Tag: crime

6th August 2015

Stephen Townsend

Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy to the Holy See

Modern Slavery and the UK

The UK’s Modern Slavery Act came into force on 31 July  This landmark legislation brought into law some important new provisions. These include mechanisms to seize traffickers assets and use those funds to help compensate victims, prevention orders to ensure that those who pose a risk of committing modern slavery offences cannot work sectors where they will […]

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27th October 2011

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Cyberpunks click here

No-one saw the Internet coming.  Now it’s changing the world; the language we speak; and how we live. I recently hosted a lunch for Ukrainian bloggers, who noted how cyberspace had created unprecedented opportunities for people to, amongst other things, share news and views and influence politics.  But the Internet has also brought big challenges, […]

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11th July 2011

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by Martin Harris

British Ambassador to Ukraine

Crime Mustn’t Pay

I was in Bulgaria last week, comparing notes with colleagues in our Embassy in Sofia. Asset recovery is an issue in both Romania and Bulgaria at the moment. The Bulgarian government has  developed a new draft law on Asset Forfeiture which is now being debated in the Parliament. Last month the European Commission for Democracy […]

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10th March 2011

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by Leigh Turner

Ambassador to Austria and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna

Using Experts to Fight Corruption

The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) was set up in the United Kingdom in 2006 as a national law enforcement agency.  It has a terrific logo and website and acts as a repository for expertise on combating serious crime in the UK. So it’s a privilege to have two top counter-corruption experts from SOCA in […]

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