11th April 2013 Paris, France
The death of an important British political figure

Earlier this week, we were waiting for the arrival of David Cameron here in Paris, on what was going to be his first visit to President Hollande in the Elysée, when we had the sad news of Baroness Thatcher’s death. And David Cameron decided he had to go home straight away from Madrid, to get back to London.
Written version (continued)
We were all looking forward to the visit, there was a lot to discuss and agree with our French hosts: Syria, obviously, the European Union, the G8 championship that the UK is holding. But we will fix another “rendez-vous” between our two leaders shortly.
Of course, now we have the period of mourning in the UK for Lady Thatcher. Her death brings back a whole host of memories of her time as Prime Minister, of her conviction, her passion, her values, her determination, her far-sightedness (many of the press paid tribute to that).
Between Britain and France, there were ups and downs during the period of Mrs Thatcher’s Prime Ministership. President Hollande put out a very kind statement which underlines one of the major areas of cooperation between leaders of that time, which was the Channel tunnel (which was opened between President Mitterrand and Mrs Thatcher). So, a lasting tribute there to her influence over British and French relations.
We’ve had a condolence book opened at the Embassy over the last couple of days, and I’ve been very moved by the many French people, as well as British people, who have wanted to come in and record messages of respect and of sympathy on the death of Baroness Thatcher.
Dear Sir Peter Ricketts, the death of Lady Thatcher is surely tragic – like the death of every human being. And that is why I do agree to you that – after she has passed – the time is there for remembering , reflecting and rethinking about her time – period as Great Britain ´s 1st and so far only female Prime Minister. And threfore also a “lasting tribute” because of her influence and impact over the British/French partner ,- and friendship at all. Finally it ´s good to read that so many French and British people wanted to ” come in ” with messages full of sympathy and – most notable to me – respect.
With my condolences , esp. to her family.
Ingo-Steven Wais, Stuttgart