17th April 2014
Dedicated to the needs of others

At his General Audience on 16 April, Pope Francis urged the large crowd of pilgrims present to dedicate Holy Week to learning about the needs of others, especially those out of sight, “whom we often forget, who need our comprehension, consolation and help.”
This is a message that applies as much to governments as individuals, and one to which my own seeks to respond. Despite the economic and political pressures, the UK is unique amongst the major industrialised countries in dedicating 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) to international development aid.
More specifically, the FCO Human Rights Report, which was launched on 10 April, shows the priority placed by the UK on international human rights concerns, and our leadership on issues hitherto avoided, such as sexual violence in conflict, or under-exploited, such as the contribution of business to the promotion and protection of human rights.
In his speech, Foreign Secretary William Hague described human rights as part of our national DNA and vital to our national interest. He also paid tribute “in particular to those staff working on the ground in fragile environments like in Yemen and Somalia, in repressive states including North Korea who are able to observe events few others can, to present arguments and concerns that might otherwise not be heard, and to forge relationships that allow us to change attitudes and encourage progress even where it seems most difficult.”
It is those staff in our network, protecting human rights defenders and trying to improve the lot of men and women in some of the toughest places on earth, who are (whether they know it or not) helping to put the Pope’s words into action.
We encourage everyone to study the Human Rights Report, and invite you to comment on the website: http://www.hrdreport.fco.gov.uk/. We know we can and should improve our performance, and ask you to help us to do so.
And please accept my very best wishes for a joyful and peaceful Easter, wherever in the world you are reading this!