Tag: #Ethiopia

29th September 2015

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by Greg Dorey


Social Media & Ethiopia: a discussion with some top ‘influencers’

Digital Diplomacy is a key part of our work in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. We are encouraged to use social media and become closer to our audiences, to engage with and listen to them – it helps us reach a much wider range of stakeholders than through traditional methods of diplomacy. I started […]

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15th September 2015

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by Greg Dorey


International Day of Democracy: Space for Civil Society

“Democracy” can be defined as a universal value based on the freely-expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives. For countries to build successful and stable democracies, the existence of a strong and freely operating civil society is crucial. […]

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11th September 2015

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by Greg Dorey


Enkuan Aderesachihu! (Happy New Year)

The Ethiopian New Year is an important part of the unique and beautiful Ethiopian culture. It has always been a pleasure for me to be here at this time of year and witness this enjoyable experience. I have served as the UK Ambassador to Ethiopia for approaching four years now. And this Ethiopian New Year […]

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20th August 2015

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by Greg Dorey


World Humanitarian Day

Yesterday was World Humanitarian Day. Geographically and geopolitically Ethiopia lies at the heart of a deeply unstable region, with neighbouring Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Eritrea all engaged in conflicts. Enjoying comparative peace for some time now, it has been hosting refugees since the 1990s. But recent times have seen a dramatic rise in the […]

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1st January 2015

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by Greg Dorey


Further British aid for Ethiopian response to refugees fleeing South Sudan

Half a million South Sudanese refugees who have fled the continuing fighting in #SouthSudan have settled in #Ethiopia, #Kenya and #Uganda. Among them, more than 190,000 refugees have arrived in Ethiopia alone, almost all of them in #Gambella region, since conflict broke out in December 2013. Continuing insecurity and logistical constraints due to heavy rains […]

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9th December 2014

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by Greg Dorey


30 years after hell on earth….

A joint blog with Julius Court, Acting Head of DFID-Ethiopia The latest Band Aid song focuses on Ebola. Rightly so, whether or not you agree with all the lyrics. During the festive season 30 years ago, when the original track was cut, the focus was on Ethiopia – specifically the northern region of Tigray. Everyone […]

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16th October 2014 Beirut, Lebanon

Tom Fletcher

by Tom Fletcher

Former British Ambassador to Lebanon

Equality, Dignity, Respect: Trading Places

This year’s Blog Action Day (#BAD2014 #Blogaction14), on 16 October, is on inequality. To encourage debate about the rights of migrant workers, I spent the day with Kalkidan Nigusie, from Ethiopia. In the morning, we visited the Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk (who has written his response here), gave a press conference, and chaired a meeting […]

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4th October 2014

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by Greg Dorey


Britain’s Most Frequent Royal Visitor to Ethiopia

Her Royal Highness (HRH) the Princess Royal spent three days in Ethiopia last week – her fourth visit to the country, the first having been in 1974. And once again HRH made a considerable impact, visiting not just Addis Ababa but also projects in Adama and South Sudanese refugees in Gambella. HRH was here primarily […]

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13th September 2014

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by Greg Dorey


Fighting Ebola

A few weeks ago some cases of malaria briefly gave rise to rumours that #Ebola had arrived in #Addis. Thankfully this was wrong, but the story went viral on social media. Rumours and misinformation can spread even faster than Ebola. As the disease continues to spread, there are increasingly worrying projections about how far it […]

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27th August 2014 Mumbai, India

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by Vijay Iyer

Senior Science & Innovation Adviser

UK-India-Brazil-Africa discuss green chemistry for biofuels in Durban

It was the culmination of a 6-month long joint endeavour between the UK Science & Innovation network (S&IN) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) – a 2-day UK-India-Brazil-Africa programme on ‘green chemistry for sustainable production of biofuels’ held subsequent to the 5th IUPAC international conference on green chemistry, in Durban, South Africa. I partnered […]

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