Tag: policy

12th October 2015 Skopje, North Macedonia

Tamara Mugoša

Tamara Mugoša

Director of Migration, Asylum and Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI)

Migration and refugees: Collective efforts for joint regional response

Migration, Asylum and Refugees Regional Initiative (MARRI) was established in 2004. It is a unique mechanism dealing with these three areas in the Region. Our motto is to act as advocate and be catalyst of the Western Balkans Six interests and responses to the challenges related to our field of competence. Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and […]

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1st July 2015 Bangalore, India

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by Murtaza Khan

Deputy Head of Science & Innovation, India

Back to Thiruvananthapuram

I recently visited the City of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala with my colleague Sam Kumar from the British Deputy High Commission in Chennai.  Our aim was to see how the city has grown as a hotspot for research and innovation activity in India.  My predecessor, Dr Tom Wells, visited with the same aim in 2012 – and to […]

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26th June 2015 Mumbai, India

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by Sheryl Anchan

Science and Innovation Adviser

Global challenges, affordable solutions

Ever wondered what happens when medicine, research and innovative technologies come together? One result is mind-blowing breakthroughs and techniques that better help the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.  With this in mind we brought together experts from India and the UK to discuss the potential for collaborative partnerships in affordable medical technologies. We held joint […]

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4th June 2015 New Delhi, India

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by Swati Saxena

Senior Science and Innovation Adviser

Tale of an enticing beehive – UK in Milan

The UK is one of 145 nations participating in the World Exposition 2015 which is taking place in Milan from 1 May till 31 October. The UK Pavilion takes the shape of a bee-hive and represents the crucial role played by pollination in providing the food that we eat. Visitors to the hive experience the […]

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26th May 2015 New Delhi, India

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by Karanpreet

Science and Innovation Adviser

Newton Bhabha Innovation Workshop: Industry Academia Engagement

On 12-13 May 2015, the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), in partnership with the Science and Innovation Network (SIN) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) organised a workshop in New Delhi on ‘industry academia engagement’. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the current challenges of technological development in India, […]

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19th May 2015 Bangalore, India

Sunil Kumar M

by Sunil Kumar

Senior Science & Innovation Adviser

From neutrons to node and space

Like always, the last three months at UK SIN has been quite hectic. In January, I visited the ISIS pulsed neutron and muon source in Harwell, Oxfordshire, a world-leading centre for research in the physical and life sciences, owned by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. I was also there to witness the signing […]

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19th May 2015 Bangalore, India

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by Murtaza Khan

Deputy Head of Science & Innovation, India

Catalysing collaboration between UK and Indian space sectors

On 10 March Bangalore played host to a RiffStream# event focusing on developing commercial opportunities between UK and India players in the space sector. It was my first experience of using RiffStream# methodology where the event is designed to be high-energy and interactive ‘experiences’. Having joined the SIN team in India in March this workshop […]

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23rd March 2015 New Delhi, India

Rita Sharma

by Rita Sharma

Head of Newton Fund in India

Going to Goa on Business!

This is how my boss announced my recent official visit to my team members! Not surprisingly I got some envious looks…all in good fun of course as prompt came the reply that some were off to Kerala the week after – again on business of course! But I’m sure you’ll hear about that separately. I […]

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10th March 2015 New Delhi, India

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by Karanpreet

Science and Innovation Adviser

UK-India Workshop on Women in STEM – A Case for Intervention

The UK Science and Innovation Network, together with the British Council and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) organised a half-day workshop on ‘Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – A Case for Intervention’ on 12th February 2015 at New Delhi. The event was held on the sidelines of the ‘Global Education Dialogue […]

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