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Grant Shapps

Former Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

14th September 2015 London, UK

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by Grant Shapps

Former Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Working towards the future in Rwanda

Last week I visited Rwanda for the first time.  It gave me the opportunity to see the remarkable progress that this country has made since the devastating 1994 genocide.  In my joint role at the Foreign Office and DFID, I was able to explore the full breadth of the UK’s relationship with Rwanda – a […]

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11th August 2015 London, UK

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by Grant Shapps

Former Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Peaceful and Democratic Transfers of Power: a Leaders’ Legacy

The UK has long valued democratic and accountable governance, not least in countries with which we have strong connections. As the Foreign Office and DFID Minister responsible for the UK’s relationship with Africa, one of my key tasks is to pursue this agenda in that continent. Recent scenes of discontent, strife and violence in Burundi […]

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