Global Science and Innovation Network

A blog showcasing the work of the Global UK Science and Innovation Network, approximately 90 officers in over 30 countries and territories around the world

About this blog

19th March 2018 Delhi, India

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel is the Global Cities Lead at Future Cities Catapult. Her new book, Local Leadership in a Global Era focuses on the types of policies local governments need to adopt and the behaviours they need to exhibit if they hope to thrive in the global Innovation economy.

Cross Catapult Collaboration

‘My success will not depend on what A or B thinks of me. My success will be what I make of my work.’ This quote by the namesake of the Newton-Bhabha Fund, Homi J. Bhabha, aptly describes the work of the UK Catapult Centres. Simply put, Catapults get things done when it comes to finding […]

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9th March 2018 USA

Hannah Davelman

Hannah Davelman

Science & Innovation Officer, San Francisco

British UAS Research Visits The Bay Area

In February 2018, the UK Science & Innovation Network brought researchers from the Universities of Southampton, Bristol, and Cranfield to the Bay Area, where they represented the UK’s newly-formed CASCADE research consortium at the NSF-funded Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Industry Advisory Board (C-UAS IAB) meeting at Facebook Headquarters. C-UAS brings together five leading American universities […]

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7th March 2018 Berlin, Germany

Chris Bradley

Chris Bradley

Science and Innovation Network, Regional Director for Europe, Russia and Turkey

Women in Science: fostering UK-German innovation

Today, 8 March, marks International Women’s Day and tomorrow, 9 March, marks the beginning of British Science week. According to UNESCO, less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. So today we’re pleased to introduce two female scientists who have agreed to share a little about their careers and experiences as women working at […]

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26th February 2018 Science and Innovation Network

Nicola Willey

Nicola Willey

Regional Director Southeast Asia Science and Innovation

The Newton Fund in Southeast Asia: Looking back, and looking forward

With celebrations of the New Year in the West and Chinese New Year fading, I took a moment to look back at the Newton Fund last year, and where the year ahead is likely to take us. We closed out 2017 by celebrating the Newton Prize. This Prize is given to recognise the very best […]

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21st February 2018 Science Innovation USA

Kyle Dolan

Kyle Dolan

Head of Science & Innovation, British Consulate-General Chicago

Utility 2050 and SIN address the future of clean power

The UK has ambitious plans to become a leader in clean energy, relying on low-carbon resources to power society. Delivering these plans will require buy-in from numerous stakeholders—industry, consumers, government—all of whom are asking the question: what would a UK clean energy sector look like? The UK Science & Innovation Network (SIN) is helping to […]

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20th February 2018 Montreal, Canada

What happens when Canadian and UK AI experts gather ? A four-day programme in the UK

There are over 100 Artificial Intelligence (AI) startups and more than 250 AI and Machine Learning (ML) scientists based in Montreal. It is no surprise then that this popular city has become a global powerhouse for AI R&D and entrepreneurship. Following Montreal’s four-day programme in October, I in collaboration with UK partners[1] organised an AI […]

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5th February 2018 Los Angeles, USA

David Pasquini

David Pasquini

Consul, UK Government Office in San Diego

Robotics and the Blue Economy

It is no secret that San Diego, tucked away in the southwest corner of America’s largest state by GDP, is rapidly emerging as a hotspot for the development of robotic technology. The pulse of San Diego’s “Robot Valley”, as it is increasingly referred to, is the University of California, San Diego, but the ecosystem is […]

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26th January 2018 London, UK

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by Robin Grimes

Former FCO Chief Scientific Adviser

UK – Russia Year of Science and Education: A year older, a year wiser

Last month Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson visited Moscow for talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Whilst media reporting of the visit focused on our bilateral political relationship and what we are doing to solve together the world’s most pressing global challenges, science and education were also among the topics discussed during the visit. Both […]

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25th January 2018 Auckland, New Zealand

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by Alasdair Hamilton

Consul General & Deputy Governor to the Pitcairn Islands

Gateway to Space

In my previous blogs I have informed about the support the UK Science & Innovation Network (SIN) is providing to the UK’s National Space Academy (NSA) in China; helping to spread an inspirational model of teaching which uses Space Science in the context of teaching STEM subjects. The core objective is to get more children […]

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22nd January 2018 Stockholm, Sweden

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by Mikael Allan Mikaelsson

PhD, Science and Innovation Policy Advisor, Europe Lead on Net-Zero Innovation & Climate Change

From the Transformation of Energy to the Transformation of Transport

The Paris Agreement signed by 195 countries at the 21st Conference of the Parties meeting in 2015 marked a significant and critical milestone in the global effort to combat climate change. Already, many countries around the world are making significant advances on their pathways towards clean and sustainable economies. In particular, the decarbonisation of the […]

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About Global Science and Innovation Network

We use this blog to showcase the work of the UK Science and Innovation Network. We have approximately 90 officers in over 30 countries and territories around the world building…

We use this blog to showcase the work of the UK Science and Innovation Network. We have approximately 90 officers in over 30 countries and territories around the world building partnerships and collaborations on science and innovation. SIN officers work with the local science and innovation community in support of UK policy overseas, leading to mutual benefits to the UK and the host country.

We work to four objectives; prosperity, security, influence and development, across 11 thematic programs; Health and Life Sciences, Clean Energy ,Food and Agriculture, Future Manufacturing, Digital Economy, Quantum Technology, Future Cities, Resources and Resilience, Polar Regions, Space and Oceans.

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