This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Tim Cole

Former British Ambassador to Cuba

Part of UK in Cuba

31st May 2013 Havana, Cuba

Starting the conversation

I’m the British Ambassador to Cuba and I’ve decided to start this blog. The idea is to write about the United Kingdom and Cuba, everything that joins them together and one or two things that separate them.  Of course, the British Embassy in Havana already uses lots of digital platforms for communication – for example, we have a very active Facebook page, we post on the Embassy website and I tweet (my Twitter address is @HMATimCole).  But blogging takes us one step further and gives me an opportunity to have more of a conversation with you.

I’d really welcome your comments on this blog. If you want me to blog about a particular issue, let me know. If you want me to answer a particular question, ask it. I’ll be honest in reply and explain carefully what we do in Cuba and why. I’ll be diplomatic too – after all, I am a diplomat. You may not always like what I write. If you don’t agree with me, don’t abuse me (I get enough of that on Twitter) but explain why not.  If you do agree with me, please tell me. The blog will be in Spanish and English so you can reply or comment in either language.

With only limited internet access in Cuba, you might ask why I’m bothering. The answer is, and I am pretty sure this is the case, that there are enough people out there interested in Cuba, and about Britain in Cuba, to make this worthwhile. Some are in Cuba, many are outside. Many are Cubans, some aren’t. Let’s see how it goes.

44 comments on “Starting the conversation

  1. Hi Mr Cole:
    First of all I got to admit that the idea of the blog is amazing as a way of having direct answer to many questions that you cannot find on the website.
    A little bit of introduction to help you understand my case.
    I’ve been recently in UK visiting my mother for 6 months. She has no other family and now was notified about some problems in her eyes, so she’ll need some surgery. Even when the surgery is easy the recovery is a little bit hard so she won’t be able in a while to do any physic effort, needing me there to look after her.
    I think I have all the eligibility requirements to apply for a visa but one of my question is if I have to solicite a family visitor visa again or should I ask for another type. In that case should I wait any period of time before applying again, having in mind that I’ve been recently in UK or I can do it whenever I want to. Looking foward for your answer.

    1. Susy
      I can’t comment on individual visa applications and suggest you consult the following link for guidance about how to apply for a UK visa in Havana:

      You can also contact the International Enquiry Service provided by UK Visas & Immigration’s commercial partner, Hinduja Global Solutions to obtain information about the visa application process. You can call them at +44 1243 213 387. Opening hours are 7am to 4pm EDT. Calls will be charged at a rate of £1.37 per minute plus the cost of the call. Calls can be handled in English or in Spanish. A web chat service is also available at a cost of £4 for 10 minutes Please note that HGS staff do not play any part in the outcome of visa applications.

  2. Hello Tim,

    Please can you let me know what the opportunities are for UK citizens to work in Cuba?

    Are there currently many UK companies with established bases in Cuba?

    Also are there specific skills that are in demand that will enable a UK citizen to work for a Cuban company?

    Who can I contact to find out more information on this subject?

    Kind Regards

    Terry Watson

  3. Tim

    You are certainly in the right place, given the temperature in Britain at the moment. We are a brand selling Cuba coffee in branches of The Co-operative Food. Though when we sell it on-line, we have had our challenges. Please read our web site at to read more about some of the issues we have faced as a consequence of US over-reach right here in the UK.

    Meanwhile enjoy the sun and hope to join the trade mission to Cuba early next year.

    best wishes

    Revolver Co-operative Ltd

    P.s don’t be put off by our name;our Revolver World brand is a spin off of our 32-year-old Record label Revolver Records – so think Beatles rather than the alternative!

  4. Estimado Tim Cole
    Hace ya algun tiempo le envie a Sandra del Pino,trabajadora del Reino Unido en la Embajada de la Habana la siguiente carta, en ella,participaba mi interés y le envié un trabajo técnico para predecir la cantidad de muertes en Scotland, desafortunadamente no obtuve respuesta, por favor pudiera existir algun personal científico interesado en estas modelaciones
    Carta electronica del dia Junio 3 de 2011
    Mis saludos ante todo, le adjunto un pequeño trabajo sobre Modelación de muertes en Scotland este estudio se realiza debido a que tenemos interés de cooperar con organizaciones del Reino Unido y esta modelación pudiera ser de utilidad a algún empresario de ese país para la planificación de los recursos destinados a las muertes en el mes, el mismo puede extenderse a cualquier área de cualquier parte del país, y nos gustaría de ser posible se lo mande a los posibles interesados en el Reino Unido.

    En espera de su atención,

    Le saluda,

    Ricardo Oses Rodríguez.
    Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Villa Clara

    1. Gracias Ricardo. Le comentaré a mi colega Sandra del Pino, del British Council sobre su solicitud de información para que le responda por esa misma vía. Muchas gracias por su interés en estos temas. Saludos.

  5. Estimado: Sr. Tim Cole
    Particularmente creo que la idea de la realización de este Post es excelente, sobre todo para los cubanos interesados en conocer como se ha proyectado las relaciones de Cuba con Reino Unido, especialmente en estos últimos años, por lo que lo felicito. Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para tomarme la atribución y hablar en nombre de todos los cubanos que se sienten atraídos por la cultura y las ciencias de Reino Unido. Hace aproximadamente dos años me gradué en la Universidad de La Habana como Licenciado en Microbiología Pura, durante mis estudios en la casi ya tricentenaria alta casa de estudios (Universidad de la Habana), pude percibir un ambiente efervescente cargado de entusiasmo por mis compañeros de la Universidad que estaban realizando cursos de francés en la reconocida alianza francesa con sede en la ciudad de la habana, de la cual tengo entendido tiene otra sede valga la redondancia en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba. Yo por mi parte en lugar de sumarme a dicho entusiasmo, opté por persistir en mejorar cada día mi inglés, Claro!!! nunca está de más aprender otro idioma, pero particularmente tengo una filosofía para con el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero y es: ”El tiempo que le puedas dedicar a otro idioma, dedícaselo a perfeccionar el que aprendiste”, en mi caso el inglés reintero es el afortunado. Mi pregunta para usted es la siguiente: porque al igual que la Alianza francesa, no existe un apoyo para las personas interesadas en aprender inglés, el cual involucre un certificado acreditado que, a mi manera de ver, es lo que hace más estimulante dicho aprendizaje?. En la búsqueda de esta interrogante encontré estas preguntas y respuestas publicadas por su embajada:
    -No. El British Council no cuenta con una escuela de idiomas.
    -Aunque la oficina del British Council se encuentra dentro de los predios de La Embajada, somos independientes . El British Council es una organización no gubernamental y no política y es la organización británica para las relaciones internacionales culturales y educacionales. No existe una relación formal entre estas y la Escuela Internacional de La Habana.

    Al leer estas preguntas y respuestas me puse a reflexionar sobre el tema, y al final de dicha reflexión me surgió una nueva interrogante como:
    “Que han hecho las autoridades pertinentes del Reino Unido en materia de crear un programa que facilite la enseñanza de su Idioma a los países que como el mío presentan un interés en dicho aprendizaje?”
    Todas estas inquietudes la comparto con usted en medio de la realidad actual en donde para un profesional sobre todo de un país subdesarrollado se ve injustamente perjudicado en la realización de estudios de postgrado en el exterior (No solo en Reino Unido donde dicho examen es cubierto para unos pocos seleccionados por chevening) solo por no cubrir los gastos de un examen (TOELF y IELTS) completamente incompatible con el salario promedio de dichos profesionales por los que hoy hablo.

    Muchas Gracias
    Un cordial saludo

    1. Jorge
      Thanks for your comment. I’m really pleased you are interested in perfecting your English. You ask some very challenging questions. Personally I would love to see a British Council English school in Havana and hope one day there will be one. In the meantime, the British Council currently focuses on training trainers to improve English language teaching throughout the country. That’s important work that has a wide reach in many Cuban schools and universities.

      If you’ve got access to the internet, the British Council has an excellent website dedicated to teaching and learning English:


  6. Dear Tim,

    I am especially interested in the subject of scientific collaboration projects between Cuba and the United Kingdom. I count on your support and guidance to consolidate a Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + i) project. In the field of radiation protection within Health Systems, the UK is obliged reference. In particular I work on the implementation of CT scan protocols for pediatric patients, but my institution has severe resource constraints in dosimetry equipment, which I have clearly identified and I am optimistic that I can realize an R + D + i that benefits both countries in my field of research.

    With best regards,

  7. Sr Embajador ,, quiciera saber si hay noticias positivas q sean relacionadas con la herencia depositada en su pais hace mas de 200 anos de la familia Manso Contreras

    muchas gracias por su atencion

      1. Tin , si le puedo tutear, sin dudas eres un hombre sensillo desde el momento q has hecho publico un blog q como bien dices es para tratar cualquier tema siempre q sea con el principio de respeto, ,, gracias de corazon en nombre mio y de mi familia por su respusta, no dudare en seguir buscando de hecho hay mucho documentado , logico el testamento no existe a la vista,, desde 1902 hasta la fecha han sido varios los embajadores alli en la habana ,,, si se puediera ver los reclamos anteriores q hay tantos documentados en y hasta en la gaceta oficial de octubre 1937 , han sido varias cruzadas q ha dado esta familia , ojala Dios alumbre a las personas de buena voluntad q hagan realidad ese caudal hereditario como fue la voluntad de quienes lo depositaron , ayudenos a ver la verdad y en la medida q puedas orientarnos,, muchas gracias en nombre de la familia y mio en particular ,, Jose Antonio

        1. Jose: Desafortunadamente la Embajada Britanica en La Habana no tiene entre sus facultades el actuar como intermediario en este tipo de asuntos. Le deseo mucha suerte en su empeño. Saludos, Tim.

          1. Hola, Señor Tim Cole, estaba leyendo sus respuestas tan diplomaticas al señor Agreda, y que bonito ver Como se lava las manos con todo esto USTED representa UK en Cuba y USTED está muy al tanto de lo que ocurre con la fortuna Manso de Contreras, que pesar que nuestros ancestros depositaron sus riquezas y su confianza con lo que posiblemente se construyo su imperio para que le de esa respuesta tan insignificante a este señor Una vez mas me doy cuenta que inglaterra sigue violando los derechos Del Codigo internacional Privado .

          2. Arelys
            Muchas gracias por sus comentarios. Yo no tengo intervengo ni tengo influencia en el proceso de visado, el cual se lleva a cabo de manera independiente por UK Visas e Inmigración (UKVI). UKVI recomienda visitar el siguiente enlace para encontrar información sobre como presentar una solicitud de visa en Cuba: . Espero esta información le sea de utilidad.

  8. Estimado Tim Cole, me parece muy interesante esta idea del blog, no a todos los embajadores se le puede escribir asi de dirtecto, por tal iniciativa le felicito. Donde puedo dirigirme para conocer sobre plazas vacantes en la embajada de UK aca en La Habana, soy ingeniero informatico cualquier sugerencia me seria de gran ayuda

    1. Hola Anibal
      No hay plazas vacantes en la Embajada por ahora. Cuando haya, los anunicaremos en la pagina de Facebook de la Embajada y en Twitter.

  9. Excellency:
    It’s really an honor reading your blog, and it’s actually really rare that an Ambassador creates one, at least in Cuba, but I see it like a very nice gesture of being in touch with the rest of the people that can’t access you. I’m a Cuban, and I studied English Language and Literature at the University of Havana, so I definitely love your country, your history, your culture, your accent, though sometimes it’s a little difficult for me to understand :), as we were taught mainly American English, your music, and everything that is really great in Great Britain. I would love to receive your blogs on my email, if that’s possible. I also work in an Embassy, so i know a little bit about diplomatic work, i would love to work in your Embassy sometime if that would be possible, it would really be an honor. Best regards,

    1. Yanelys
      Thanks for your kind words. I’m afraid we don’t have any vacancies in the Embassy in the moment but please apply when the next one comes up. We’ll try and send future blogs to your email.

  10. Hello there! I too have concerns regarding the visa system. My family and I have been waiting since 25th June for a family visit visa and despite my son in law being told by the Embassy to return on 15th July, we still know nothing. Transportation and communications are difficult, but for my son in law to have to stay in Havana, go everyday to the Embassy and still have no news is unsatisfactory. We are waiting to book flights and although I know that the Ambassador cannot look at cases, he surely should be able to look into ensuring that an efficient service is provided. According to the processing times published, 100% of family visit cases are decided in 15 working days? Really? This is all very upsetting for my daughter and our family, not knowing what is going on. I can truly empathise with Steven, Tina and without doubt, many others in this situation. Regards, Debra

  11. Will certainly do. I will always be grateful to Chevening Scholarship. It boosted my professional career and opened new horizons to me; both in Cuba and the UK. Whenever you need any feedback or to be in touch with former Chevening Scholars, count on me. Regards from sunny and warm London (30 degrees!!!!!).

    1. Thank you for the offer Davide. We’re always delighted to hear about the positive impact of the Chevening programme. Que disfrute el tiempo en Londres. Rhys

  12. Dear Tim.
    I also think creating this blog is a great idea and I believe it will help improving communications and relations between Cubans and Britons, whenever they are. I am Cuban, former Chevening Scholar, currently living and working in the UK. Good luck with the blog! Davide

    1. Hi David. Great to hear from you. Please stay in touch, whether through this blog or if you are back in Cuba – we are always keen to engage with Chevening alumni. Rhys

  13. Congratulations Tim on being named English Ambassador to Cuba. I was born not far from the embassy office near Santa Rita Church In Havana. I have lived in England since 1975. My local priest & friend Father John Fordham of the Brompton Oratory is the son of the UK Ambassador Fordham who served from 1957 to 1961 & therefore is the only English ambassador to know both Batista & Castro. Please send me an email next time you are in London to have a drink with Father John who has interesting stories about this important period in UK Cuba relations.

    Best wishes


    1. Hi Alberto
      Thanks for your post. Tim is on holiday at the moment so I wanted to respond on his behalf. It is always fascinating to know about different links between the UK and Cuba, whether personal, cultural, political or economic. Of course we in the embassy have a particular interest in the development and history of bilateral relations, so please feel free to invite Father John to join in the conversation on this blog.

  14. Hi Tim,
    Starting this blog is great thing. I think it shows human face on the government and embassies. I look forward to your future posts. I don’t have any question for you, if I think of something I shall fire a question over.
    I’m from England recently got married to my lovely wife who is an American. I love to travel and have an interest in Cuba, which I hope to visit someday.
    Actual I have a question now, whats it like to work at the embassy and live in Havana socially?
    Regards Laurence

    1. Hi Laurence,
      Thank you for your message. Tim is away right now but I thought you’d welcome a quick reply. I really enjoy working in the British Embassy. Our jobs are diverse and demanding and each day brings a new challenge, from analysing political developments to helping out British tourists who need our support. Living in Cuba is equally fascinating. There are some genuine challenges such as the erratic supply of basic goods or poor interent access, but it is a beautiful and generally very safe country with warm and charming people. Of course these are just my personal views and others may have different opinions. Thanks again for your question and congratulations on your recent marriage.

  15. Dear Tim,
    last but not least I also want to congratulate you for this new bridge between Cuba and Great Britain!

    Best wishes, Ingo-Steven , Stuttgart

  16. Hola Tim,
    Gracias por su pronta respuesta, llena de fino humor Inglés , en realidad he conocido que existe cooperación entre el Reino Unido y el Instituto de Meteorología en la Habana, pero esa colaboración es mayormente con investigadores de la Habana, por mi parte cuando conocí del PRECIS estuve trabajando en la modelación mensual de variables climáticas utilizando una técnica llamada variables Dummy que permiten con mucha menor cantidad de recursos de computadora obtener resultados muy similares al PRECIS, pero todo quedó en Provincia, aprecio mucho los esfuerzos que hacen los países por mitigar los efectos del cambio climático y en particular Cuba y el Reino Unido, cuando le decía que quisiera algún día ser invitado para compartir con colegas del Reino Unido lo decía porque cuando uno quiere ser independiente en algún sentido (como siempre he querido ser), corre el riesgo de ser relegado por el sistema de forma muy sutil y entonces uno debe conformarse o seguir adelante , por eso aprecio tanto le posibilidad de comunicación con usted y en general con el Reino Unido.
    Ricardo Osés Rodríguez.
    Alguien dijo: Information is power

  17. Dear Mr Cole,

    I trust that you are keeping well.

    I applaud your initiative in making the Embassy more accessible through the various electronic and social media methods of communication.

    When will this accessibility be extended to the various applications that are made through the Embassy such as General Visa applications?

    Whilst I appreciate that there is a balance between Embassy services and those of the UKBA this will inevitably affect all parties and some clarity would be most welcome.

    Many thanks.


    1. Mr Lee
      Thanks for your comment. We’re looking at options to improve the visa application process; hope to implement the best soon.

  18. Estimado Tim Cole,

    Mi nombre es Ricardo Oses Rodríguez, soy cristiano cubano y vivo en el Centro de Cuba, Santa Clara, soy investigador en el Centro Meteorologico Provincial de Villa Clara, en el año 2009 envié una serie de documentos para aplicar a una beca Chevening, nunca recibí respuesta, me gustaria saber si esos documentos llegaron y si puedo recuperarlos algún dia, tengo 47 años y por alguna extraña razón cuando tenía 20 años quería ser un caballero Inglés al menos esas eran mis pensamientos juveniles, aprecio mucho el sentido del humor Inglés, tan fino y elegante, me gustaria ser invitado algún día a conocer a investigadores del clima Ingleses y tener relaciones de trabajo con ellos,creo que la idea de hacer este Blog es magnífica y trataré de seguir lo que usted escriba para lo cual me gustaría que existiera un aviso previo a mi correo de cuando usted escriba algo nuevo.
    Un Joke,… Cuando uno pronuncia su nombre Tim Cole( puede significar Un poquito de cola) y eso aqui en Cuba es normal o sea que haya un poquito de cola para resolver las cosas

    1. Hola Ricardo! Gracias por seguir mi blog y por responder. Siempre es interesante para mi estar en contacto directo con los cubanos y en especial cuando sienten un interes particular sobre el Reino Unido. Sobre tu aplicacion a la beca Chevening la practica habitual ha sido la de solamente contactar a las personas que se seleccionan para ser entrevistadas y el resto de los candidatos solicita sus documentos si los necesitan de vuelta. Pero esos documentos solamente se archivan por un periodo de 2 años entonces ya no los tenemos.

      Veo que trabajas en el Centro Meteorologico de Villa Clara, quizas estas al tanto de que el Centro Hadley del Reino Unido y el Instituto de Meteorologia de Cuba han llevado una colaboración conjunta por varios años con relación a la adaptación del sistema PRECIS para su uso en la region. El Reino Unido, al igual que Cuba, esta preocupado por los impactos que el cambio climatico pueda traer a nuestros paises en su condicion de islas y tiene tambien un papel importante en las negociaciones multilaterales sobre este tema.

      Tim (poquito de cola…)

  19. Dear Mr Cole,
    Thank you for the chance to speak to you. I have enormous trouble getting through from the UK to the Embajada but perhaps you or your staff can help me. I married my Cuban husband Arián Portillo Berta over a year ago and applied as soon as possible for a UK settlement visa in August 2012. It was turned down due to lack of financial eveidence to back up the requirement for a self-employed sponsor such as myself. This was November last year. We were given the chance to appeal which I promptly did from the UK – sending my missing tax returns etc immediately. Unfortunately due to the system, these only reached Havana in February this year – and a response date of 13th June 2013 was given. This date has now passed, and we are still awaiting a response as we feel there is a good chance that Havana can overturn the original decision based on the now supplied evidence. Meanwhile, my husband and I have spent our first year apart (not the best of starts) because he is unable to travel. I have been to see him 3 more times and obviously this is a massive drain on my finances. I would apply for a visitor’s visa if I knew that the original decision was going to be upheld, and at least fight the appeal from here with him by my side. I really just need to know, please, what is happening. Your helpful staff Maykel and Emilio are unable to assist apart from asking us for our patience. But now that nearly 15 months have passed since our wedding day – I’m feeling desperate.
    Please can you help?

    yours very sincerely
    Tina Portillo

      1. Thank you for your reply.
        Unfortunately when I speak to the relevant section here in the UK, they tell me that the Embassy in Havana operates as an agent, and they therefore have no direct jurisdiction over them.
        Could you possibly provide me with a name and number / email of the decision maker there in the Embassy so that I could at least speak to someone to discover why my case has gone over the legal response deadline without explanation?
        I’d be extremely grateful for any information.
        Again – thanks for your help.

  20. I’m really pleased to see that you have started this initiative. You are absolutely right, there are plenty of people outside of Cuba with interests inside, either relating to tourism or business or, as in my case, a combination of the two.

    I shall look forward to reading your blog which I am sure will be informative as well as interesting.

  21. Hello Tim,

    I want to begin by thanking you for working through so many media channels to give a first point of contact experience with people such as myself.

    I am currently working towards a visitor visa for a Cuban citizen to come to the UK for 3 months; all the documentation was put forward and submitted at the embassy in Havana last month, and we were advised to wait 2-3 weeks for a response.

    After a long delay, I assumed that this meant 3 working weeks, which was Tuesday 11th July. We called up and asked if things were okay on Tuesday, and advised to call Wednesday. On Wednesday we were asked to check on Thursday. Thursday we were told that we would definitely have an answer on Friday (today) and today we were told no, please try again on Monday.

    I emailed the embassy regarding this issue on the 22nd of May and the 27th of May and received no response, and have little faith in chasing the issue up myself because of this. The work has fallen on Yamilé in Cuba, and she seems to be getting nowhere. We have not been given an apology for the delay, a reason for it, an estimated completion time or anything. Simply ‘try tomorrow’ four consecutive times.

    Basically I just wanted to submit a little rant, because the communication throughout this process has been dreadful; the lack of information, as well as repeated missed deadlines is incredibly emotionally stressful. This is a life changing opportunity for us both, and this has made a tough time even tougher.

    I would like to suggest either that more realistic timescales are given at the first point of contact, customers/applicants receive more detailed information regarding delays or even that this process could be traceable through it’s various processing points online or something.

    Thanks for your time, hopefully on Monday we will get the answer we have long been waiting for and this will be redundant (for me) but it’s heart breaking to think that others may have to go through this as well.

    Steven Ronaldson

    1. Steven
      Thanks for your post. The visa section will take on board your comments and suggestions for how to improve the service – more online is definitely something we’ll look at. I can’t comment on individual applications for visas I’m afraid.

      1. Thank you for you response Tim.

        I think with some very slight adjustments and clarity of information the process could be a lot smoother, so thanks for taking these points on board.

        After the saga outlined previously, we were told that a decision had been made, but that she would have to visit Havana in person to receive an answer, which would potentially have added a couple of weeks to our wait. However, the embassy staff relented and told us over the phone after we kept calling every day, pestering them for an answer.

        In the end, the visa has been approved and I feel a terrible weight lifted from my shoulders! Many thanks to the embassy staff for their efforts, and their patience with me throughout this whole thing.

Comments are closed.

About Tim Cole

Hi! I’m Tim Cole, the British Ambassador to Cuba. I arrived in Havana in August 2012 and presented my credentials as British Ambassador the following month. I’ve been a diplomat…

Hi! I’m Tim Cole, the British Ambassador to Cuba. I arrived in Havana in August 2012 and presented my credentials as British Ambassador the following month. I’ve been a diplomat since 2001; before Cuba, I spent 5 years in London where I worked on Pan-African policy and global economic issues and 6 years in southern Africa as Deputy Head of Mission in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Most of my career has been in Africa as before joining the FCO I ran humanitarian aid programmes in Central Africa for the British NGOs Christian Aid and Save the Children. I’m married to Clare and we have 2 children – Jonathan and Zea.

The idea of this blog is to tell you what the British government is doing in Cuba and why. If you enjoy the blog and want to read more, please follow me on Twitter.