FCDO Outreach

Reaching out to a wider audience to inform and inspire others

About this blog

About FCDO Outreach

The FCDO is doing more to promote its work to a wider audience, engaging with people to inform others about the work that we do and inspire them to think…

The FCDO is doing more to promote its work to a wider audience, engaging with people to inform others about the work that we do and inspire them to think about a career with us or work with us in other ways.

This blog is designed to capture a lot of the wide ranging work that we are doing across the office to engage people with the FCdO and its impacts. We welcome blogs from staff who have participated in or organised any event to engage people in the work that we do.

We also welcome blogs from the participants of these events on opinions about the impact and usefulness of them.

If you would like to blog please send an email digitalcontent@fco.gov.uk

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