Robin Twyman

Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

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Partners in Prosperity

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1st July 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

1 July – It's a good day to trade

It’s almost two years since I arrived out here in DC in the summer of 2009.  The weather’s the same – hot and humid.  But trade politics have got a lot more exciting.  Many eyes are avidly watching what is happening on the Hill concerning the pending US FTAs with Korea, Colombia and Panama.  It’s […]

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10th June 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

Tech City offers tech investment opportunity

The following is a guest blog by Tony Hughes of UKTI, London Tony Hughes, Director, Focus Innovation for UK Trade and Investment, was in Washington this week and attended an event at the Embassy hosted by UKTI in partnership with creative media companies, Disruptathon and Millennial Media.  Tony, one of the speakers at the evening […]

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7th June 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

From shared history to mutual prosperity in Boston: Linking the UK and Massachusetts innovation industries

The following is a guest blog by Phil Budden, British Consul General to New England  History matters up here in Boston, as I was reminded when the Governor and I hosted a business event at the Massachusetts (MA) State House on Beacon Hill.  While I was focussing on our current UK-MA business links, some in […]

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25th May 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

British businesses appreciate doing things "The American Way" at Nascar

The following is a guest blog by Spencer Mahony, HM Consul & UKTI Regional Director for the South East US, British Embassy Washington Any idea what the hottest destination for UK motor sport companies is after Formula 1? Despite the All-American feel, it is actually the multi-billion dollar Nascar racing industry.  After my visit to […]

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29th March 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

Competitiveness, not complacency

On Tuesday 15 March, Professor Dan Hamilton of Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Transatlantic Relations in DC hosted a panel discussion to launch "Europe 2020 – Competitive or Complacent". Professor Hamilton warned that 2020 was the closing window for Europe within which it needed to position itself into a competitive place in an increasingly inter-connected […]

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21st March 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

Making Doha a bigger priority

I had the pleasure of going to the Washington International Trade Association discussion about the 2011 Congressional Trade Agenda.  It was an opportunity for the DC trade community to hear direct from key Congressional trade staffers what trade issues they thought would be keeping Congress busy this year.  It was an off-the-record discussion, so I’ll […]

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14th March 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

"You have to start it to get better"

This is a guest blog from Spencer Mahony, HM Consul & Director South East US at UK Trade and Investment at the British Embassy in Washington, DC. That was the conclusion of Marc Cenedella, Founder & CEO of TheLadders.Com, one of the 10 search engines in the US to have exceeded a turnover greater than $20m. […]

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2nd February 2011

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

Getting a Doha agreement: no time to lose

As governments around the world continue to look for the best way to stimulate sustainable economic recovery, we in the trade policy field offer a simple answer: trade is the biggest stimulus we can give right now. And thanks to the trade liberalisation we’ve witnessed since the last big, multilateral trade agreement was reached in […]

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12th October 2010

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

Go Team Europe!

As far as transatlantic competitions go, last week was a great one for Europe and the UK.    On Monday, Graeme McDowell from Northern Ireland sunk a crucial birdie at the 16th hole of Wales’ Celtic Manor course, which ultimately clinched The Ryder Cup for Europe. To crown it all, the winning European Team was captained […]

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22nd September 2010

Robin Twyman

by Robin Twyman

Consul for Business and Government Affairs

Scotching tariffs

Whisky is the UK’s top agriculture export – £3.2bn-worth of whisky flowed out of the UK in 2008, accounting for just under a quarter of the UK’s agriculture exports (see Agriculture in the UK 2009). And the US was the top export market, sipping £421m worth of the stuff in 2009, a whopping 13% increase […]

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About Robin Twyman

Robin Twyman took up his posting as Consul for Business and Government Affairs at the UK Government Office in Seattle in January 2013. He was previously First Secretary (Trade Policy, Busi...

Robin Twyman took up his posting as Consul for Business and Government Affairs at the UK Government Office in Seattle in January 2013. He was previously First Secretary (Trade Policy, Business Affairs and Agriculture) at the British Embassy in Washington.

Born in Canterbury, Kent, in 1968, Robin joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 1987. His diplomatic career has seen him serve overseas tours in Harare, Zimbabwe (1989-1992), and Geneva, Switzerland (2001-2006), plus short overseas tours in Mozambique, Mauritius, Russia, Abu Dhabi, Israel, Jordan, DR Congo, Albania, Zambia, Qatar, Nigeria, Syria, and Yemen.

Robin’s assignments have covered a wide range of duties. In Geneva, Robin was a UK delegate to the World Trade Organisation, where his portfolio included the Doha Trade Round’s agriculture negotiations, and trade disputes. Whilst there, he was elected to serve as a chair on one of the WTO’s sub-committees. In the FCO in London, Robin has been a Foreign Office Press Officer (1999-2001), Horn of Africa desk officer, a manager for the UK’s Afghanistan Counter Narcotics programme, and headed up the UK’s South Atlantic Overseas Territories team.