Tag: British people+Bulgaria

29th March 2014 Sofia, Bulgaria

Reminiscences of Bulgaria's Commercial Scene in the 60s

by Bruce Beharell Bruce Beharell was a British businessman who spent a few years living and working in Bulgaria in the early 60s. He was the first commercial representative of a British company in Bulgaria after the WWII. “It was certainly a time in those early years of communism when you had to compartmentalise your brain […]

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19th March 2014 Sofia, Bulgaria

Bittersweet Recollections of Bulgaria in the 70s

by Anne Clay  Anne Clay lived in Bulgaria between 1973-1975. Anne is Edward Clay’s wife, who was Second Secretary and Cultural Attaché at British Embassy Sofia in the same period. To reach Bulgaria, Anne and her husband, together with their fourteen-month old baby, crossed Europe by car. Before Bulgaria, the family spent two years in East Africa. […]

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