Tag: ww2

17th October 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

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by Edward Ferguson

British Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia


20. oktobar 1944. godine. Jugoslovenski partizani i vojnici sovjetske Crvene armije probili su se u Beograd, oslobađajući grad od nemačkih snaga koje su ga držale pod okupacijom od aprila 1941. Oslobođenje Beograda bilo je kulminacija višegodišnjeg gerilskog ratovanja na celoj teritoriji Jugoslavije. Niz ofanzivnih operacija partizana tokom meseci koji su prethodili bile su podstaknute činjenicom […]


25th September 2020 Belgrade, Serbia

Sian MacLeod

by Sian MacLeod

Former UK Ambassador to Serbia

Windows on History

WW2 photo exhibition in Belgrade

The Second World War finally came to an end just over 75 years ago. The memory of that war becomes more distant with each passing generation. This was the lived experience of my parents’ generation, experience and memories that our parents – or perhaps for some of you your grandparents – recounted to us as children, but which we can […]

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22nd October 2012 Dublin, Ireland

Robin Barnett

by Robin Barnett

Former Ambassador to Ireland, Dublin

A varied week in the life of an ambassador

The last week has shown the many facets of our bilateral relationship. It began with an excellent seminar on reducing regulation, which we co-hosted with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy and the Prime Minister’s office. We exchanged experiences with Polish Ministers and experts and agreed that deregulation and reducing burdens on business […]

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8th May 2012 Dublin, Ireland

Robin Barnett

by Robin Barnett

Former Ambassador to Ireland, Dublin

Those magnificent men in their flying machines

On Sunday, I realised a lifelong ambition. I flew for the first time in an open biplane, a 1939 Tiger Moth, owned by a great friend of the Embassy Jacek Mainka. Not only was it an extraordinary experience to fly in a 73-year-old aircraft, but it was also a poignant moment since my father learnt […]

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