Tag: Science and Innovation Network

12th December 2019 Science Innovation USA

Karla Hagan

Karla Hagan

Head of Science and Innovation Network, Washington, DC

SIN Spins up Flurry of UK-US Collaboration in Offshore Wind Energy Innovation Ahead of COP26

The UK’s global leadership in clean growth is clear. It is the first major economy to legislate for net-zero emissions by 2050, and in order to help developing countries take action the UK has committed to doubling International Climate Finance contributions by 2025. Within the clean energy sector, offshore wind energy deployment in the UK […]

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2nd April 2019 King Charles Street, London

Professor Andy Cundy

School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton

Tackling the Plastics Problem – SIN India

The input and build-up of plastic debris in our oceans is a major and increasing environmental problem. Plastics now comprise the majority of debris found in the sea, and are the most durable and persistent part of it. Estimates vary, but over 100 million tonnes of plastic may now be present in the oceans. While […]

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31st July 2018 Shanghai

Bronte Zhang

Bronte Zhang

Senior Science and Innovation Officer, British Consulate-General, Shanghai

UK and China join forces to fight cancer

The film “Dying to Survive” is now very popular in China. It is based on the true story of a Chinese leukaemia patient who smuggled cheap cancer drugs between India and China for himself, and 1,000 other cancer sufferers. He was arrested in 2015 and surprisingly was released after thousands of Chinese leukaemia sufferers signed […]

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19th March 2018 Delhi, India

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel

Dr Amy Hochadel is the Global Cities Lead at Future Cities Catapult. Her new book, Local Leadership in a Global Era focuses on the types of policies local governments need to adopt and the behaviours they need to exhibit if they hope to thrive in the global Innovation economy.

Cross Catapult Collaboration

‘My success will not depend on what A or B thinks of me. My success will be what I make of my work.’ This quote by the namesake of the Newton-Bhabha Fund, Homi J. Bhabha, aptly describes the work of the UK Catapult Centres. Simply put, Catapults get things done when it comes to finding […]

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9th May 2017 Chennai, India

Cliff Dennett

Cliff Dennett

Head of Business Development, Innovation Birmingham Ltd, UK

Innovation Birmingham

In March, I had the absolute delight of visiting India for the first time in my life and the whole week was an adventure, both personally and commercially. Experiencing the Indian way of life, the hospitality and incredible proactivity to doing business were all eye-opening, as was the traffic! I help run Innovation Birmingham, the […]

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11th April 2017 Delhi, India

by Shivani Sharma

Senior Adviser, Science and Innovation Network

Exploring opportunities in marine science and technology

The Indian Ocean region is abundant with resources, particularly in the sectors of fisheries, aquaculture, ocean energy, sea-bed mining and minerals. Oceans have immense potential that needs to be harnessed in a balanced manner, where its preservation and health are given their due importance. The UK has world-leading strengths in marine technologies (robotics and autonomous […]

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4th April 2017 New Delhi, India

Professor Toby Peters

Professor Toby Peters

Visiting Professor, Power and Cold Economy, University of Birmingham

India’s cool revolution

The Birmingham Energy Institute (BEI) brought out a twelve member UK delegation related to cold chain system, comprising of experts from BEI and companies to India in the week of 27 February 2017. Professor Toby Peters from BEI led this UK delegation. The aim of the visit was to forge new academic and industry collaborations, […]

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9th December 2016 Shanghai

Gareth Taylor

by Gareth Taylor

Consul, Science & Innovation, British Consulate-General Shanghai

Tackling the ‘superbug’ that threatens the future of medicine

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR for short) could be the biggest killer you’ve never heard of. Last year an estimated 700,000 people around the world died from AMR. And this figure is increasing rapidly. If left unchecked, deaths will increase to 10 million per year by 2050. To put that in context, 8.2 million people globally died […]

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