This blog post was published under the 2015 to 2024 Conservative government

17th June 2016 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

World Blood Donor Day 2016


This week we celebrated World Blood Donation day. Giving blood is one of the most powerful acts you can do to help other people in society. It is quite a feeling to know that you might save someone’s life in an emergency, help a mother in a difficult pregnancy, or support someone who is having to undergo treatment for a long-termcondition.

The concept is one that is gaining traction in Ethiopia, and more and more people are taking up opportunities to give blood at various events organised by the National Blood Bank. But they are still not receiving enough – and we can all do our bit to encourage more people to donate.


In this vein we invited the National Blood Bank came to the British Embassy this week. The take up from our staff was fantastic, and we managed to collect about 8,800ml blood. Thanks to everybody who volunteered.

As you can see from the pictures below, they all look happy! The drinks and biscuits are important to soothe any nerves of people doing this for the first time, and they quickly realise that it a simple and easy thing to do. But it makes a big difference, and we’ll be repeating the event again next year.



1 comment on “World Blood Donor Day 2016

  1. Blood donation is the best gift sofar from us it must to be encourage.we have to know how many life save through this way specially mothers they bleed during deliver we must donate for them saving mother means saving comunity because mother is the light of familly

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