This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Peter Ricketts

Ambassador to France from February 2012 to January 2016.

Part of UK in France

19th November 2013 Paris, France

G8: French school pupils tell David Cameron about their priorities

French pupils from three schools wrote letters to PM David Cameron to tell him about what they think the priorities for the G8 should be. Sept 2013.
French pupils from three schools wrote letters to PM David Cameron to tell him about what they think the priorities for the G8 should be. Sept 2013.

As part of Britain’s chairmanship of the G8 group of countries, we thought it would be interesting here in France to ask young, secondary school pupils what they thought were the really big issues facing our world.

Written version (continued)

So we invited three schools to have their pupils write a letter, in English, to David Cameron telling him what they thought about the future. We will be announcing the results on the 21st of November, and you will be able to follow that on our social media channels.

We’ve had all sort of fascinating responses – many of them in very, very good English and covering a whole range of subjects that are of concern to young people.

Poverty, unemployment, economic pressures, climate change. They want lots of ways for improving life for the future, for themselves and their families. We’re going to pick out the very best and have prizes for them at a gathering in the Residence this week.

I can tell you that British ministers have taken a particular interest in this and there will be some surprises to unveil – so stay tuned to our social networking sites!

Follow the event:

A project in partnership with the French Education Ministry and the British Council France.

1 comment on “G8: French school pupils tell David Cameron about their priorities

  1. Dear Peter Ricketts,
    it ‘s in my opinion a quite fantastic (and intelligent ) idea to ask French pupils for writing letters to PM David Cameron. For I ‘m convienced that esp. young people do have often much better
    suggestions of what a Prime Minister or another “high-standing”
    politician could or should do to make the world of today but also the one of tomorrow a better place. Therefore it ś – at least for me – a really outstanding result if you, if the Brit. Government /The PM ‘s Cabinet has received such “fascinating responses”. That ‘s why I do think that such actions should be continued at next year.
    Best wishes & a nice weekend, liebe Grüßle, Ingo-Steven , Stuttgart

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