9th June 2011 London, UK

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by David Lidington

Minister for Europe, London

Lack of progress is harming Bosnia and Herzegovina

This week I made my first visit to Sarajevo, where I met members of the Presidency, the Speaker and members of Parliament as well as young people involved in the arts, business and civil society. I was there to underline our concern at the lack of political progress since the general elections last year. We […]

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17th May 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Romania – an asset to the EU and NATO

Foreign Minister Baconschi’s visit to London yesterday marks a new step in Romania’s relations with the United Kingdom. As he said in his press conference with his counterpart William Hague, we are building on the strategic partnership created between both countries in 2003. But the context today is quite different from eight years ago. The […]

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19th April 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Romania’s Navy, NATO’s asset

Last week I went down to Romania’s naval base at Constanta to visit the frigate ‘King Ferdinand’ as it makes its final preparations for ‘Operation Unified Protector’, the NATO led operation to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya. The ‘Ferdinand’ has a distinguished record of service in similar operations, notably ‘Operation Active Endeavour’ – […]

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13th September 2010 London, UK

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by David Lidington

Minister for Europe, London

Discussions with Pierre Lellouche

Earlier this week I went to France for meetings with Pierre Lellouche (French Minister with responsibility for European affairs). We discussed a wide range of issues of common importance, such as defence cooperation, but also Europe’s relationships with China, India and Turkey. In between our meetings I recorded a video blog. Watch it and find […]

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