Tag: un

25th July 2024 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Wearing Thin

Among my blessings in life is having an Irish mother-in law and I’m just back from a post-Council trip where my wife did some digging into her family history.  A good number of her relatives were refugees fleeing persecution in both Eastern and Central Europe from the late 19th Century.  Ireland was where they were […]

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16th October 2023 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Exhausted nations

If anyone sensible was trying to design a system to get countries from across the world to reach agreement on tricky, highly sensitive issues, then they wouldn’t do it like this. First, call a very long meeting. Let’s say five weeks long. But make sure it comes hot on the heels of two other very […]

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5th April 2023 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Groundhog Council

I think it’s over. But I’m not entirely sure. Each morning for the last six weeks I’ve been waking up to the grim realisation that the Human Rights Council session was still going and going and going. It went on for so long that I’ve lost track of everything. What day it is, my name, […]

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12th October 2022 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Number 51

I’ve always had a fond attachment to the number 51. It was my house number growing up in Manchester, as little Robert. My first memory there was my parents bringing my newly-born baby sister home from the hospital. And my mum was born in the year ’51 (as well as some more famous but less […]

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8th April 2022 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

It was 20 years ago today…

On 8 April 2002, I started working at the UK Mission to the UN.  I’d had no diplomatic experience. At all. And I’d never been to a UN meeting. I’d only ever been to Geneva once – for my interview, which I started off by spilling water all over the table (I’ve always had a […]

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20th January 2021 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

The Next President

I feel a bit sheepish about not doing a blog at the end of the last session. By the time we’d finished in October it really felt like the less said about the non-stop misery fest that was 2020 the better. I’ll put the fact that not a single person mentioned it down to collective […]

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30th October 2020 London

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by Joelle Jenny

Director, Joint Funds Unit

20 years of Women, Peace and Security

Women peacebuilders in Georgia

Today marks 20 years since the UK led the first ever UN Security Council Resolution on Women, Peace and Security. It’s an important moment to champion the crucial role women can play as actors and decision-makers at all levels in peace and political processes. Women’s participation in peace processes is essential. For reasons of equity […]

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23rd October 2020

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by Matt Field

British Diplomat

The UN at 75

Amongst many less pleasant events, 2020 also marks the much happier 75th year since the founding of the United Nations, and a series of commemorations is being held throughout the year. I congratulate UN Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ingrid Macdonald, and all of the UN staff for their open-ended commitment to BiH’s citizens, […]

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30th July 2020 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Councils Completed

These are such strange days. We still don’t know if this will prove to be a painful but relatively short-lived episode of global distress or if we’re in this for the much longer haul. Will we look back on this as a defining moment of international cooperation to overcome one of the greatest health challenges […]

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19th March 2020 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Corona Council (24 February – 13 March)

I’ve long had a sense of foredboding about the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council. Those of us who’ve been around these parts longer than most tend to measure our life-spans in the number of Council sessions we’ve racked up, as well as years. I worked out some time ago that session 43 would […]

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