Tag: award

9th December 2016 Science and Innovation Network

Michael Moody

Michael Moody

Second Secretary

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Once a year, the global scientific community is honoured and celebrated during the Nobel Prize Award ceremony in the Swedish capital of Stockholm.  Sweden has been the birthplace of some of the world’s leading researchers, including the Nobel Prize founder and inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel.  Sweden also boasts some of the world’s leading research […]

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19th April 2013 Toronto, Canada

GOV.UK wins Design of the Year 2013

GOV.UK is the new digital home of everything the UK Government does. Every government entity will eventually have its online presence at GOV.UK, giving people who need information a single place to go and get it. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (SIN’s parent departments) are already there, helping […]

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