8th August 2012 Lima, Peru
In the Olympics
The following is a blog by Julio Muñóz-Deacon, Peruvian Ambassador to Peru in London.

The Games are coming to an end. And up to this point, we can say that they have been outstanding. The Chinese and the Americans have been the most successful so far and team GB is doing great.
There has been some rain, but overall, the weather has been good, and it has not been a significant issue in the Olympic events. We hope that this continues during the next days of the Games.
One of the most important activities for us was receiving the Peruvian delegation in the residence of the Embassy in Porchester Terrace, very close to where Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens are. It’s worth mentioning that, 64 years ago, the Peruvian delegation was also received in this very same residence, as part of their participation in the London 1948 Olympic Games. We have pictures of both events. The copyright for the modern pictures goes to the Embassy, but the ones from ’48 correspond to Mr. Martín Morales, owner of the renowned restaurant “Cebiche” in London.

Latin America, save a few exceptions, has not had much success in the Olympics; nevertheless, they participate with great interest and dedication. Although the Peruvian delegation has not had great results, it’s worth noting what Inés Melchor achieved during last Saturday’s marathon, where she was in third place for half of the race.
This coming Thursday Peter López starts competing in Tae Kwon Do. He is Peru’s best hope for Olympic Gold. I hope he gets it.
We are busy with Peruvian visitors: congressmen, ex-ministers, city mayors, etc. The Embassy has been very active in supporting them.
With the support of the Peruvian Olympic Committee, Promperú and the Municipality of Miraflores, we are sponsoring an event to promote the World Conference of the International Olympic Committee “Sports for everybody”, which will take place in Lima in April 2013.
Representatives of the International Olympic Committee, Latin American Olympic Committees, Peruvian and Foreign Citizens will be present. The conference will help promote a healthy and active lifestyle for our young people.
We trust that what is left of the Olympics will be as amazing as it has been to date.
It’s interesting to note that you say Latin American countries have not had much success in the Olympics. Why is that? Is it an issue of engagement or lack of funding for Sporting activities?
This seems in contrast to the success in football, whether this be the triumphs of Brazil or the beginnings of the World Cup back in 1930 in Uruguay.