Tag: boris johnson

25th June 2018 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Keeping the light on

My Council session got off to an unfortunate and slightly messy start. As I rushed to leave the house I discovered that the cat had regurgitated something unpleasant inside my freshly polished work shoes. I’m not prone to superstition but it felt like a worrying omen for what lay ahead. And so it proved to be. […]

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8th March 2017 London, UK

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by Boris Johnson

Former Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs

The world would be a better place if all girls went to school

I am always dubious about so-called silver bullets that allegedly solve a host of problems. “Life can’t be that simple,” I think. “Surely there must be a catch?” But there is one step that would improve countless lives — and make the world an infinitely better place — if only every government summoned the will […]

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20th March 2013 Paris, France

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by Peter Ricketts

Ambassador to France from February 2012 to January 2016.

Economic and high-tech cooperation

Sir Peter Ricketts at the Airbus plant in Nantes, March 2013

The big theme for me this week has been the economic and high-tech co-operation between Britain and France.  In terms of economies, we had Boris Johnson, the Major of London, in Paris last week.  He  gave a number of media interviews but also a big speech to businessmen here, in which his main theme is […]

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7th December 2012

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by Peter Beckingham

Former governor in Turks and Caicos Islands

The return of Boris to Bollyland: 48 hours of business

Boris Johnson with English cricket team

Many people in London, and other parts of the UK, think they know a good deal about the Mayor of the capital, Boris Johnson: judging from the number of British tourists who greeted him in hotels or on the streets of Mumbai he must also be one of our most widely recognised politicians. Less well […]

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