Tag: patents

11th May 2016 Delhi, India

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by Anshika Jha

UK Intellectual Property Office’s (UK IPO) Attaché

IP smart toolkit for doing business in India launched

British Deputy High Commissioner in Chennai, Bharat Joshi, launched a toolkit to guide foreign companies through an “IP smart” approach to doing business in India on 20 April 2016 in Chennai. The launch has been reported widely by local press. The toolkit is the result of a research project undertaken by IP Dome Strategy Advisors, […]

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23rd February 2016 Mumbai, India

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by Vijay Iyer

Senior Science & Innovation Adviser

Discussion on innovation and intellectual property rights

Earlier this week, I was one of the panelists in a multi-stakeholder discussion on the role of a robust intellectual property (IP) regime in boosting confidence of foreign investors in India. This event was held in New Delhi by the Global Intellectual Property Center. The discussion was timely! – with all the energy and enthusiasm […]

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7th October 2015 Mumbai, India

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by Vijay Iyer

Senior Science & Innovation Adviser

IPEX-2015 in Chennai

Last month, I spoke at the 6th edition of the IPEX-2015 conference in Chennai from 25-26 September. This meeting, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry, brought together thought leaders from the government, industry, and academia. Through my talk, I shared the UK’s best practices in intellectual property (IP) prosecution and enforcement.  On prosecution, I […]

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30th June 2015 Mumbai, India

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by Vijay Iyer

Senior Science & Innovation Adviser

Interview with Andrew Davidson, UK Intellectual Property Office

Andrew Davidson, Head of Global Cooperation and Development with the UK Intellectual Property Office visited India from 01-05 June. He met with several stakeholders from the academia, government and industry. I caught up with him to discuss the visit. Read on! What brings you to India? I supported conferences organised by the European Patent Office […]

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19th February 2013 London, UK

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by David Lidington

Minister for Europe, London

Innovation Nation

Britain has a proud history of innovation. In the field of medicine and the life sciences, we’ve brought the world penicillin, unravelled the mystery of DNA, sequenced the human genome and developed MRI scanning. UK scientists have been awarded more than 70 Nobel Prizes. Most recently, in 2012, Cambridge Professor John Gurdon was recognised by […]

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28th December 2012 London, UK

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by David Lidington

Minister for Europe, London

List fever

For anyone who enjoys sitting down over the holidays and reading the newspapers, Christmas and New Year are open season for lists. And in 2012, there’s been a lot to talk about. We’ve seen colleagues from across Government emerging bleary-eyed from late-night negotiations in Brussels having won around new allies to our point of view, […]

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