in the mohamed siad barre the former ruler of somalia (1969-1991)was a dictator one and he mis used the powereof the country that is why the somali political is not yet stable. but for sure all somalians where ever they are in the world they like each other and they sees as a one family. in my best solution is that somalia musta have a federal state government like an ethopia or united states or other deomratic federal states. that each main region should have its adminstration wich come under the central government.

    Somali Main Regions and tehir problems: we can devide in to two main one. The south and the north of somalia

    The Northern regionof somalia ( Somaliland).

    The Somaliland population contains: 35% Isaaq Tribe, 30% Gadubursi Tribe, 25% Dul-bahante and 10% Warsangeli

    So, This is the fact of the somaliland tribe sturucture since Registrated June 2010.

    A) The Isaaq clan: want Break away from somali federal government

    B) Th Gadabursi clan: Dont want break away from the somalia and they stabilished their own regional state (Awdal state ) this regional state is Link with the somali federal government. This awdal state is opposite the isaaq clan policy of breaking away from somalia.

    C) The Dulbahante +Warsangeli these bothe are the some family root clan of (Daarod) they are olso very close tribe relation with puntland state of region. so these two tribes never eccepted to break away from somalia and they are absulutely apposite the isaaq policy. they stabilished recently the new regional state (Katuma State of Region) wich links olso the somali federal government.
    So mr Matt you can understand that 75% of the somaliland population want the federal somali government and unity. and if this doesn’t happend they will keep in tribal fighting based ofr policy. and the northern region of somalia may never come in peace and stability. becouse the majority dont want break away of somalia. but the somaliland adminstration is using force and that is why the northern somalia is not an stable region.

    in northern of somalia there are now three regional state ( Somaliland for isaaq , awadal sate for gadubuursi and katuma state for dulbahante+warsangeli).

    in central somalia:
    A) Puntland:
    This is regional sate link with somali federal government.
    B) Galmudug state:
    This is Regional sate Link with somali federal government

    so i blieve if all somalians are one and they need eachother, but only the isaaq clan from the northern of somalia want to talk. maybe they need some mony to give them , or to become a primeinster position or to have an important cabinet minsters in federal government. so 93% of all somali clans and populations want the somali fedral states.

    this is really the fact of somalia. we all somalians and need to each other and we are all in one family. i am also from the Northern of somalia and i want federal somali state .

    thank you


  55. Thank you, your execellence Matt and thanks to the UK mission for Somalia.
    In relation to Security, Regional peace and Piracy, I think that moderate forces of Al-shabaab should be engaged in the London conference.
    Yesterday evening there was a highly visited lecture in a mosque in the suburbs of the city of Afgoi in South Somalia.

    The main speaker of the session was a well known Al-shabaab commander by the name of Fu,aad Shangolle a Somali/ Swedish citizen that left the Northern European country 10 years ago.

    His lecture was very interesting and the listeners were ordinary Somali people living around Mogadishu. Fu,aad addmitted to the crowd that Al-shabaab did many wrong things but at the same time make considerable rule and law in the area where it controlls.
    Al-shabaab has many followers in Somalia, many of whom supporting their agenda out of clan hypocrisy. We can never deny that many of their followers are following them because they see their self portrait in them and they believe siding with al-shabaab may give these tribes a big political gain in the upcoming future formation of Somalia.

    Security issue and peace could be discussed only if all the worrying segments of the country feel safe and not ignored. This needs in order to create an atmosphere where people can choose between two progress, not two disadvantages.

    I still believe that giving a consideration to those Al-shabaab fighters who are not in real terms bad guys will give the up coming conference more value in terms of creating a future forward for Somalis in or outside of Somalia.
    Ethio-Kenya shortcomings and blames of Al-shabaab as entirely a terror organisation will not give this up coming conference the value it deserves.

    I recomend this by piont of view only, Al-shabaab moderates should be invited and we should not let thousands of young Somali men become a hostage of a global Talibanism, there are many of them to be found inside and outside Somalia.
    One of the solution for peace is, that the conference should bring togethar all segments of the nation of Somalia that exists today.
    We see today that many of the MPs in Mogadishup feel being over run by TFG officials and AMISOM, this will only ignite more frustration and anger.
    MPs are lobbying in Mogadishu today to vote on Somalia leaving IGAD and African Union, this tells how many people feel oppressed by aggressive TFG individuals and officials taking too much power in their hands. This creates rebellion will continue and many people turn to rebells instead of unity and rule of law. The TFG does not even have auditors that can controll the corruption of the governmental offices and anyone that critices them will be considered terrorists.
    Somalia needs leaders for the people not leaders working only for the neighboring countries.
    Good Luck

  56. I think we are drifting away from the objective of the discussions which is “security”. The role of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and how help for the Somali security and justice sectors, can help support the political process and stability in Somalia.
    There is nothing wrong having devolved governments in Somalia, I think we are putting the cart before the horse. We are in my opinion in the process of nation re-building, re-building the social, cultural, economic and political foundations and what is left of our self-governance.
    In fact we need greater integration as state and society, please also remember we are people who had been integrated centuries as one, but were taken apart by European colonialism. We are race of people who shared history, traditions, and culture, religion, and language.
    Good examples of devolved assemblies are here in the UK, Following referendums in Scotland and Wales in 1997, and in both parts of Ireland in 1998, the UK Parliament transferred a range of powers to national parliaments or assemblies.
    The Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Assembly were established, and took control in 1999. The arrangements are different in the three parts of the country, reflecting their history and administrative structures. If we choose to go that route it is perfectly right, provided the people are up for it; but only we as Somalia’s can do that.
    We as Somalia’s should be more in tune on nation building slogan rather than Sectarianism and look back history after conflicts end, let us talk about development of governmental infrastructure, civil society, dispute resolution mechanisms, also let us ask ourselves is it fair to ask the people who have caused the destruction to clear the mess? Our campaigns and discussions should be how can we change the country? Also change the current leadership “from top down” and start fresh with an open mind. Please read my previous blogs
    Allied nations undertake military, political, humanitarian, and economic activities to enable their states to prosper after World War II, but we know these activities do not always succeed. That does not mean we should not try.
    As intellectuals we should examine U.S., United Nations, and European Union nation-building efforts since World War II to determine key principles for their success and draw implications for current and future nation-building investment that our country badly needs. NO TO SECTARIANISM PLEASE, YES TO UNITY.

  57. Somalis please answer the questions asked in the thread/blog.


    As you can see (see- the blog comment replies), Somalis spend more – in lobbying for their tribe/clan than coming up with solutions. I’d advice the british government not to make the same political mistake the british made in Mad Mullahs time and empower politicians and clan wannabe leaders with ambitions to propagate british favouritism. And instead, open your doors to all the clans appointed Ugaas/clan appointed politicans to take part in the LONDON conference. The reason Somaliland, Puntland and GalMudug are stable corners of Somalia is – because the clan leaders e.g. Boqor, Ugaas, Suldan and their politicians – directly negotiated and build their own regional governments based on the traditional Somali clan “Xeer.”

    Somalia is a country made up of mini-clan kingdoms ruled by clan appointed “Ugaas,Suldan, Boqor, Malaq,Wabar” and so on. And the clan value the most their self-rule and clan-pride/identity. For example, What unites or holds Somaliland inhabitants together is Isaaqnism or “Isaaqnimo” mixed with ” Irir” meaning the political, military and financial alliance between the IRIR CLANS; the Hawiye, Isaaq, Gadabursi and Issa clans not democracy or even Islam. The same goes for Puntland and GalMudug State. Respecting the clan pride/ identity and the clan-self-rule is the key to solving Somalia’s problems.

    As for the security, I believe AMISOM mandate should be a security enforcer and security training provider. Somalia needs TFG led – AMISOM monitored security training centres in Puntland, GalMudug, Hiiran, Bay and Jubba regions. Security training centres designed to provide basic policing, guarding, anti-piracy and intelligence collecting training to Somalia’s regional States police and security officers. I believe, if the international community encourage and invest in regional states like Puntland and GalMudug to set-up specialist anti-piracy units in Puntland and GalMudug – that specialise in research,training and preventing piracy techniques e.g. listing pirate gangs fuel suppliers, boat suppliers, vehicles suppliers, Khat suppliers, financiers and operational-gangs leaders. Piracy can be easily ended.

    I propose the following working model:

    TFG and AMISOM Partnership provide training, equipment, salary and joint-strategy designed in partnership with western intelligence agencies to regional security commands like Puntland and GalMudug. And the regional security command e.g. Puntland and GalMudug then implements the security operational strategy. Piracy and lowliness can be eradicated using above partnership model.

    NB: London conference needs security,economic,developmental and political proposals session or discussion (sessions where the stockholders submit proposal documents to the international community and the parties debate the feasible of the proposals).

  58. I believe Somaliland has more experience on this since it managed to strengthen its security for the past 20 years in this troubled region. I want to suggest that the Somaliland Model should be taken seriously and applied to the situation in Somalia. This is where Somaliland deserves a credit for its long efforts of establishing peace and security.

    This is where we need to separate between Somaliland and Somalia then address each separately according to their situation. As long as the International Community is dragging Somaliland into the mud of Somalia I believe things will get worse. While focusing only on Mogadishu, other regions might get worse and totally collapse.

  59. Dear Matt Baugh,
    Let me take this opportunity to congratulate British prime minister and his government for not only hosting this historic conference on Somalia but enormous support that Britain offer to the good people of Somalia. Its worthy to mansion that Britain is the home of the largest Somali Diaspora on earth and so long being positive actor about the Somali issue.
    It seems we are not there yet to donate an accurate advice and plans to the world in order to end the horrible era. We should be good to find out better way to proverb, wiser to halt abhorrence and use all tools possible to accept the facts on the ground. Let us all remember that Britain won’t solve our harms their role is clear facilitation course only. Problem of Somalia’s for us to participate equally, sincerely to come up with rational termination of the past and generate new Somalia that can learn from the past and offer better chance for all walks of life. As we heard of or may be there to remember we had firs democratically elected government in Africa and for sure we have it in recorded history. We also had first presidential (may god grant mercy to His excellence Adan AbdulleOsman) peacefully power shift in Africa. Fair enough, we can do it again with even very much so or even much enhanced federal foundation to star from (bottom up approach)grassroots’ to the national level. We are all upset but we can make it well within this outstanding moment. As Puntlanders’ we have full of dreadfulness scenarios than our fellow North Westerns (Somaliland) ethnic group but we prefer to stay in accord. We share to a large extent in common not single difference, perhaps political variation wherein collective responsibility is the only way forward.
    There might be Sign of hope if we put all emotional thoughts aside and unlock our brain power by facing reality and the matter in hand. Trying to picture situation in Somalia today is like an orphan who killed both parents and come on the streets to ask people for help because he/she is an orphan with no food and shelter to survive. We need not to condemn to the world organizations because there were not enough food on the ground to feed our people where virgin land of Somalia has enough to offer us and even surplus to the world if we use our brain precisely. Let not to criticize the foreign entities because we fail to have an open dialogue (same language, culture, and religion, intermarriages) to compromise our distinction and stood up for common interest.
    Finally, contributing to the upcoming conference is compulsory for all and I would love to see Somali people in agreement and disagreeing in constructive way and fairly contests which way out of all these in the past for thinking hard of what coming future are hold for us.
    My advices are as follows
    • International community must encourage Somali unity by adapting federal system.
    • Foreign military force is the only solution to defuse Al-SHABAB but our people are too sensitive to bear as such a brutal action. Given that, AL-SHABAB can benefit Ethiopian army on the ground for its religion misinformation therefore, to prevent any propaganda armed forces such as Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia would be an advantage to take the lead in its place.
    • Reinforcing Somali national army is crucial for Somalia and elsewhere (piracy, terror and all ill-actions) in the world. Consequently, huge investment should be made available to bring the law and order, to patrol its borders and secure its citizens.
    • Garowe accord must have vastly, universal support to end the transition period with no wrongly elected parliaments of full of former vicious warlords but energetic intellectuals need to be given confidence to fulfill these roles.
    • Concluding with this equation: No Way out without security and justice sectors powerfully invested, not security and justice without national unity including North West Somalia and no national unity without international political-pressure on all parts including our fellow (Somaliland) North Westerns.
    Hope my voice is heard
    Hussein A fiqi

  60. I sincerely congratulate and fully support the British Prime Minister’s announcement to host a Conference on Somalia … but there are critical challenges ahead.
    Despite all efforts of the international community under the United Nation’s body in cooperation with the Organisation of African Union, the League of Arab States and the Organisation of the Islamic Countries, the tragic situation in Somalia is alarmingly disintegrating into total extinction from the face of the earth.
    However, there are widely diverse opinions as to what are critical factors that are not conducive to establishing peace and stability in Somalia. Broadly the most over-hyped argument advocates the “interventionist” approach that grossly relies on “we know the best cure for all your ills … although it lacks populace support and local accountability. Non direct interventionist approach where the Somali within their traditional structures to guide and seek ways to build confidence and trust among themselves within their agreed defined territorial demarcation, there would be very good chance that they will undoubtedly draw all inclusive and fairer government.
    The idea for foreign countries to intervene the situation in Somalia is an alien concept for every Somali individual regardless of their educational background or level of sophistication. They all remember vividly to dismemberment of the Somaliland peninsula during the scramble of Africa and the legacy inherited as a direct result from such policy is reverberating loudly and will indeed re-ignite old wounds from the past.
    The ever-worsening situation in Somalia is often fuelled by the diverse sphere of interests which are ominously critical factors associated with the lack of coherent, concrete and tangible efforts geared towards building and empowering viable Somali government.
    Under the United Nations’ and African Union’s flagship initiatives lack credibility and doomed to failure as their efforts largely depend for the mercy of the very few powerful countries in terms of resources required. It is my humble opinion that the predicament of the Somali nation can be reversed as fast no-one can imagine with minimum cost provided that genuine holistic approach and meaningful courses of action are taken with financial provisions and technical assistance:-
    •Readdressing and repealing the United Nation’s Security Council Resolution No. 733 (23rd January,1992) regarding general and complete embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Somalia, in order to provide real and substantive assistance for building effective Somali defence force and police for the Somali transitional government
    •Ceasing immediately all forms of interference from outside Somalia, including by USA drone aerial attacks, units of Ethiopian and elements from Kenyan army incursions, and taking swift action to end such interference and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Somalia
    •Abandoning the unwarranted advocacy of the principle of a federal system of government where several states or regions defer some powers, e.g. in foreign affairs, defence etc to a central government while retaining a limited measure of self-government for Somalia as there is no division of colour, religion, or ethnicity or language.
    •Marshall plans for re-establishing all civil services and institutions that are pre-requisite for better and functioning government that the rule of law as the sole precedents over non-conventional dictates.

  61. The security issues outlined in your post are critical to the people living in the South-Central Somalia corridor, and it would be erroneous to assume that the security condition is uniform across all states and neighbouring territories. For that reason, this conference should aim to be as specific as possible with respect to geographies, identities, and stakeholders. In terms of the issues, the western world has understandably chosen to focus on global concerns such as piracy and militant franchises, however this conference should consider taking a bottom-up approach and place an emphasis on domestic security concerns. Ask yourselves what does the average person go through in their day to day transactions, how do they go about living and what security issues hinder them? Civilian protection and the rule of the law should ultimately be the main focus. Weapons proliferation and justice system reform need to be addressed, as these issues have been neglected in the past. Small-arms are a fact of every day life in Somalia and a culture of war-lords and armed gunmen engender a public attitude of fear and fatalism that overshadows any hope for a peaceful future. Efforts should be made to promote public safety and both the public and civil society need to be engaged in developing a plan for disarmament. A comprehensive and transparent program that calls on the government to regulate weapons and disarm war lords is key for internal security and leaves little room for militant upstarts.

    Recent history has demonstrated that the public will align themselves with whomever provides safety and security, whether it’s the Islamic courts, TFG, or an armed group. Building confidence in the TFG’s ability to protect will be contingent on their willingness to change their image to one that shows the government as self-reliant, independent, fair, and an impartial upholder of justice. This can only be done through reforming the justice system, the parliament and the constitution, holding free and fair elections, and ending the AMISOM mission and all other iterations of foreign military intervention.

    The AU and other stakeholders should re-evaluate AMISOM, as this type of intervention has failed in the past not because of funding or the number of soldiers on the ground, but rather because of an inability to transform hearts and minds. The crux of the problem with military intervention lies in the stakes; the Somali people are hyper-aware of the regional and global interests at play and are made to feel that their security is secondary to the primary goals of obliterating Al-Shabaab or curbing piracy and these feelings intensify with increases in civilian casualties. It’s clear that without the support of Somali citizens these missions are an exercise in futility.

    Thanks for providing this forum and I hope that the conference is productive.

  62. dear matt,

    i read many comment from variouse indivuals from either somalilan and puntland, and they are all talking or advocating not the world help to stablise or bring peace and prosparity somali nation. that indicates they profits somali confict becouse they are minority and want to mislead international community as it happened before.somaliland and puntland told international community they are the only people who can govern somali.
    but infact they never leaded somali, the only time they leaded was siyad barre time and was disastar. and that is the reason internation community failed any attamp in somalia. people leaded somali independent was hawiye
    abdullahi isse, and he held election and he was not cadidate,and both cadidate was hawiye ,first president( aden cade ) was hawiye ,he leader the nation democracy ,after two terms he hand over his prime minister abdirashid ali sharmarke,in respect of dignity and rule of law. abdrashid was darod but only come in politics when aden cade made him prime minister, he was goodman at that time although no body know what he should be becouse he was assasinated with in two years of his term.
    then siyad barre come milatry coup with junior officers while the most senior millary officers who were hawiye were refused to do so.
    that cuop with the suport darod clan who afraid they will never get president again that coused in this disasteriouse situation,in that 20 years they were trying to mislead international community lie and cnfuse.
    somaliland people(isaq)never become any thing near somali politics excep ,les then two years ibrahim igal was prime minister.

    now international community looks studied somali politics after 20 years mileading and found formula of somali politics and people belong and up held rule of law of somalia.hawiye started dealing with them.

    hawiye clan always want all somali people to live peace and prosparity,
    though they are mojority they never seek clanism but elect any body they think is good for the country.

    they want to live together other somali clans and neibouring nations and international community as they did “1950s and 1960s and back to somali those good days.

    and contribute world peace not hatred and piracy as darood and isaq clans doing.

  63. “We feel slighted, discriminated against, ignored and isolated,”

    We’ve been doing our own thing for the last 20 years. We have put our act together. Instead of encouraging us, we are being pushed toward Somalia, which continues to fall apart.”

    Somaliland does have a rather unique history. After being a British protectorate since 1884, Somaliland became an independent country on June 26, 1960. The rest of present-day Somalia, then administered by Italy, became independent several days later. Within days, the two lands decided to merge.

    But Somalilanders felt slighted almost from the start, since most of the power went to the south of the country. Somalilanders rejected a referendum on a unitary constitution in June 1961 and, later that year, military officers in Hargeysa began an unsuccessful rebellion to reassert Somaliland’s independence.
    Over the years, the leaders in Mogadishu fought to keep control of Somaliland. In 1988, a full-scale civil war broke out between the Mogadishu-based government and Somaliland rebels.

    In May 1991, as Somalia descended into anarchy with the fall of the government of Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre, Somaliland declared itself independent. A decade later, a referendum in Somaliland on the issue showed 97 percent of the population in favor of independence, and Somaliland has essentially ruled itself, given the lack of a central government in Somalia.

    But getting recognition from the rest of the world has proved nettlesome. African leaders are hesitant to acknowledge the claim for fear of stirring up more chaos in Somalia. They also do not want to encourage rebels elsewhere on the continent who desire independent states of their own.

    Still, an African Union fact-finding mission declared last year that Somaliland’s status was “unique and self-justified in African political history,” and that “the case should not be linked to the notion of ‘opening a Pandora’s box.’ ”
    The International Crisis Group, a nonprofit advocacy group based in Brussels that tries to prevent and resolve conflicts, recommended in a recent report that the African Union address the issue soon “to prevent a deeply rooted dispute from evolving into an open conflict.”

    Somalilanders celebrated those words, and then they continued doing what they have been doing for so long — waiting.

    It is not easy being a Somalilander. The Somaliland passport — which bears the region’s logo and looks as official as any other nation’s — is not recognized by any country in the world, although the neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Djibouti do allow people to travel with it while still not officially recognizing Somaliland as a country.
    20 years is a long time to live in limbo, although Somalilanders have not just been biding their time. They have been hard at work, trying to rebuild a place that was in a shambles when it declared itself independent.
    The capital was virtually leveled by the government in Mogadishu as it sought to quell the rebellion. The countryside was littered with land mines. The same kind of bitter clan rivalry that has led to the collapse of the rest of Somalia was alive and well here, too.

    Victor and the populace accepted it. In essence, Somaliland has been able to manage inter clan rivalry and build basic democratic institutions, whereas the rest of Somalia has found itself in an anarchic struggle for control.
    “Why not recognize us?”
    King of Regards
    ILham Faleebo
    Somaliland Hargiesa

  64. Your Excelency Mr. Baugh,

    Thank you very much indeed for enabling all Somalilanders and Somalis living in the UK diaspora to take part in this political excersise and therefore provide their viewpoints with regards to this fundamental issue, which not only concerrns us as current British Somalilanders, but also as citizens of a just and civilized world.

    Somalia was separately colonised by Great Britain and Italy and France, but by the time of decolonisation in 1960 a decision was made to create one common state. For the newly independent Somalia it was not only important to unite the British and Italian parts of the country, but also French Somaliland (today’s Djibouti), the Ogaden and Haud regions (annexed by Ethiopia) and parts of northern Kenya.14 In its endeavour to unite a greater Somalia, the state turned to the Soviet Union for support against the Western-backed Ethiopia and Kenya.In the years following independence an attempt was made to make Somalia a parliamentary democracy. Clientelism, clan favouritism and factional politics impeded this venture and in 1969 Commander Mohammed Siad Barre seized
    power in a coup.15 Barre introduced a socialist one party system, supported both financially and military by the Soviet Union.16 In the mid and late 1970s the political environment changed with the USSR re-aligning itself in support of Ethiopia. Somalia, in its turn, started seeking out support from the United States. The United States was economically supportive but did not provide as much military assistance as Barre required.18 A failed attempt to support an uprising in Ogaden, much due to the fact that the Soviet Union was sustaining Ethiopia instead of Somalia, lead to hundreds of thousands Somali refugees from Ogaden
    crossing the border into Somalia.19 These events, along with a declining
    economy and a directionless dictatorship favouring Barre’s clan, resulted in discontent with the government. In 1978 a number of officers attempted a coup d’état, but failed. As a response the regime used excessive force against various clans in former Somaliland and exterminations policies were introduced for most Somalilanders and with particular reference to the Isaaq tribes.-to which most of the officers belonged, resulting in a rise of clan-based opposition groups. Various militias began to form and this was the beginning of a long-drawn civil war.

    Furthermore, In 1991 Barre was finally overthrown by the United Somali Congress (USC) and its leader Ali Mahdi. The ousting of Barre led to a full collapse of the central government and a rise in factional conflict.21 The new government, lead by Mahdi, only controlled parts of Mogadishu since other warring groups, as well as a breakaway USC faction led by Mohammad Farrah Aideed, did not accept the government and the fighting therefore continued.22 In May 1991 the Somali National Movement (SNA) proclaimed the former British colony independent under the name Independent Republic of the Somaliland. Even though it has not
    been internationally recognised, it has worked as an independent state ever since.

    But among some Somali unionists , the recent successful Somaliland presidential election neither puts them in a state of euphoria, nor instills pride in them. Instead, panic and uncertainty blur their vision, where the only pragmatic approach to Somalia’s carnage seems to be vilifying Somaliland and suppressing the wishes of its people. Incinerating the nation’s flag, hurling insults at its leaders, and spitting out venom towards its citizens rock some unionists’ boats but leave the average sane persons bewildered.

    While many nations around the world congratulate Somaliland for its free democratic and transparent presidential elections, some Somali unionists gather to denounce its existence and burn its flag, much less laud it for its achievements. Their objective—a classic of example of counterproductive strategy—is to suppress the popular demands of Somaliland people for regaining their lost sovereignty, unconditionally, just like in 1960 before British Somaliland joined Somalia voluntarily after the colonial era.

    In light of the unionists’ self-sabotaging canards to unify the Somali speaking people, not just in former Somalia but also in Horn of Africa, a demonstration against Somaliland takes place in London on December 04, 2010. The organizers disguising their abhorrent attitude towards Somaliland as a protest against their alleged British government’s attempt to “divide” Somalia includes burning Somaliland flag as show in their protest (their offensive) flayers.

    But the British government never hints that it wants to recognize Somaliland. Instead, Britain views Somaliland as an important ally in the region and wants to assist Somaliland government in building strong democratic institutions and establishing a viable economy to deter the unemployed Somaliland youth—in staggering numbers: over 90%—joining extremist groups.

    Meanwhile, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron congratulated Somaliland on its recent successful election. In fact, the British government invited Somaliland’s newly elected President, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud Silanyo to UK and this is what fuss is all about, the unionists’ shrills.

    Also, a Kenyan MP recently echoed his support for Somaliland independence. Elias Bare Shill, an MP from the Somali region of Kenya known as Northern Frontier District (NFD) praised Somaliland’s successful election and vigorously defended its independence. In a video clip , Mr. Shill emphasized how Somaliland instills pride in all the Somali speaking people, whereas those hostages (Somali leaders), their captives (Alshabab), and unionists destroy the fabric of Somali society. Mr. Shill, adamantly, rejected the notion of Somali unity and calls the so-called unionists’ attempt to resurrect the greater Somalia (Somaliwayn Ironically,dream to unite with Somlia a futile effort; as you won’t see these demonstrators taking to the streets of London to protest against the twin devils of Somalia: Alshabab and Somalia’s quarrelsome leaders who keep their bullet-riddled country in shambles. But denouncing Somaliland for establishing an impressive democratic institutions and holding transparent elections outrages some Somali unionists. Shocking, isn’t it?

    Somali unionists know Britain won’t be the first country to recognize Somaliland, so there is more to the flag-torching than meets the eye. What Somali officials and pro-unity groups want is to keep Somaliland in political and economical limbo for another two decades and maintain the status quo: pouring millions of dollars into Somalia while ignoring Somaliland. This is what precisely Somalia’s Special Envoy to the United States wants to happen.

    On the contrary, the more the International community boosts Somaliland’s economy, the sooner hundreds of thousands of destitute Somali refugees living in Somaliland get access to basic services—this is something the so-called Somali unionists living in decent lives in London and in elsewhere conveniently ignore.

    Similarly, millions of unemployed Somalilanders would have jobs. The world has its reasons for not recognizing Somaliland but has no excuses for not providing financial support to rebuild its security forces and create jobs. Having strong security forces and the youth employed would for sure keep Alshabab at bay. For one thing, Alshabab will have a tough luck in finding a safe heaven in Somaliland; for another, recruiting the youth will pose a challenge for Alshabab.

    It is far more logical to launch a massive protest against Alshabab and its hostage (Somali regime)—bringing the plight of the Somali people to light—than to spit out loads of venom towards the peaceful nation of Somaliland.

    Neither vilifying Somaliland leaders, nor burning its flag would hinder its quest for independence. But such malignant crafts would drive a wedge between the two brethren Somali societies—Somaliland and Somalia—planting the seeds of discord for future hostilities. That is, burning Somaliland flag tantamount to incinerating Somaliland cities and their populations. In fact, if any thing, the wicket protests masqueraded as demonstrations to revive unity dash any hope of resurrecting Somali unity to the ground. Hence, you would have a better luck in reassembling a shattered glass without using technology than reuniting former Somalia—without unleashing massive bloodshed. Clearly, “United we fall, divided we stand”.

    Finally, Somaliland refuses or has no wish to become the fraud of a failed world”. It is in my opionion, that Somaliland should be recognized as a viable political entity and that it should live side by side with Somali Weyn in complete peace and harmony. Both nations share borders and previous historical realities, but they do not have the same government and do not wish to reunite under the same flag again after the demise of the monstrous and nazi regime of the late Barre government.

    Your’s Sincerely,

    Miss. Rakia Ahmed Abdi
    Msc in International Relations/ Political Sciences.

  65. Dear Matt,
    Thanks to UK government and citizens for enabling a venue for discussion on Somali issues. The conference needs to consider the broader issues of Somali people not only in Mogadishu. If international community and UK give more consideration on Somalia and exclude the wishes and self-determination of people of Somaliland – Such steps will fuel the fire in Somalia. The international community must respect the ambition and success of Somaliland people.

    Our brothers from Somalia who are posting negative comments in this blog, I would like to remind them that we are neighbor brothers with two different states. We are extremely unhappy on instability and problems in their country. Thus, we are expecting from them to respect us, Somaliland is not just a name, it’s our identity. The fact is; no one can force us to be part of Somalia and the more they refuse our existence the more our brotherhood and good neighborhood getting worse.

    Somaliland is now hosting thousands of refugees from Somalia feel the famine and spare no effort on helping their brother in Somalia. Therefore, people from Somalia shall have to respect who we are?

    Once again, I would like to thank for UK and remind that Somaliland issue needs to be part of the agenda. Since we have being invited, at least the agenda must included Somaliland – because other administrations like Puntland are part of Somalia but Somaliland is not part of Somalia.

    I wish the international community will understand the situation in the context.

    Mohamed Hassan – Somaliland

  66. Historically, Somali society accorded prestige to the warrior and rewarded military prowess. Except for a man of religion (wadaad), and they were few in numbers in the early days, all Somali males were considered potential warriors. This cultural believe was and still obstacle to nation building.
    Since the 1991 war, there have been over a dozen attempts to bring an end to the Somali Civil War. They were often shoaled by warlords and inter-clan rivalries.
    Years of fighting between rival warlords and an inability to deal with famine and disease have led to the deaths of up to one million people.
    In my opinion Somali Army with the help of Amison should be designed to be an objective counter-insurgency force for a period of time, until the insurgency diminishes to a level that the police can handle.
    Thereafter, the Somali Army must undergo a modernization plan which in my opinion should reflect Somali’s religious, regional, and ethnic mix, be non-political, under law-based civilian control, and a force for defence and security-not aggression and oppression.
    At the moment a lot of people see the army as looters and common criminals and former militia, who take mobile phones and money from the civilians by force. According to the facts on the ground, there are high numbers of desertions and unit loyalty is a big issue.
    I think we should adapt the philosophy used by the U.S. military to boost its own size in response to World War II — that an army can be built faster by focusing on the training on its leadership rather than enlisted men — the international community must pursue a similar strategy of focusing recruitment and training on commissioned and non-commissioned officers.
    Upon successful completion of officer training, these groups of officers will form the battalion’s leadership cadre, which will then be responsible for overseeing its own recruitment, training, and readiness of its enlisted men. I think having the Somali leadership train its own will overcome problems faced by Amison training process; namely recruitment, desertion, and unit loyalty.

  67. Somalia’s problems does not need one size measure of solution fits all.
    To drag Democratic and stable Somaliland into abyss of the failed state of neighbouring Somalia will not result in any positive outcome.
    Any one who contemplates to force Somaliland into re-union with chaotic Somalia is at the least lacks deep understanding in the root cause of this region’s problems or at the worst has sininster intention to undo what Somaliland has achieved in the past two decades and indeed wishes to see a renewed civil war between peaceful and stable Somaliland with its neighbouring Somalia. Somalilanders are in the opinion, any who adovates forcinng Somaliland to sit with Somalia without helping them,first to solving their future status is having personal interest in seeing this region engolfed in civil war again. It is worth remembering to long civil war in which about eighty thousand Somalilanders lost their lives.
    The only guine feasible solution is to solve first the issue between Somalia and Somaliland the desired outcome fully independent and sovereign Somaliland which will in turn contribute to the restoration of peace and stablility to the prober Somalia.

    Any way Somaliland declared its independence two decades ago. And in the first place, the union between Somaliland and Somalia was never ratified; so the there is no existince of any legal binding constituition that can impose Somalilanders to be part of Greater Somalia.

  68. Comments to London Conference
    21st years have passed and apparently we have learned much more lessons on the importance of nation/state governance functions. We appreciate for your support of giving us the consultancy, resources, advocacy and the venue, but I may advise for Somalia should be approached within the problem solving of the horn of Africa being optimized for Somalia to become a role model for Africa that could be realized through building a democratic society and effective government that abides the rule of law supremacy, good governance and human rights. The undemocratic, corrupted and who violated the rights of people when practicing of personal gains and the legend of clan supremacy should be brought (the current and old surviving elites) to genuine court trials to shape the societal justice.
    A better representation of the civil society and their approaches should be given the top priority exclusively the business communities who were ranked as undemocratic groups where supposedly to be development actors, but in contrast now they remain trying to sustain the situation with no in-depth changes as they share no common understanding and interest with the rest of Somalia. There should be in-depth changes in all aspects for the sake of new Somalia to enjoy life as global citizens.
    Somalia has immense deposits of oil and gas and other natural resources too, but this should be exploited through bilateral interests. You started our socioeconomic development by taking advantage of our vulnerability, but this works if it is from up to bottom, however, we hope to put thing on the right track and ensure for new and greater peacefully Somalia to be established.
    The emerging mini states that are now emerging through out Somalia, Puntland and Somaliland in particular should be encouraged if local intiatives being proposed to enhance their cooperation. In this light, decentralized unitary governance is applicable for Somalia at moment where UNISOM III is required to be replace AMISOM to benefit the vast experience being attained from 1992-1995 as the political, military and humantarian dimensions should be addressed directly and be given at the top priority.
    Al shabaab and Piracy, now, I don’t think that you do need many suggestions and comments as you can come up with many tactics than us. Thanks for the space of our voices.
    Jeylani Farah Mohamud
    Diakonia Sweden Garowe

  69. Matt

    You need to hear geniune different views with total sincerity.

    Though we are happy to see British government try to do something about Somalia fiasco, there is fear that many people who writes to you don;t represent the locality and people of Somalia.

    British government should be careful to listen lies emanating from so called Somaliland and group of former dictator family.

    We are Ogadens from Jubbaland State of Somalia. Our tribe is the majority of two Jubbaland and part of Gedo region. We are willing to contribute to this conference since we reside both in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia in sheer number.

    We were the backbone of Somali Nationalism for long time. We feel badly the injustice British done to our people. But that doesn’t warrant to subotage British effort to rectify historic injustice done to our people and Somalia at large. We need you succeed in your effort in Somalia.

    We want British government shouldn’t obsessed the security issue like Americans. It has proven its fault. Its costly and unsustainable. You should focus on nation building bench marks.

    Few suggestions to make this conference successful:

    * Invite all regional administrations excluding any group refuse Somali nationhood.

    * Invite all major tribal leaders with their intellectuals backbones.

    * Indict all war criminals including former warlords

    * Indict Kenyan and Ethiopian armies and their attrocities in Somalia

    With that approach you make in road in Somalia crisis

    Dr Mohamed

    Jubbaland State of Somalia

  70. Hi Matt

    I am sure Britain has a lot of experience in the Tribal nature of Somalis and would not rush to imposing their will on Somalis.

    I agree the north of Somalia has been very peaceful but it is because of the people of the north have kept the peace but that has changed.

    The current government in Somaliland State has it base on the SNM militias, this militias has history of killing innocent people.

    Their agenda is their tribe ISAAQ to dominate the north of Somalia and that is why there has been killings in Awdal State and more recently the unsuccessful raid of Buhoodle City in Khaatumo.

    If this government is imposed on the people of Awdal State or Khaatumo State there will be a repeat of what has been happening in the South of Somalia.

    To avoid the repeat of the problems in the South of Somalia, there should be an African union troops or UN troops in the north of Somalia.

    Kind Regards and Thanks

  71. hopefully, the World would see that Somalia needs a lasting peace to achieve and this is not an issue for African countries. We see Africa failed in solving the conflict of South Sudan, DRC and so on .

    Africa is enclaves that still carries the memories of Tripalism and this is what we could see today when Kenya says they are member of AMISOM?
    If you see what Somali elders from the Juba Region is telling their children today is that 60 years ago there was a Kikuyu invasion of Southern Somalia and this is considered today as illegal inavsion by many Somalis and this will put more fire in to the conflict.

    Interms of global security, we need to realize that we can not rule out AIAI ( Al-Itihad Al Islamiyah ) of the future peace of Somalia. AIAI was the core formation of Islamic Courts Union in Somalia 2006. We realize by then that everybody accepted them including Somaliland, though the father of AIAI is himself a Somalilander.

    The agreement in Djibouti to bring Shiekh Sharif and his so called moderates to power was a bad chioce, one can never tell a man live only with his Heart not his Lungs. Actually Mr Aweys is the Lungs of AIAI and what stands for the last Somali unity and pride.

    If the world want to see a lasting peace in the Horn of Africa, do not consider too much the Ethio-Kenya arguments, they are only jellious and want to see Somalia in to small enclaves where they can go with their sergents and abuse the local people in a show off manner.

    Somalis need to see their pride and nation back so that the inferior compexity is out of question. We need AIAI and Mr Aweys to be in the conference so that we see somene who gives up everything for the national interest.

    We do not want to see a someboday behaing like teaboy and running around every corner of the World attending small and meaningless conferences.

    A man can live with poverty, so did our Prophet Mohamed( PBUH) but a man can not live without pride. we need back our pride so that we can live peace with our selfs and others.

    Somalis need to see someone they can see as a father, after all this 20 years long civil war and humiliation by others. We have not seen a father figure since Siyad Barre, and a nation needs a father and the World needs one they can negotiate with.

    Mr. aweys has never said that he will attack other nations he only vowed to defend his country. So try to engage AIAI, since they are the remains of Somali unity. The World should not listen Ethio-Kenya propoganda that says anyone for Somaliweyn is a terrorist.

    They are jsut misleading the wolrd and this is not about elimination of insecurity or piracy in Somalia.

  72. Dear Matt,

    Thanks for giving us this opportunity. I, also, would like to thank the British Government for recognizing at last the important role they have in helping the Somalis overcome the security and development challenges that have bedeviled them for so long. As many of my friends have suggested, the presence of Amisom (I am not sure whether the Kenyan Air Force is helping the situation) has improved a lot the plight of the people of Mogadishu. No doubt about that! To help further improve the overall security situation of the country we need concerted effort from the international community by heightening the level of engagement. To this end, the UN should come back and take the lead. This of course will allow Muslim countries such as Turkey to come on board as this action would dilute the claim of some Somalis that the country is in its way to be taken over by Christian crusaders. This hopefully will lead to more widespread presence of UN/Amisom staff throughout the hot spots of the country. In parallel, the international community should build the Somali security apparatus. As we know at the present, the “National Army” is not fully national. Therefore, other Somali clans must be allowed to join the army, the police and more importantly the intelligence community in numbers. Finally, as others have stated the legal system must be enhanced as Somalia’s law-enforcement agencies are generally weak, i.e. the availability of fairer courts and prisons that safeguards the human rights of the inmates. Regards

  73. I don’t see any example from Somaliland. They had their destructive 6 years of civil war in the nineties and, after relatively peaceful 8 years under RIYALE, they have now started maneuvering their armies again.

    The corruption is rampant and minorities are frequently targeted by the authorities. The Aynaba court incident and Khadar Dhabar’s murder were the tip of the iceberg.

    A proper democracy means equality. There is no equality in Somaliland. The judiciary has to be free and just in a democratic country. This is the opposite in Somaliland.

    Isaaqs chose the secession claiming they were oppressed as minority by the more powerful Hawiya and Darods, but they started playing the same game against the minorities living within them.

    Siyad Barre regime’s tactics of denial and killings is what the Silanyo regime is utilising now against the people of Buhotleh and Awdal.

    Somaliland may choose not to attend this conference, but as soon as the people of Southern Somalia rebuild their institutions we will need a conference to discuss a reconciliation process in Somaliland.

    Ahmed Mataan

  74. peace,security and stability are basic human rights, therfor international community got the following two options to assist.
    1-promoting peace,security and stability.
    by helping the formation of an effective and strong somali security secter
    2-promoting good governance and good policy
    by supporting the somali government to develop their administrative and technical capacity to achieve accountability,transparency and effeciency

  75. My advise, is UK should start the the proposal of the north taking the leadership of the country (Somali Republic) and teaching the democracy they claimed to have discovered.

  76. This is a great opportunity for all Somalis that really need Peace and Stability in Somalia.

    It is the Somali people that most need help because the of the suffering inflicted to them by rude and inhuman warlords that have taken them hostage at gun point.

    Warlords that from time to time change shirts and names just to continue with their crimes against humanity and benefit financially from the proxy wars that they are conducting.

    As a result of the armed militia wars Somalia became a failed state where all sorts of criminal organization got refuge and safe haven, plus they have attracted international criminals, terror group as well as pirates that have contributed a lot to the current World Financial Meltdown after increasing maritime insurance because of the insecurity that they are responsible for.

    Somalia needs urgent help and has to be saved from its own militia lords, religious warlords, corrupt political representatives that were appointed by IGAD, UN and AU without proper consultation with the Somali genuine Clan Leaders, and that has contributed to the current confusion in Somalia’s political direction.

    Following are some tips that if considered may help find solutions to Somalia problems;

    1) Disarm all somalia militiamen without distinction from TFG to Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunna because of they are nothing but armed Clan Militias that represent only their Clans, and pose real threat to all other somali clans that are always concerned of them.

    2) Disarmament is a must to restore lost trust and confidence among somali clans that if disarmed all maybe will help open door for peace and reconciliation among somalis after eliminating the fear and concerns of all unarmed or weakly armed clans.

    3) AMISOM must be replaced by International Contingency under the command of the UN, and other Good Will States from Europe, Asia, and America but not from African Countries.These Contingents shall be peace makers and after that peace keepers but always after conducting general disarmament of all somalis.

    4) Piracy and terror groups shall disappear with the first disarmament operation, and after that the UN should establish anti-piracy commission that shall be mandated to investigate and locate who are the real BOSSES of the pirates, who are the beneficiaries of the piracy ransom and where are those money deposited knowing that nowadays money laundering do constitute major crimes and are well investigated.

    5) Locate all somali Assets that were looted from the Public, private and individual business, investigate all money flow of Somali War-business tycoons, those that have deforested somalia and became rich from the charcoal business, wild life smuggling as well as illegal fishing activities alongside toxic and hazardous materials dumping in the coast and somali ocean.

    6) The last but not the least all 550MPs and TFG must be banned to be part in the future Somalia Government, Parliament and Judiciary System because of their failure to restore peace and stability in somalia and because of their unwillingness to save their fellow citizens from the hell that they have ignited.

    Thanks a lot for giving meths opportunity.

    Dr Apollo

  77. Matt,
    Since the aim of this conference is the security enhancement and support for the stability, there is a new threat to the security and stability of Somaliland under the of guise of Khatumo. This grouplet want to import the caos that has plagued Somalia and which has made it ungovernable into Somaliland. Only recognition will save it from these kinds of provocations, I hope you will raise this issue during the conference.

  78. Matt,
    Recent reports show alshabaab the main threat and extremist group in somalia have 6000 troops, where as TFG, ASWJ, KDF, ETHIO, and other allied groups have got a total of atleast 35,000 troops heavily equiped, they can out do Alshabaab in just a week but the question is, do somali’s have one way foward thing, every group has it’s own specific hidden agenda’s. Here comes my point, build a strong somali troops instead of bringing more Amisom troops coz the void they live after returning home want to be re-filled again. Somalia is for somali’s let them discuss the way foward in the reconciliation process in U.K avoid the slightest of agenda’s that can make situation worse. Thanks

  79. Dear Matt,
    The major question needed to be asked is, How do we defeat all the insurgency in Somalia? and after that accomplishment than u move on, u see Major European countries such as yourself and UN, US forget the culture and the way we do things here. look for a prime example of Somaliland? you think this unrecognized Country had the privileges crazy funds Somalia is getting, no we did it under a tree old skool way, by that we accomplished something Somalia is lacking. So please stop wasting money on major conferences and help the needy People of Somalia.

  80. i see alot of people saying that this is got nothing to do with somaliland. but somaliland is part of somalia, and will always remain that way. in addition there are also some important issues such as injustice taking place inside somaliland that the international community is not aware of.

  81. The Somalis are missing the point. The London conference as Matt Baugh mention the foreign office web page “the London Conference to highlight the need for greater resolve – both international and Somali – to improve the security situation for ordinary people and create an environment in which a political process can flourish and effective governance can be extended across the country. This poses a number of questions – how big should AMISOM be? And how sustainable is it in the long term? What about Somali security forces? And, most importantly of all, what about the issues of civilian protection and the rule of law? The challenges are great. But so are the rewards. This conference is not about the internal dispute among the Somalis or creating a new nation, it is about to build a road map that could be sustainable in the future. Somalia is one nation, the British and the international community as a whole are respecting the soveriengty of Somalia and never intended to recognise any region or segment of Somalia.

  82. Regarding the issue of Security, this AMISOM project what is its objective and when will it leave and under what objective they operate.
    AMISOM is a such difficult topic for me, as a Somaliland I think what they are doing at the moment is helping the TFG stabilize the capital but will it try and go further than that??
    Somalia solution is not that simple believe me… Somaliland can help Somalia if and only if Somaliland get the independence from the international community.

  83. hi
    I think your questions are on the point, but I would say, look at Somali neighbouring countries like, Ethiopia, Somaliland, Kenya and Djibouti they all have strong conventional nationa army.
    So, I think if Somali forces are reorginized and rebuild, there will be some hope for Somalians, but if international community keeps on by deploying those foreign troops into Somalia, I think nothing concrete will be achieved.
    When I am saying Somalia, that is southeren part of former Somalia. Somaliland is a good example of which you can take advantage, interms of reconcilation methods that it has used, but again and again never mix up those two different countries(Somaliland and Somalia).
    take care

  84. This blog is about security and stability. Please stop spamming it with Somaliland mantra!. If you are not happy with how this conference is organized, then don’t come. Full Stop.

    Somaliland army has already started killing people in Seemaal and Buuhoodle just because the people of these two localities declared their secession from Somaliland. Is this your civilization, PEACE! and Democracy. The heads of all political parties are from the same tribe as well as 80% of ministers, civil servants and heads of army divisions.

    People can boast about being saints, but it is when you face the difficulties of life that your ugly side show up. We are all waiting your reaction to Awdal State and Khatumo state.

    History has proven that no Somali tribe had ever succeeded in annihilating another tribe. We all want you to live in peace but please stop the overreaction and and oppressing others in your territory.


    Matt, I suggest widening the number of countries participating or sending troops to AMISOM mission.
    Also, using Somali administrators, translators and even some army personnel embedded in AMISOM troops would help them build rapport with the local communities.

    Muse, Mogadishu

    1. HI All,
      For your record Muse, everyone in Somaliland can participate in the election process and actually could become a leader. For instance the ex-President of Somaliland was from Awdal and he is byfar the most known political person from that region and he supports full the independence of Somaliland.

      Abdiqani, Hargeisa; Somaliland

    2. Dear Muuse, as i see from ur words your information is not telling the truth but spreading propaganda, Somaliland’s Army knows first hand the causes inflicted by a military assault is, 1988 the siad barre regime bombarded the city of hargeisa for your information and now we are not gonna ” Slaughter” any citizen of this great small nation even thou they be different of opinion among citizens. People like who have evil intention are the major problem in Somali society, stop spreading false information and help your fellow brother to understand what war bring’s. i will not criticize you for your ignorance but give food for thought to be a productive person in all society.

      1. To all other future comments that may come from somalilanders, you heard Muse. This is not a Somaliland propaganda machine, so stop wasting your propaganda here and use that to your people to keep fuel their fake hope. The international community and people assigned to issues related to Somalia know very well the realities on the ground, they know the atrocities Somaliland government commit against innocent Dhulbahante people and people from Awdal. People from SSC region and Awdal has declared their own state governments they do not wish to be part of your clan club, so stop dreaming of being recognised as a country and start to work towards a better and safer greater Somalia

        1. well said, there some people on here thinking this is a chance to spread their ideology. Everyone knows whats happening inside the so called somaliland. people in awdal and buuhoodle have finally realised and stood up for themselves. somalia will not be devided END OF. this is a chance for the so called somaliland so forward their ideas even though this confrence will be held under the name os somalia.

      2. What I would like to ask my Somaliland brothers/sisters is this “The people of northern Somalia tried to make their voices heard in the 1980′s but the Mogadishu government did not even listen to their concerns, instead they were imprisoned, killed and their properties confiscated. The uprising did not stop and the struggle simple gained momentum untill the central authority collapsed. Do you feel now that history is repeating itself? When the people of Awdal and SSC chose to leave Somaliland your response seems to be exactly that of Siad Barre. Yes there are some Awdelites and people from SSC in Hargeisa as there were many from Somaliland in Mogadishu in the 1980′s.
        These people are your cousins, in-laws and maternal uncles, they are your compatriots in the culture and accent. The moment you treat them as enemies is when things will fall apart. This is testing time for you. I hope your wise-men, not your hawks, will handle the matter in this critical time of your history. Good luck to all Somalis.
        Abdi Jama, Bosaso

    3. Hi all,

      As a matter of fact as we can all see from these comments on this Blog, Somalis are all about tribe and we cannot deny that.The prove is out there and has been there in the past and will be there in the future. What we need to understand today is that we do not want to talk about or mention tribes as it will never fix anything because you need to bear in mind that it is our tradition in somehow and it is etch in our blood forever.

      Tribes it is not the issue today, the issue is ‘WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?’ This is where we all need to focus,finding the solution it is crucial. It is very simple for each of us as a Somali to simply use his/her tribe as a weapon to attack another but it is unfortunate that we are all missing out the big dream. You see our parents and ancestors have missed the opportunity to build their country and live the dream, in addition they have not left anything behind for their children (us) beside a package full of terror, insecurity and a fear of losing your Country, just because of A tribe (Label) problem.

      I would like to tell all of you a secret: Today, it is my turn, my time to build my country and to improve the situation by using the word freedom. My plan it is to live something behind for my children and do not under-estimate me because I am indeed the youth of today with full of anger and ready to destroy anything standing on my way.


      We all understand that the West and specially the UK is willing to help and support Somalia as David Cameron quoted “The Failure state” to stand on his feet. We understand also that you have your own interest in there to support the UK and EU’s Economy. In other words, I believe we complete each other and Somalia it is ready to sacrifice a lot today to build its country.

      In term of Security, the west it is missing out one the most important point which is simply invest in the Somali Military instead of bringing AMISOM on the soil of Somalia. I thought the British understood this a while ago, Somalia does not need foreign troops on its soil. You need to communicate and collaborate to the local government and people to improve the situation. Sending troops over there won’t change anything, sending AMISOM in Somalia was a mistake and massacre. The best option is to invest in the Somali Military, they are the one who can improve the situation. The west needs to understand that it is time to give responsibilities to Somalis for the benefit of everyone.

      If Somalia had an Army, we would have had an Economy, a Government, Prisons and Al-Shabab would have never existed. That is the best option and will stay the best option.



  85. First and foremost, the international community need to fully support AMISOM and provide the equipment and know-how to AMISOM command. And secondly, the international community need to take into account Somalia’s tribal-make-up, culture and tribal politics. And thirdly, the international community need to invest in Somalia’s justice system. Prison building should be a top priority. We’ve too many criminals,wannabe pirates and terrorist in Somalia. And SYL and Siad barre governments only managed to build 4 to 5 prisons with capacity of 200-300 criminals each. Somalia needs investments in prisons and the justice system e.g. courts.

  86. Matt,

    This is not applicable in our case, Somaliland has nothing to do with this issue as we are a separate country with its security fully in control.

    This conference needs to be re-designed if you need to engage Somaliland.

    1. Clashes leave 25 dead
      in Somaliland and Khatumo state of Somalia.

      At least 25 people have been killed after troops from the self-declared republic of Somaliland launched an attack on local militiamen in the Buhodle district.

      The conflict erupted on Thursday as Somaliland forces launched an attack against bases of Khatumo state of Somalia, who have recently formed the new regional state of Khatumo, on the outskirts of Sool-Joogto village in the Buhodle district. (Sool, Sanag and Ayn)

      Fierce skirmishes broke out in the aftermath of the assault and heavy weapons — including artillery and machine guns — were used in the fighting. The gun battle forced local residents to flee their homes.

      A total of 25 t people were killed and several others wounded during the clashes.

      Somaliland, situated in part of northwestern Somalia.

      Somalia has not had a functioning government since 1991, when warlords overthrew former president Mohamed Siad Barre.

      The Somali government has struggled for years to restore security but efforts have not yet yielded results in the African nation.

  87. As we know the republic Somaliland has more historty between British government so when UK talk somali affair respect somaliland as indepedence nation. and know somalilanders people will never return what called union somalila, UK and every nation have to know our ambition is to be get recognize so that UK we will hope respect our vision

    1. Dear sir khaalid please try to understand the issue , u are talking out of topic, so plz back to the issue, somalia is one nation ,one people, one flag
      respect the issue . even u can debate this as u r a man from north somalia,or hargaisa. this is my advice to you.

    2. khaalid brother i do agree to your views that you or the the Somalilander don’t want to return the once somali union, but I remind you that whereever you go in the world you can’t change your identity and you will remain somali.
      brother we aren’t living in the past, or in the cold war. Europeans are opening up their borders why do you want to creat a border between brothers.
      I hope you and my brothers somalilanders will have a far vision as we are and remain to be brothers with the same language, appearanceand faith

  88. who is held accountable for AMISOM abuses?
    We recently seen air raid bombing of civilians in Jilib where children had been killed by alleged KDF air force. KDF are now part of AMISOM. There is no mechinism that is available to address these abuses and UK is providing the Kenyan operation with diplomatic cover. Some of the AMISOM contributing counrires have thier own human rights issues.

    is true that legally the UK financial, military support to KDF could expose it to be indirectly responsible for any atrocity that are committed by AMISOM?

    1. Mr. Baugh,

      Why is the UK ignoring the genocide taking place in the Ogaden region of Etiopia against the ethnic Somalis who inhabit that region ?

      Abuse and terror in the Somali region

      “An ongoing struggle for autonomy is being fought between the outlawed Ogden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the Ethiopian military but it is not just ONLF members who are being brutalised.

      An undercover investigation by the Bureau and the BBC’s Newsnight provides new evidence of ongoing brutal human rights abuses by Ethiopian government forces.

      Today the area is a no-go zone for foreigners, the media and aid agencies. Instead, it is kept under strict Ethiopian government control, making it difficult to assess what is going on.

      But in Dadaab, the largest refugee camp in the world in northern Kenya, there are thousands, who have fled from the Ogden region, claiming to have been subjected to horrific abuses by Ethiopian government troops.

      Torture victims
      A grandmother in her 50s, told us that she was one of more than 100 civilians seized from her village in the Ogden by government forces in 2009. Some of the villagers were killed, including her son, and others were taken to jail.

      She says ‘I was raped’ by ‘a queue’ of soldiers. ‘They raped me in a room, one of them was standing on my mouth, and one tied my hand, they were taking turns, I fainted during this.’

      Another victim described how she was eight months pregnant when government forces arrested her, then raped and beat her until she lost her baby.”

    2. This genicide is documented for a very long time and the British Government doesn’t care what happens there.
      It only care if the british interest is at stake.
      therefore brother don’t think they don’t know. furthermore it is the british government which handed over the region to the Ethiopians, with the full knowledge that the somalis will be the most powerful than any other ethnic in the region.

Comments are closed.

About Matt Baugh

Matt is married to Caroline, a GP from South London specialising in pre-hospital care and tropical medicine. They have 3 small children. Matt has been working on Somalia since May 2010, wh...

Matt is married to Caroline, a GP from South London
specialising in pre-hospital care and tropical medicine. They have 3
small children. Matt has been working on Somalia since May 2010, when he was appointed the UK’s Senior Representative and Head of the UK’s
Somalia Office. On 2 February 2012 he was accredited as the first
British Ambassador to Somalia for 21 years. Since taking up his Somalia
appointment, he has been able to travel to Mogadishu, Hargeisa and
Garowe, and has been deeply touched by the warmth of the welcome he has received, but also the scale of the challenges that Somali people face
every day.
Matt is a career civil servant and is currently on secondment to the
Foreign Office from the UK Department for International Development. Now 37, he has spent much of his career to date dealing with conflict,
security and humanitarian issues. Since 1999 he has worked in Iraq,
Sudan, Afghanistan and the Balkans, as well as a number of major relief
operations and protracted emergencies. He also helped to set up and lead
the UK’s Post Conflict Reconstruction Unit, now the UK Stabilisation
Unit. Matt is a graduate of the UK Joint Services Command and Staff
College’s Higher Command and Staff Course (2010) and was previously
Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for International
Development (2008-9).
Away from work, Matt is an avid England rugby fan (although he
refuses to admit his own playing days are long over). He is also a keen
mountaineer and skier and, together with Caroline, was part of a team
that raced to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005. These days he is more
likely to be found teaching his children how to swim and build