Tag: success

12th March 2020 London, UK

Nina Forgwe

Political and Programmes Officer, Cameroon

Nina Forgwe: Success, what success?

As part of our Women’s History Month campaign, #RedefiningSuccess, we have asked our colleagues from across the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to share what success means to them. Here, Nina Forgwe shares her definition. Success, what success? I come from a family where my siblings and I are all university educated. I have travelled the […]

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15th June 2015

Paul Brummell, British Ambassador to Romania

by Paul Brummell

Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate

Romanian stories in Britain (V) Ion Paciu: ‘I love London, I miss it so much when I’m away’

I moved to the UK 12 years ago.  I lived outside of London for a while before moving to London after 3 years.  My integration into the British community was bumpy at first as I didn’t speak English at all. Somehow I made it, and now I am a photographer and at the same time I run a private school of photography in central London. This is […]

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11th June 2015

Paul Brummell, British Ambassador to Romania

by Paul Brummell

Head of Soft Power and External Affairs Department, Communication Directorate

Romanian stories in Britain (IV) Emi Gal: ‘Never give up’

It was a summer day in August and I was having burgers and fries at the only McDonald’s in Berceni, a peripheral neighborhood in Bucharest. Misha, who was sipping out of a Coke plastic cup, was soon to be the first employee of my budding new venture that had no clients, no money and no […]

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16th August 2012

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

All Hail the Olympians

I’ve just returned from two weeks in the UK, when our whole nation was on the edge of our seats watching the captivating spectacle of the London 2012 Olympic Games – whether at the venues themselves, in the big parks where the events were screened live or at home in front of the TV. Let […]

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9th August 2012 Bucharest, Romania

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by Raluca Bragarea

Head of Communications, Bucharest

Great Britons in Romania: Captain Stan Platt OBE, founder of Light Into Europe

Today I invited our colleague Ian Saunders to share with us his interview with Captain Stan Platt OBE, founder of Light Into Europe, which currently sources and trains guide dogs for the blind. This is the fourth in our series of blogs about Great Britons in Romania. Stan’s first experience of Romania was shortly after […]

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22nd March 2012

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Ukrainian economic success?

I am frequently alerted by commercial contacts to difficulties with the Ukrainian business environment; and have often blogged on this subject.  So it was interesting to hear from a leading independent economist recently the view that there had been some progress on macroeconomic reform recently.  The economist said this had included: – The 2011 Pension reform […]

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