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Boris Johnson

Former Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs

Part of

FCDO Outreach

8th March 2017 London, UK

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by Boris Johnson

Former Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs

The world would be a better place if all girls went to school

I am always dubious about so-called silver bullets that allegedly solve a host of problems. “Life can’t be that simple,” I think. “Surely there must be a catch?” But there is one step that would improve countless lives — and make the world an infinitely better place — if only every government summoned the will […]

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7th September 2016 London, UK

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by Boris Johnson

Former Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs

How Syria can escape Asad’s reign of terror

For anyone who has visited Aleppo in peacetime, the news from the city today is enough to make you weep. We are seeing indiscriminate attacks on civilians; the bombing of medical facilities; children pulled bloodied from the rubble. We are forced to watch one of the most ancient homes of civilisation being literally pulverised, the […]

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1st August 2016 London, UK

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by Boris Johnson

Former Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs

From London to Rio

Four years ago tonight I watched in awe as Danny Boyle’s opening ceremony in Stratford launched the start of what would become the most amazing Olympic Games the world had ever seen. London 2012 proved a defining moment for our country. The inevitable pre Games gloom – problems with the M4 corridor from Heathrow into […]

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