This blog post was published under the 2015 to 2024 Conservative government

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Nick Bridge

Special Representative for Climate Change

Part of FCDO Outreach

12th December 2017 London, UK

One Planet and our climate diplomacy

Today the Prime Minister joined President Macron and other world leaders at One Planet Summit in Paris. The summit arose from recognition that we are way off-track in tackling climate change. But it also came from a more positive sense that the economics have shifted decisively in favour of a global low carbon transition in recent months.
At the Summit the Prime Minister said we no longer had to choose between our environment and our prosperity. Instead we can create a stable climate and a green global economy with cheaper clean energy, sustainable infrastructure, skilled jobs and clean air.
The UK has already reduced emissions by 40% while growing 70%, over the last 25 years. We have decarbonised faster than anyone in the G20, becoming the world’s biggest offshore wind producer. Our coal-fired generation went from 40% of our mix 5 years ago to 0% earlier this year.
But to go further, faster, we’ve put the clean economy at the heart of our new industrial strategy, and a Green Finance Taskforce will propose new incentives to green London as an international financial centre.
Today the Prime Minister also announced:
  1. Many new members of our UK-Canada ‘Powering Past Coal’ alliance
  2. A 2018 UK-hosted global Zero Electric Vehicle Summit
  3. Additional climate resilience finance for the most vulnerable countries

Climate change is the probably the most complex diplomatic challenge we have ever faced:

  • Intergenerational  a ‘tragedy of the horizons’ with current generations damaging future generations
  • Multidimensional  amplifying all other foreign, security and developmental risks
  • Inequitable  caused primarily by industrial countries, impacting disproportionately on the most vulnerable
This is why the Prime Minister’s engagement today is significant, and why the Foreign Secretary has put climate “front and centre of our foreign policy” through active climate diplomacy globally, that sustains UK climate leadership, protects our and others’ national security, and supports UK and global economic opportunity.

Find out more about how the UK is leading action on climate change:

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About Nick Bridge

The Foreign Secretary appointed Nick Bridge as Special Representative for Climate Change in May 2017. He was previously Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the OECD from 2011 to…

The Foreign Secretary appointed Nick Bridge as Special Representative for Climate Change in May 2017.

He was previously Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the OECD from 2011 to 2016.

Mr Bridge was previously Chief Economist at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and head of Global Economy Department. He has served for over a decade in diplomatic postings to the China, Japan and the United States.

Mr Bridge previously worked in the Treasury, where he co-led a $4 billion facility to immunise half a billion people in the developing world, and was an economist in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Born in 1972 in Yorkshire, Mr Bridge graduated in economics from the University of Nottingham.

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