Tag: lgbt

7th July 2020 Skopje, North Macedonia

Dragana Drndarevska

Legal adviser, Coalition Margins

Despite all the obstacles the fight for LGBTI equality continues

Last year, a Pride Parade took place in Skopje for the first time. The Parade was a protest and shall remain so until LGBTI people are able to enjoy all human rights and society is fully liberated. However, last year there were several reasons to celebrate. The Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination was […]

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25th March 2019 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Fretful Felines at Forty

Last autumn, Pixie – our much loved cat (and subject of a 2015 blog trilogy) – fell seriously ill. After a week in pet hospital, the vets advised that she needed an urgent blood transfusion to survive. Except they didn’t have any cat blood in stock, so they asked if I could round up some […]

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3rd December 2018

Jonathan Drew & Nicole Davison

FLAGG at 20: reflections from the founders of the FCO’s LGBT+ staff association

Jonathan Drew: There are some things that need a very deep intake of breath before starting.  Like writing to the PUS, six months into being a diplomat, to ask him to give his blessing to the formation of a staff LGBT+ group. On a cold November night twenty years ago, with some trepidation, I wrote that […]

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27th July 2017 London, UK

Christopher Kimber and Morgane Donse

Christopher Kimber and Morgane Donse

Desk Officer, Democracy and Equality Team / Head of International, Evidence and Engagement, LGBT Equality (Government Equalities Office)

Sexual Offences Act: 50 years on

Today marks 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales, an important milestone in the UK’s own journey to full equality for LGBT people. Same-sex relations between men were against the law in England and Wales until 1967, when The Sexual Offences Act decriminalised private homosexual acts between two men aged […]

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26th July 2017

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by James Dauris

British Ambassador, Panama

50 years on: LGB&T equality brings success

On 27th July the United Kingdom will mark the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality.  On this day in 1967 the Sexual Offences Act was passed, decriminalising same-sex acts between consenting adults over the age of 21. Homosexual acts had until then been outlawed by legislation passed in the nineteenth century. Today we take […]

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3rd July 2017 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

The End of a Cycle

The Council came to a hot and weary end last Friday with some good results on the issues that mattered. Most importantly the EU and the African Group reached agreement on an investigation into reports of serious violations in the DRC. The Council also passed strong resolutions on violence against women, discrimination against women, child […]

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10th February 2017 London, UK

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by William Fox

Communications and Digital Officer, UKREP Brussels and Foreign Office Lesbian and Gay Group (FLAGG) co-chair

LGBT History Month is…

Every February, UK celebrates LGBT History Month. For me, being part of a global network of LGBT and straight ally colleagues, I am amazed every month when I see a celebration of the FCO’s diversity & inclusiveness, and the pride that posts have in showcasing the UK’s commitment to LGBT rights around the world. Yet February always […]

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9th August 2016 British High Commission, Kingston, Jamaica

Equality Jamaica / JFLAG

Why we celebrate PRIDE …

The following is a guest blog from the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays ( JFLAG ) an LGBT rights organisation in Jamaica. 2015 was a watershed moment with the first public LGBT pride celebrations in Jamaica. The theme then was “The Pride of a People: Breaking the Rules of Oppression…”  The week of activities […]

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4th July 2016 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

Parting Thoughts

Late on Friday evening The Council came to a sweaty and cantankerous finish. Well, it sort of did. Not content with causing disruption and delay through 50 hostile amendments to a range of important resolutions, Russia then forced the Council into extra time by persistently objecting during the appointment of the Special Rapporteurs. Time eventually […]

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27th June 2016 Geneva, Switzerland

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by Bob Last

Head, UK Mission Political and Human Rights Team

From Rain to Roast

Civil service convention dictates that I should avoid expressing a public view on important domestic matters, so I’ll leave all talk of last week’s referendum to others. I’m free to discuss the weather though and after endless weeks of rain, this week’s dramatic rise in temperature caught many of us by surprise. As someone who […]

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