Tag: uk

19th June 2018 New Delhi, India

Shaarad Sharma

Shaarad Sharma

Shaarad Sharma is a Senior Manager in the Royal Academy of Engineering’s International team. He oversees the design and delivery of the Academy’s activities under the Newton Fund – a UK Government programme to build linkages and capabilities in science, innovation and R&D with 18 ‘emerging power’ countries which promote economic development and social wellbeing.

Engineering Innovation thrives on the ‘Living Bridge’

At its essence engineering is about making ‘things’ that work and making ‘things’ work better. From farming to sanitation and healthcare to infrastructure, engineering has led to advances in technology which have saved and improved the lives of – and unlocked opportunities for – billions of people around the world. However, such breakthroughs don’t happen […]

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8th June 2018 Delhi, India

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by Tamil Selvan Chandru

Senior Adviser - Newton Fund India

Witnessing the future of innovation policy

As the member of the UK government’s team in New Delhi tasked with building collaborations between the UK and India on Science, Technology and Innovation through the Newton-Bhabha Fund, a central part of my job is to build connections between UK and Indian innovation communities. So I was delighted that at the end of May […]

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19th March 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

UK pulled Macedonia out of Brussels’ hostage and moved it to New York

Foto: Gjorgji Lichovski

Goran Mihajlovski is one of the journalists in Macedonia that has followed closely the relations between the UK and Macedonia since their early days. As part of marking the 25 years of relationship we asked Goran to give us his experience of the early 1990s and the British-Macedonian links. Amb Garrett: How do you remember […]

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19th March 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Британија ја извлече Македонија од заложништвото на Брисел и ја пресели во Њујорк

Foto: Gjorgji Lichovski

Горан Михајловски е еден од неколкумина новинари кои одблиску ги покривале настаните во раните 1990-ти кога Британија и Македонија воспоставувале дипломатски односи. По повод 25 години билатерални односи Британија – Македонија го прашавме Горан да се потсети на тие денови. Амб Гарет: Какво ти е сеќавањето за воспоставувањето на билатералните односи меѓу Британија и Македонија? […]

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19th March 2018 Skopje, North Macedonia

Mbretëria e Bashkuar e zhvendosi Maqedoninë nga Brukseli në Nju Jork

Foto: Gjorgji Lichovski

Britania dhe Maqedonia kanë marrëdhënie diplomatike nga viti 1993. Me rastin e 25 vjetorit e pyetëm Goran Mihajlovskin për kujtimet e tij mbi fillimin e miqësisë britaniko-maqedonase. Ambasadori Garet: Ç’kujtime keni për vendosjen e marrëdhënieve dypalëshe mes Britanisë dhe Maqedonisë? Mihajlovski: Në dhjetor të vitit 1993 isha gazetar në rubrikën politike të gazetës “Veçer”. Por […]

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19th March 2018 Delhi, India

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel is the Global Cities Lead at Future Cities Catapult. Her new book, Local Leadership in a Global Era focuses on the types of policies local governments need to adopt and the behaviours they need to exhibit if they hope to thrive in the global Innovation economy.

Cross Catapult Collaboration

‘My success will not depend on what A or B thinks of me. My success will be what I make of my work.’ This quote by the namesake of the Newton-Bhabha Fund, Homi J. Bhabha, aptly describes the work of the UK Catapult Centres. Simply put, Catapults get things done when it comes to finding […]

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15th March 2018 Stockholm, Sweden

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by Judith Gough

British Ambassador to Sweden

Update on UK response to the Salisbury Incident

On Monday the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, addressed Parliament on the latest information from the investigation of the poisoning of Mr Skripal and his daughter on 4th March. She said that they were poisoned with Novichok: a military grade nerve agent developed by Russia. And that based on Russia’s capability, combined with their record […]

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23rd January 2018 Wellington, New Zealand

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by Laura Clarke

British High Commissioner to New Zealand and Samoa, Governor of the Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands.

The UK and New Zealand: Old Friends, New Prospects

The connections between the UK and New Zealand are many and strong.  It is a friendship built on a shared history, on family, sporting and cultural links, and on the rich exchange of goods and ideas.   We have a similar sense of humour, a similar spirit of adventure, similar tastes.  You drink our Scotch; we […]

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