2nd November 2015
Havana, Cuba
This week sees FIHAV take place. As in previous years, hundreds of companies from all around the world will converge on Havana, brandishing their wares and exhibiting their widgets. This year though FIHAV will be even bigger and even better. The rapprochement between the US and Cuba, the new investment law and the launch of […]
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10th October 2013
British High Commission, Kingston, Jamaica

When the English-speaking Caribbean countries attained independence in the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s, their new sovereign Constitutions contained Bills of Rights which created a new and critical opportunity for attacking the death penalty. Each of these Constitutions now contained fundamental rights guarantees against cruel, inhumane and degrading punishment or treatment and in favour of fair trials.
Read more on The Death Penalty in the English Speaking Caribbean: A Jamaican Perspective | Reply
4th September 2013
I have less than one year before my next diplomatic posting (wherever that may be) but before I go, intend to write a monthly blog about the UK-Florida relationship. I’ll share some of the insights I’ve gained during my three and half years service here so far.
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