28th November 2014
Beirut, Lebanon
I recently got a Jawbone ‘Up’, a device that monitors your daily activity, sleep patterns and exercise, and helps you better control your health. As a father of two boys, I don’t need anyone to tell me I don’t get enough sleep. But, like many, I’m outsourcing the collection of my data to a plastic […]
7th November 2014
Beirut, Lebanon
The Lebanese spend more on education than anything but food, more per capita than any other country. It’s a downpayment of hope in Lebanon’s future. In schools as on the borders and checkpoints, the UK stands beside Lebanon with actions not words. The UK is now Lebanon’s main education partner, through four gamechanging programmes. For […]
Read more on Is The Pen Mightier Than The Sword? | Reply (3)
19th November 2013
Paris, France

As part of Britain’s chairmanship of the G8 group of countries, we thought it would be interesting here in France to ask young, secondary school pupils what they thought were the really big issues facing our world.
Read more on G8: French school pupils tell David Cameron about their priorities | Reply (1)
31st July 2013
Ottawa, Canada
On Monday, July 29th the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) released its International Education Strategy. This strategy outlines how the UK will work with businesses, schools and universities to develop the economic opportunities of the growing education sector. Strategy highlights include: Welcoming international students: the strategy explains that there is no cap on the […]
Read more on UK releases International Education Strategy | Reply
1st March 2013
Beirut, Lebanon
Yesterday was our ‘Education, Education, Education’ Day. I met the prizewinners of our competition for English teachers, including an inspirational administrator from Nahr el Bared Palestinian refugee camp, whose winning lesson plan was based on fish and chips. She is helping even those living in extreme desperation to enjoy and unlock English. But the day […]
Read more on Britain’s Education Offer to Lebanon, and Speechmaking by Twitter | Reply (9)
5th March 2012
Beirut, Lebanon
A love of English language teaching is in my DNA. My first job was as an English teacher, to Palestinian schoolchildren. My Grandfather spent fifty years in Nigeria, promoting access to English education. And my father has devoted his life to making it easier and more fun for people to learn English. He lives the […]
Read more on English in Lebanon: A Fire Worth Lighting | Reply (4)
6th June 2011
This post was published when the author was in a previous role
I spent early Friday at the Hungarian-Chinese bilingual School of Budapest. They, together with 9 other schools, were participating in a “Connecting Classrooms” Festival event at the end of this academic year. Connecting Classrooms is a British Council global project which aims to build lasting partnerships between schools in the UK and others around the […]
Read more on Connecting Classrooms Ambassadors | Reply