Tag: eu

7th October 2019 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Zombie Wonderland

Council sessions often drive a temporary wedge between delegates and their families. The heavy hours estrange us from our partners and children and conversations tend to become rushed and reduced to topics of basic functional necessity.  So I was slightly thrown when my son wouldn’t let me get out of the door early one morning […]

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22nd August 2019 London

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by Christopher Pincher

Minister of State (Minister for Europe and the Americas)

Travelling to the EU or live there? Get ready for Brexit

The UK is leaving the EU on 31 October and we are making all necessary preparations to ensure we are ready. This includes making sure UK travellers to the EU and UK nationals living in the EU are prepared. If this is you – or you have friends and family involved – then please read […]

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28th July 2017 Skopje, North Macedonia

Fiona McIlwham

Fiona McIlwham

Western Balkans Director, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

‘I leave Skopje optimistic’

When Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, met Prime Minister Zaev and Foreign Minister Dimitrov in Trieste at the Western Balkan Summit, he was impressed with their energy and determination to make changes and their readiness to take bold steps. He welcomed their commitment to tackle reform challenges at home, to reset relations with neighbours and to re-energise Macedonia’s NATO and EU prospects. […]

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20th June 2017 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

In praise of peahens

One of the more amusing oddities that comes with going to the UN is having meetings interrupted by the screams of the peacocks that wander freely outside. It often seems like the vicarious expression of the feelings of those of us trapped inside for hours on end, arguing over any number of things that really […]

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23rd January 2017 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Ensuring a smooth transition in the WTO as we leave the EU

Last week the British Prime Minister Theresa May set out her plan for Britain’s orderly departure from the European Union. Britain’s transition in the WTO is an important and necessary part of this process. Ensuring that goes smoothly is one of the over-riding priorities of the Mission I lead in Geneva. British ministers in fact […]

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21st March 2016 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

The Syrian Conflict Comes to Geneva

The Syrian conflict is the source of the most immediate threats now facing the United Kingdom and Europe.  Dealing with it has become the most important agenda in Geneva. Our citizens have travelled to the conflict and came back radicalised and ready to commit acts of terrorism.  Regional rivals have been drawn into the conflict […]

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28th January 2016 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Davos: Big Short or Indispensable Summit?

No other international gathering attracts such mythology.  The place where the world’s economic elite co-opts its political leadership.  Or the best place in the world to discuss and solve global problems.  The arguments for and against Davos rage every year.  But it’s as popular as ever. BIG SHORT Just before this year’s Davos gathering, Oxfam […]

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30th November 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Combating Fragility

The terror that stalked the music halls of Paris and the virus from Africa that reached the streets of Houston have something important in common.  They both originated in fragile or failing states.  Just as the refugees risking everything and the children facing famine are victims of this same fragility. The British Government published three […]

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5th October 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Milan Expo and How Governments Promote Trade and Prosperity

I’ve just spent the weekend at the Milan Expo.  Over a hundred countries showcasing themselves in a tradition of world fairs that stretches back to the nineteenth century and the “first World Expo” at Crystal Palace in 1851. The most expensive pavilion was the UAE extravaganza, coming in at allegedly just  shy of £100 million.  […]

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7th September 2015 Geneva, Switzerland

by Julian Braithwaite

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

The Tragedy and Reality of Europe’s Refugee and Migration Crisis

Who could fail to be moved by the photograph last week of the little Syrian boy on a Turkish beach?  We have long grown numb to the statistics of the Syrian conflict yet here was a picture that captured with blinding clarity the human tragedy.  Hundreds of little Aylans have drowned in the Mediterranean far […]

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