This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

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Raluca Bragarea

Head of Communications, Bucharest

Part of FCDO Human Rights UK in Romania

2nd June 2011 Bucharest, Romania

See you on the 4th of June!

Guest blogger: Irina Niţă, Director, ACCEPT Association

Irina Nita, Direct of Accept Romania

Several years ago I overheard someone talking during a coffee break, at a NGOs conference: ‘ACCEPT makes so much fuss, for what? For the less than 50 gay people who live in Romania!?’

Today there are still journalists who write about ‘hundreds of homosexuals’ living in Romania.  Psychologists and psychiatrists ignore current scientific reality, and 40 years after homosexuality was removed from the list of mental diseases, continue to present homosexuality as a choice, as an effect of a trauma, or as a ‘treatable’ condition. And most of the Romanian lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and trans people continue to live an invisible life, fearing discrimination.

It’s a vicious circle: general public is unaware of the extent of LGBT issues related to civic rights because of LGBT’s invisibility, while LGBT people are forced to live a double life, in order to avoid stigmatizing reactions from uninformed neighbours, colleagues, friends and family members.

This is the context in which the significant support the British Embassy has offered for events organized each year within the GayFest, has started to work in changing minds.  When embassy’s staff join the Diversity March, when support letters are signed, when the British Ambassador is hosting a special event on the occasion of the GayFest, the message sent is strong and clear: all citizens, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, are entitled to equal treatment, respect and dignity.

A huge thank you to all of you who are accompanying us on our way towards a society that appreciates and integrates diversity! We are looking forward to meeting you on Saturday, the 4th of June, at 17 hours, in Piata Unirii, for the 2011 Diversity March.  I hope that this time we’ll overcome the limit of 300 participants we had in the last few years. I’ll be at one of the entrance points, welcoming you.

About Irina Niţă

I’ve been working at ACCEPT for 8 years, and for over 15 years in the nongovernmental sector.  My initial educational background is geology; right now I study psychology – as a way to get some academic education that can help me directly in my work.

Freedom of expression, everybody’s right to dignity and respect for diversity are subjects that never get me bored. I am one of the lucky people who do as a job something that would still be my choice of activity, if I were not to earn a living.

I am also a trainer and I love the sparkle people have in their eyes when they understand or discover something new.  Of course, like (almost) everybody in ACCEPT, I like cats. … And dogs.

About Raluca Bragarea

I joined the British Embassy in 2004, and have ever since enjoyed one of the most diverse and challenging jobs as a professional communicator, from partnering up with MTV Romania…

I joined the British Embassy in 2004, and have ever since
enjoyed one of the most diverse and challenging jobs as a professional
communicator, from partnering up with MTV Romania to promote the UN
anti-poverty agenda to handling Prince Charles’ press conference on a
hill top in picturesque Transylvania. One of the highlights working for
the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has been the introduction of an
internship scheme in the Embassy; we bring along students from various
backgrounds to help us deliver our objectives while they get a unique
opportunity to learn hands-on about diplomacy.
I am a former TV journalist, specialising in foreign affairs, and a
Fulbright scholar. I hold a Master of Arts in Information and
Communication Studies with California State University at Chico.
I am a major cafe latte fan and like to collect hand-painted icons.
My other hobbies include travelling and watching movies with friends,
particularly Quentin Tarantino’s. The latest memorable film I watched
was District 9, a superb science fiction with a social twist – anybody
seen it?

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