27th October 2018
Skopje, North Macedonia

I was brought up in multi-cultural multi-ethnic multi-religious Manchester in the north of England. To me this meant eating different food and celebrating festivals ranging from fireworks at Divali to lighting Chanuckah candles. For my family our beliefs were very important to us but so was respect for other people’s. Article 18 of the Universal […]
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27th October 2017
Skopje, North Macedonia

Historiani britanik Neil MacGregor në BBC serialin e tij në radio “Të jetosh me perënditë”, rikthehet në artikujt fetarë të së kaluarës. Historia e tij fillon në një shpellë rreth 35 deri në 40 mijë vjet më parë. Në atë shpellë, një burrë/grua i/e epokës së gurit, ulet duke mbajtur çatallin e mamuthit të leshtë. Jeta […]
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20th October 2016
Holy See

I am back in London this week with the Holy See’s Monsignor Antoine Camilleri for the Foreign Office’s conference on how freedom of religion and belief can help counter violent extremism. The discussion has been persuasive. I was particularly struck by the following points. US Ambassador Saperstein argued that you cannot have stability without religious […]
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19th February 2015
This post was published when the author was in a previous role

Most of the world’s population lives in countries where freedom of religion or belief is restricted in some way, and over a third where such limitations are extreme. Some 60 countries retain on their statute books laws against blasphemy, or apostasy, with often draconian punishments for those who transgress. And yet, as long ago as […]
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