This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Philip Malone

Philip Malone

Ambassador to Lao PDR

Part of UK in Laos

22nd February 2013 Vientiane, Laos

Nearly there!

The last few weeks have been particularly busy for us as we move into the final phase of our Embassy set-up.

The renovation works on our new Embassy building (the former Australian Embassy building on Rue Nehru) are on schedule – if you are in Vientiane you may have noticed we have re-painted the building to a rather more subdued colour than previously and the perimeter wall will soon follow suit!

We have recruited virtually all our new staff, some of whom have already started with a few more joining us in March. We will also have with us some extra staff from the Foreign Office in London and our Embassy in Bangkok on a temporary basis to help our new staff settle in and to provide them with mentoring and training as they begin their work with the Embassy.

So the good news is we will be in the new Embassy building with a full complement of staff in place by the end of March. We will communicate closer to the time our new contact details, public opening hours, and who does what in the Embassy.

It has also been a busy period for our diplomatic work. I have been involved with a number of events and issues focusing on some of our key interests in Laos. I have met a number of representatives of UK business either working in or interested in working in Laos – although early days, I think there are good signs there will be more British business interest in Laos in the coming months.

On the political level, I attended on 4 February the EU/Laos Human Rights Dialogue which is now in its fourth year and provides a forum to discuss a range of issues relating to human rights in both Laos and the EU.

On 18 February, I spoke at a National Seminar on Green Growth Policy Tools for Low Carbon Development in Lao PDR which was co-sponsored by the UK government and UNESCAP, along with the Lao government, and took place in Pakse, my first trip to a Province other than Vientiane.

We also had some good news on the development aid front in January when the UK NGO, Health Poverty Action, secured around £1m in funding from the UK’s Department for International Development to fund a project on child nutrition in Attapeu Province., working with the Ministry of Health.

So plenty going on and as the Embassy gets into full swing from April onwards, we will be able to do a lot more to further British interests in Laos.

5 comments on “Nearly there!

  1. I think the issue of human right in Laos is not serious problem as
    in comparation to its neighbouring countries have. The government of Laos
    have tried hard to follow the international principles for that. The law and constitutions have drafted clearly that people in Laos have freedom of speech, having full right of religious belief, and other fundamental rights.
    There fore, this nation has been forging in full scale of development orientations.

  2. I assume that the discussion about human rights in Laos was brief one? Not much to talk about really……

  3. I’m US Citizen and current are looking for the job with Ambassy. Please provide me the job opening.

    Best regards,
    Varin Banoovong

  4. Dear Philip, pls. don ‘t get me wrong but in my experience (I ḿ over 40 !) there is in re. of renovation works of an older Bldg. NEVER a “final phase”. Once, you ‘re completely finish you ‘ll discover walls, doorways or steps etc., of which you think:”— Well- we could have done these better…”. And you gonna start to improve them again.
    BUT – most notable to me is that your “diplomatic phase ” and work is so fantastic “busy” and successfully. Also in re. of your “KEY-INTERESTS” in Laos. I.e.: British Business. To conclude: It ś really great to watch of how this young tree called UK-Embassy in Laos is growing -up so well- in such a great way.
    Bw + a nice weekend, Ingo-Steven Wais, Stuttgart/Wuerttenberg

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About Philip Malone

Mr Malone joined the FCO in 1981. He has served in a range of FCO and overseas posts with a particular focus on South East Asia and Europe. Philip Malone…

Mr Malone joined the FCO in 1981. He has served in a range of FCO and
overseas posts with a particular focus on South East Asia and Europe.
Philip Malone LVO took up his appointment in October 2012.
Curriculum Vitae
Full name: Philip Malone LVO

Married, two children
Oct 12: Laos,  Head of MissionJan 08 – Aug 12: Helsinki, Deputy Head of MissionApril 03 – Jan 08: Singapore, Head of ChanceryApril 99 – Sept 02: FCO, Head of France/Benelux Section, EU
Bilateral Department and additionally Deputy Head of Department (March
02- Sept 02)Jan 95 – Feb 99: Bandar Seri Begawan, Second Secretary (Defence/Chancery)May 92 – Nov 94: Luxembourg, Third Secretary (Commercial/Press and Public Affairs)June 89 – Jan 92: FCO, Assistant Parliamentary ClerkOct 86 – May 89: Guatemala City, Third SecretaryOct 83 – Aug 86: Buenos Aires, Attaché1981: Joined FCO, CSCE Unit, East European and Soviet Department

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