This blog post was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Matt Baugh

Ambassador to Somalia

Part of UK in Somalia

21st May 2012 Nairobi, Kenya

The Roadmap: focus on the destination

This week the Roadmap signatories meet in Addis. Their aim? To resolve a number of outstanding issues relating to the political process. And it’s vital they do.

Over the next few months, the Signatories have an historic opportunity to make real progress and help Somalia move forward towards greater stability. Theirs is a challenging agenda: ending the Transition successfully and succeeding it with institutions that are more legitimate and credible is a considerable task. But it’s also an essential one.

To achieve this, it’s vital that the Signatories do two things:

  • Firstly to make the process as inclusive and representative as possible of the views and wishes of the Somali people.
  • Secondly, to continue to work together in the spirit and letter of the Roadmap and Garowe agreements. Clearly there is much still to agree and resolve – not least a number of the key provisions in the draft Constitution.

If these conditions are met, then there will be an historic opportunity to move the process forward and set the foundations for greater stability in Somalia. Somalia’s leaders now need to decide whether they are prepared to put aside personal differences and interests and help bring peace and security to Somalia after 21 years of conflict, or whether this will be another wasted opportunity for future generations to regret.

If Somalia’s leaders are ready and willing to do the right thing, the UK, together with our international partners and the UN, will ensure resources are not an obstacle to progress.There will also be an opportunity at the forthcoming Istanbul conference on Somalia to ensure the international community is pulling in the same direction, and coordinated in its efforts to support Somalia through the transitional process.

Political debate is essential – and helpful – to delivering this. But disagreement should not be allowed to become an excuse for blocking the process. That is why we support the recent UN, AU and IGAD joint letter on ensuring that the process isn’t obstructed by so-called ‘spoilers’. Together with our international partners, the UK is clear that those that stand in the way of both this process should be penalised.

A critical part of getting the political process right is for the Roadmap signatories to explain to the Somali people how  it will work: how clan elders were chosen to appoint the National Constituent Assembly (NCA), how the members of the NCA will be chosen, how differences over the constitution will be resolved, and what the timetable is. The constitution must also be published as quickly as possible.

Once again, my appeal is simple: please do get involved and make your views and opinions known. This is a significant opportunity; and it’s important that it reflects the genuine concerns of all Somalis. And one that, by working together, can help take Somalia forward.

46 comments on “The Roadmap: focus on the destination

  1. SOMALILAND UKtrained force terrorises residents

    HARGEISA — A British-trained force on Sunday raided a house in the neighborhood Jigjiga-Yar in Hargeisa leaving the family to clean up the mess.
    The Resistant Reaction Unit(RRU) at pre-dawn, approximately 2:30-AM on Sunday night, stormed and ransacked the house of Hassan Aw-Libah, a former resident and a dual British citizen.
    Terrified neighbours said the raid was an illegal form of intimidation, harassment and unlawfully searching, and questioning by the RRU’s motives.
    Mr. Hassan Aw Libah said masked men from the special unit broke into and rummaged through his house after smashing its front gate and doors.
    He said they then drew their weapons and held them at gunpoint before tying his household workers to chains in an effort to immobilize them.
    “They came from all corners. Some of them climbed over the fence and they were shouting “caar-dhaqaaqa” (do not move) in Somali. They broke the front door of the house with their guns drawn and were ready to shoot, when we inquired what was going on; they tackled us to the floor,” Mr. Aw libah said.
    He went to say: “I can not believe the government of President Silanyo would be treating its people in such a manner. Do they not have enough horror from the days of former dictator Mohamed Said Barre?”
    He went to question where would Somalilanders go if even Hargeisa was not safe for them?
    According to Aw libah, the force invaded his house, which is situated just opposite the Jigjiga-Yar police station without a search warrant. He also questioned as to why the force used such brutal tactics including chaining his household members to chairs in their living rooms and kitchen.
    “Two members of my household were handcuffed for more than 2 hours in their living rooms while they ransacked the apartment and a neighboring unit, repeatedly shouting “caar-dhaqaaqa”,” Mr. Ahmed, the son in-law of Aw libah, said.
    Mr. Ahmed said during the raid the unit confiscated an assortment of goods including unspecified amount of cash, laptops, CDs, and other valuable items. He added that they broke into a safe and when the residents requested a search warrant, the force presented a warrant that was missing a judge’s signature.
    Mr. Aw libah said members of his immediate family including his own daughter, son in-law and six of his grand kids, all British citizens, were deeply traumatized by the deplorable incident in middle of the night.
    While appealing to the Somaliland president, he said: “I am applying to the relevant authorities including President Silanyo to intervene and explain to me what I have done to deserve such treatment. Since no one from the government had the courage to contacted me, I think we deserve an answer.”
    He said he was an innocent man who did not deserve to be treated in such manner which is only reserved for terrorist and hardened criminals.

    Hassan Aw Libaah with daughter Hodan speak to local media about their terrifying ordeal.
    “I hereby ask the British government to review and immediately halt all financial and military support it provides to the infamous RRU. It is been used as a tool for terrorizing innocent citizens rather than its original purpose which was to counter terrorism,” Mr. Aw Libah said.
    The RRU officers received training pertinent to bomb disposal, fire-fighting, first-aid becoming the first unit to possess these hitherto unavailable skills within the country’s security forces.
    The British government has been providing funds and instructors to the RRU thus availing the police force with relevant rapid reaction skills.
    “Preemptive raids like this are the hallmark of the former National Special Security of the former regime of Said Barre,” said one resident of Jigjiga-Yar, who wishes to remain anonymous.
    Mr. Adan who is also a neighbour told Somalilandpress that such actions against innocent citizens by the unit were unacceptable. He called for an action against them saying those responsible for the shameful incident should be held accountable. He warned brutal forces saying: “Other law enforcement agencies should be aware that this behavior will not be tolerated and will result in real consequences for the community.”
    The police commissioner of Jigjiga-Yar police station, said he was not aware of any impending raid on the Aw libah apartment.
    by Khalid Mohamed
    June 19, 2012

  2. Why Somaliland Doesn’t Matter: In Response to the Article, Why Somaliland Matters.

    I am writing in response to a writing with the title ‘ Why Somaliland Matters’ by Abukar released on Qarannews and halbeegnews recently in which the writer miserably went wrong in the history as well as in the current situation of Northern Somalia, “Somaliland”. I would, therefore, like to give the readers a brief factual history and a true picture of the present prevailing circumstances in this part of the country.
    Pre-colonial Times
    Northern Somalia, “Somaliland” was a Protectorate, not a Colony.
    Before the arrival of Britain, the people and lands which became Somaliland Protectorate in the late 19th century were traditionally divided into clans and their territories. Each clan was separate and independent from the other. Chiefs, Suldans, Grads and Ugases administered the civil and judicial matters inside and outside clans.
    During the British protectorate rule, each clan maintained its internal administration and the United Kingdom recognized each clan area as a separately protected people and territory. That was because; the clan treaties defined land boundaries and people. This means that neither the British nor the clans were interested in the creation of a unitary state of Somalis in the North. At any point in their long history, the northerners never agreed to form a unitary state.
    The United Kingdom worked with each clan through the chiefs and in accordance with the terms of an agreement. The major treaty that ever existed in documented form was that signed in Zeila by the Samaroon King on December 11, 1884. That popular treaty is known as the Gadabursi treaty and it defined the lands and the people to be protected.
    Liberation and Independence
    In the middle of liberation campaign, the different clans did not agree on how to share the proposed 33 parliamentary (legislative) seats. 21 out of the 33 were located in the constituency of one clan, the Isaaq. Samaroon adamantly rejected the plan and in that case, Samaroon’s political vision matched the system of checks and balances used by today’s modern democracies. Checks and balances is a transparent administrative rule that denies empowering one side against others. Today, in the United States, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary branches are at constant check on each other.
    Samaroon began to fight the injustice and leaders started their historic journey to Lasanod, the eastern end of Somaliland Protectorate. The purpose was to recruit alliances against the constituency plan. They were successful in forming the United Somali Party (USP) for the Samaroon, the Issa and the Darood clans on17/10/1959.
    The USP clans and others, who feared for their future, formed a strong pressure block. Large groups from the Isaaq tribes sided with the USP policy. That power share disagreement fundamentally forced the Northerners to join Southern people.
    The fact is that clan treaties with British were automatically annulled by the onset of independence declaration. After that, different clans could not agree in the balance of seats and decided to form a bigger government with the South. The blue flag was always the unifying factor in all Somalia and “Somaliland” never stood a separate state.
    On July 1, 1960, the unification that took place in Mogadishu was between the two peoples of the North and South and not between two governments. The Northern delegation was fairly selected in their representation. They were Haji Ibrahim Nur, Samaroon; Ali Grad Jama, Darod; Mohmed Haji Ibrahim Egal, Isaaq; Ahmed Haji Duale, Isaaq.
    One year later, the national constitution was completed by an all inclusive Somali committee with the help of United Nations experts. A date was set on June 20, 1961 to put the constitution on a referendum throughout the country. An absolute majority of 90% of the electors voted in favour of the new constitution. That was the first constitutional and internationally recognised Somali Republic state and was recognised by the United Nations on Sept. 20, 1961.
    The Basic Facts
    Today, after 62 years, The Isaaq clan “Somaliland” is attempting to play the long dead card which Northern clans buried within 5 days after the British left in June 1960. The northerners, today are back to square one, that of 1960 tribal rivalry. One clan is attempting to highjack the destiny of the people. We are, therefore, warning the international community that the so called Somaliland one clan authority has no mandate to speak for other people in the north.
    The Civil War Years
    The 1960 Northern unresolved power surfaced again in the 1980s.
    Twenty years after independence, in the 1980s, Somalis generally revolted against their government. Clans were equally unhappy about the system but had their own ideological and interest differences. In this region, the unresolved issue of power sharing in 1960 emerged on the surface again when the Isaaq clan founded their rebel movement, the Somali National Movement (SNM). Other clans and particularly, the Samaroon elite cautiously tried to follow the SNM agenda and realized that SNM was not ready to correct the 1960 power share disagreement. Since it did not invite other clans, the SNM’s objective, in that war, was to capture the whole north and dictate the destiny of the country.
    That is exactly what the Somaliland authority is doing today. In their fight, SNM leaders played irresponsible strategic propagandas to generate financial contributions and to unite their people behind their agenda. For that purpose, they pointed finger at the neighbouring clans as enemies. The aim was to touch deep into their people’s sentiments and show that all people were against them.
    During the civil war, Samaroon majority knew that SNM leaders, not their public, were playing irresponsible campaign. That was why Samaroon public administrators, security and military officials assisted the Isaaq public in many difficult situations. True examples were General Yusuf Tallan, the Berbera military commander and Elmi Roble, Elmi Kabal, the Hargiesa regional police commander. Unfortunately, most Isaaqs did not acknowledge the Samaroon assistance or their reasoning for not joining the civil war.
    SNM’s mistakes:
    – Instead of directing their war on the government and its forces, SNM began to kill the unarmed Samaroon and other neighbouring civilian populations.
    – They never admitted the death and the destruction that SNM forces did to their neighbours. They wiped out whole towns, villagers and even worshippers in mosques.
    – Today, they tell the international community that they were the only people who suffered under the previous regime.
    – They don’t acknowledge the fact that one bad Somali government had destroyed not only Hargeisa, but all Somalia and the capital Mogadishu was heavily bombarded for months.
    – They don’t try to understand that bad governance ruined many countries in the world and Somalia is not the first country. Today, they have another bad one in their hands in Hargeisa but do they want to see it?
    In 1991, after the collapse of the Somali government, SNM militia backed by Ethiopian Mengistu overran the Samaroon’s main city, Borama. They killed hundreds, ransacked homes, looted all business stores and displaced the city population. On their way to Borama, they demolished the historic adjacent town of Dila completely. Samaroon was only a peaceful and helpful neighbour and not a government. Why SNM was fighting their neighbours is still unknown to most of them and a mystery to other Somalis.
    After the Civil War
    In 1992, SNM proclaimed ‘Somaliland” a separate state from Somalia, forcing Samaroon and other tribes to join the illegal declaration. In a short time, the different Isaaq tribes started to clash with each other for power struggle. The whole country was again awash with guns, looters, rapists and road blockers. Roads were impassable with checkpoints by various clan gang members who claimed the road passages as their territory. At broad daylight, wild gunmen overpowered the president, Abdurrahman Ahmed and his guards when he walked away from his car. At that point, members from neighbouring Isaaq elders approached Samaroon leaders for help. Samaroon decided to forgive the past and to mend fences with their SNM neighbours. From there, they stepped in and began their long journey of hope to negotiate peace between Isaaq fighting groups.
    Two loaded buses of elders, with white flags, left Borama. In a short time, they were successful to accomplish inter-clan peace in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burao. After that, they organised another meeting in Sheikh as a platform for a country wide conference. More than 150 delegates gathered in sheikh and decided to hold a general peace conference. At that point, the conference hosting clan became an issue of serious debate. Each clan was reluctant to be the guest to the other as there was no trust among the Isaaqs. Proposals like Hargeisa, Burao, Berbera and Gabiley were all declined by one group or the other. As a last resort, Borama, the Samaroon city, was proposed as the hosting region and all delegates unanimously accepted with applause. As a result, in 1993, a long five-month conference in Borama succeeded to draft the terms of the first functional administration for today’s Somaliland system.
    In addition to the Samaroon people’s sincerity, their land was the only perfect place for peace conference. They had a 21 member council of leaders that worked as their legislative body. In all inter-clan matters and in other related issues, the council’s decision was final. Nobody could dare to violate the laws that the council approved. The people had their own policing system with each clan leader responsible for the actions of his people and that eliminated lawlessness. Furthermore, Borama was the only town with electricity power in northern Somalia and there were dozens of international aid agencies. The airport was functional at its full capacity with a fair number of passenger and cargo aircrafts each day.
    How Samaroon in Somaliland got the wrong reward for doing the right thing.
    In exchange for their good work, Samaroon got the wrong reward when:
    – Within few months, their Borama busy airport was closed and all flights and passengers were re-routed to Hargeisa airport.
    – All international aid agencies were ordered to move from Borama to Hargeisa.
    – Samaroon business people were forced to use the Berbera sea port where they are mugged and sometimes killed. In Nov. 2011, the latest victim on that road was a truck driver who was shot dead by road control soldier in bribe dispute.
    – Isaaq occupied 95% of the Somaliland administration, the congress, the parliament, the armed forces, the security, the judicial and financial systems.
    – A 10 million dollar aid from Kuwait government was Somaliland infrastructure investment. That money went to the extension of Hargiesa and Berbera airports. In contrast, Awdal people and Diaspora struggled to finish a four kilometer road between Dila an Borama. Borama Airport is closed and all roads are unfit for travel. One of Awdal’s renowned doctors died very recently on those extreme roads.
    – A 30 million European Union and UN funded water project is improving the water systems of the ruling clan towns of Hargeysa, Erigavo, Burao and Togwajale
    – Khalifa bin Zayed Charity Foundation has completed 20 large water basins/dams west of Hargeisa and 14 water wells in the north of the city. The foundation has also drilled 9 new water wells and a watershed basins in Burao.
    – In July 2009, business travellers were stopped in public road. Four of them were taken to the bush, murdered in cold blood and their bodies mercilessly mutilated.
    – Students came out in masses in protest against July ugly killings, raised the Somali flag and denounced the separatist authority. SNM militia, angered by the sight of the blue flag, opened fire on demonstrators when a young boy was shot dead. The young martyr died with his right hand still clinging with his national flag.
    – Within the last few years, 13 people are killed in the area of Seemaal. Three of them were cut into pieces with an axe while they were sleeping. The killers were identified by the “Somaliland” Interior Minister on the TV news. Killers are still at large in their tribal enclave safe haven.
    – Samaroon public and others are denied to claim their Somali identity and none can dare to keep the blue flag. From 18 to 22 May, 2012, more than 50 students are taken prisoners. Always, there are large numbers of political prisoners, simply for denying the separatist policy or for having the Somali national flag.
    – On regular basis, news reporters are arrested and tortured. In March 2012, Mohamed Abdurrahman Ismail was arrested in Borama, tortured repeatedly in jail and taken to Borama Hospital unconscious.
    Osman Elmi
    Chicago, USA

  3. We can never return to colonial era. It has gone forever

    Dhulbahante people were first Somali freedom fighters who stood up against British Empire 1900. They defended their people and their country for 21 years (1900 to 1921) until they were eventually subjected to first air raids in Africa and overpowered by the British army. After the military defeat, Dhulbahante clan was segregated from other Darod clans they belong to and incorporated into the territories occupied and ruled by the British colonial administration collectively known as the British Somaliland against their will. Apart from warsangeli clan who also ended up under British colonial rule in different way, all other Harti clans fall under Italian rule and become part of Italian Somali colony covering central and southern parts of Somalia.

    Over one century later and after 30 years of independence Somalia people lost all signs of nationhood and functioning state. Internal civil wars, social and political fragmentation along ethnic and clan lines took parts Somalia back to the situation they were in when European colonists came to invade. The failure of Somali clans to solve their internal nightmares for further two decades presented both dangers of terrorism, piracy and humanitarian crisis as well as opportunities for new strategic and resourceful colonies for former colonial masters and new global powers.

    The strange re-emergence of very important points in history which have been remarkably memorable, for obviously different ways for different parties involved, have become more apparent in today’s northern Somalia than any other place in world I recall.

    The former colonial master is back in the region, the old collaborating clans are actively running the show and old freedom fighters which have been bombed to submission in 1921are on the margins and still arguing about what line of action to pursue. Behind the scenes, there are plenty of activities and endless attempts to apply the old and outdated colonial tricks, including the famous and deadly policy of divide and rule, into then present scenario. A few surviving post colonial politicians who are the agents driving this bewildering political adventure know the old links between local clans and ex-colonial rulers well. However, their historic knowledge did bring more than a mere sympathy and minimal support from the modern politicians of former colonial rulers in the last two decades.

    The territorial claims of former colonial collaborators, the aid and political assistance of colonial master and branding territories of rival clans as the “disputed area” portray ray a very sad picture which mirror horrifying ethnic cleansing massacres British colonial army committed against Dhulbahante clan between 1900 and 1921.
    However, the world and international politics have changed a lot and moved a long away the mentality of colonial era since 1921 when Somali clans had no rights whatsoever, had no voice in matters regarding their lives and their future and were artificially segregated or grouped for the pleasure of occupying colonial rulers.

    Despite being violation of international law, human rights violation and violation of fellow UN member state (i.e. territory Somali state) he British government assisting Slnd to actively pursue colonial policy of early 20th century today. As a result Slnd launched a campaign of political and military invasion into Dhulbahante clan territory. Despite the large verity of well documented literature about Dhulbahante territory in UK and around the world, British government has not officially changed its biased and misleading position of calling it “disputed Area” to present day.

    Somali clans cannot be classified according to their colonial records. International community and international aid agencies must treat them fairly and equally. It will be politically and ethically embarrassing if British government continue supporting one side of local rival clans to detriment of other clans who have same and equal right and equally entitled to same level of support and aid.

    If one clan has the right to secede from rest of Somalia so are the other clans. They respect rights of all other Somali clans to determine their future destiny and how they want to rule their own clan affairs. They expect same level and same standard of acknowledgement and respects from other clans in return. Dhulbahante people have the right to exercise their universal right in determining who they can form alliance with, to run their own internal affairs, to govern themselves and their territories and to be part of federal states for Somalia.

    The professional and financial support that international community, United Nations, international aid agencies and individual donor states must be open, transparent, fair and equally available to all Somali clans. Equally, it must be not be bias or favour any clan or clans over others and must be free from any policies and practices containing elements of double standards and hypocrisy.

    All parties involved in the Roadmap should focus on solving current problems on the basis of fuctual realities prevailing in Somalia today.
    Another is not an option, Insha Allah

  4. Your excellency,

    I wish to thank from the deep of my heart for your effort.

    I feel very I am writing on behalf of all the people who work to rebuild the peace among the various ethnic groups and to rebuild the nation democratically. Please accept from me this letter of gratitude for the unforgettable, humanitarian services that United Kingdom donated to the people of Somalia. Those disadvantaged people who suffered the evil of the civil wars, starvation and poverty.

    The Hawiye/Darod clan today wants to fill the void left by Al-Shabaab with the help international community and there will be massacre as it happened 1992 to my people for this time the responsibility will take international community.

    In the current conflict the conflict between the TFG and Al-Shabaab seems to be one between political and religious organizations but in reality, as in the past, clans and sub-clans are questing for power, positions in a new government, and control of resources. The see-saw battles between the Darod/Marehan and the Darod/Ogaden clans over the port town of Kismayo, and fighting between the Hawiye/Habar Gidir/Ayr and Darod/Marehen, and Abgaal/Habar Gidir in the Lower Shabelle and Gedo regions reflects the power struggle within the same clan.

    The strife currently going on in Somalia may be classified as a tribal struggle between two clans, namely the Darod and Hawiye, each wanting to overwhelm and dominate the peoples that live in the South, so as to exploit them and their wealth, in a ruthless inhuman fashion inconsistent with human and heavenly values.
    What makes me believe that the current strife is a struggle between two rival clans for the domination and suppression of the South is the theatre where the operations are currently occurring, why is the war going on in areas that don’t belong to Darod and Hawiye clans and not in the original Darod and Hawiye regions? The Hawiye clan today wants to fill the void left by the Darod clan when they dominated the South under Siad Barre.

    The truth of the conflict in Somalia, especially in southern part of the country is that the armed groups from central Somalia’s are conquering and evicting the peace loving and unarmed population in the inter-riverine area in general and especially in Lower Shabelle.
    With weapons and armed gangs the Hawiye clan has made the international community hostage. A hostage that wanted to good in a land without law and order, then, instead of fighting back and correcting the situation, they adopted a policy of ‘If you can’t beat them join them’. So the international community became a double edge sword. NGOs hire protection from the armed clans and that makes all the aid go to the hands that kill the most vulnerable people in Somalia. With the gains (money) thus made these gangs are able today to control every aspect of our lives: business, transportation, security, they call the shots thanks to the unaccounted aid money from the international community.

    DigilMirifle ,Jareer weyne and Somali Bantu Wagosha have suffered racial and tribal discrimination from independence till now. They were denied the right of holding administrative political positions. None of them has ever been named in the army or the police, nor has there ever been a Digil / Mirifle clansman designated to take part in the social or economic domain in Somalia. Even the post of general manager, which belongs to the civil service, has never been filled by a DigilMirifle ,Jareer weyne and Somali Bantu Wagosha clansman. Furthermore, their lands were forcefully taken; their money and wealth were looted. They have been abused directly and indirectly.

    There will be no peace and safety in Somalia, as far as there are social injustices in Somalia.

    It appears to us that the international community ignoring democratic and moral values, and the principles of Human Rights as adopted by U.N. Therefore, we demand both the international Communities to speak with the indigenous Somali aborigines, rather empowering the oppressors and stop funding them until they will respect the human right for every issue.

    We hope that our demand will be observed by all the international communities, all the Somali people shall be invited to a constructive dialogue for the rescue of the Somali Nation.

    With best regards
    Mayow Iidow

  5. Britain slips away quietly from the efforts to fix Somalia once and for all. I always knew that the West are after something – in the Somalia case, just to reduce the dangers that Al Shabaab may pose to their interest. Can we now ask you a favour please? Leave Turkey alone. We don’t need Western involvement in our predicament, and we don’t need aid from you. We will bull through with Turkey by our side.

  6. Dear Amb.

    Please can you outline what the role of your office will be for the upcoming Istanbul conference.


  7. Lets be honest about the whole process which is cooked up by UNPOS headed by Dr Augustine P. Mahiga who is sometimes labelled as (a good manager for Somalia) and rather the whole process has nothing to do with the will of the people or peoples’ choice.
    I guess this is not a surprise for the UK government as they have lobbied for this made the wishes very clear to request a strong good manager to replace the previous UN Special Representative Ould Abdullah/ This is evident in the following cable:
    1/15/2010 – 16:04 – US Cables also known as wikileaks.

    “The UK sees selecting a replacement for UN Special Representative Ould Abdullah as critical; it will be important to have someone who is a good manager and who can corral the international community and donors’ efforts. If approved, the UK’s new resources for Somalia will represent a significant shift in the UK’s Somalia policy, especially in a resource-scarce environment, where funding for many of the UK’s programs around the world is being reduced. End summary.”

    Now the agenda from the beginning was very clear:
    a. Replace Ould Abdullah with stronger management by UN
    b. Put Somali house in order by any means necessary even sometimes without the will of the people. I.E Roadmap, Somali Constitution, continuation of 4.5 formula
    c. Introduction of federalism to divide the country and the people into even further divisions
    d. Pave the way for the creation of 3 state solutions:
    -Puntland (indication of secessionism is in no doubt with the recent adoption and approval of Puntland Constitution attended by IC)
    -Somalia (South of Somalia and no longer Somalia Republic)

    If things continue as it is, by August 20, the ramifications would be:
    1. We would end up with a weak central federal government
    2. In the South of Somalia we will continue to see the rise of federal states which are now going into their hundreds, specially the claims of small towns with clan affiliation calling for their recognition as federal state when they don’t fully meet the criteria of being recognised as Federal State. With regards to the North we will continue to see the rise of political parities also each one has their clan affiliation
    3. Somaliland and Puntland (not yet) will strongly lobby IC for secession
    4. New political dilemmas and issues for the Somali people one that could last another decade or more if decisions we make today are not right which is the direction/(roadmap) we seem to be heading towards.

    Recommendations to turn things a round and give the Somali people a chance for real credible government:

    a. IC must let Somalis decide their destiny rather than taking sides with Roadmap signatories. Specially when these don’t fully represent the Somalia people even with crude formula 4.5
    b. The resignation of Dr Augustine P. Mahiga from his post and UN must replace him as his no longer considered as a man who can facilitate the Somali people into establishing a capable government. He is seen by many as taking sides not honest broker and finally a hinder rather than benefiter of the Somali cause.
    c. The claim that Somali will move from transition is some what flawed. Somalis all over the world can not be tricked or fooled into believing the current process in place will allow them to move into fully recognised government especially with all the uncertainties with the current process and lack of transparency. Therefore a revised plan must be put in place, however with the current stance there are no contingency plan put forward either by the IC neither by the group who is pushing for this Roadmap such as Roadmap signatories.
    d. There should be no illusion that Somali people would allow any foreign dictation on how Somalia should function as government the choice of either Federalism, Unitary, De-Centralised government is the choice of the whole Somali people alone nor should it be the choice of one region or one group or one clan.
    e. Re-unit the Somali parliament and fixed the feud or the stalemate in place. Somali TFG government is parliamentary government. If the parliament failed the government failed. Hence all the legal frame work of the government requires the parliament to be functioning. The current plans ie ROADMAP must be put to the parliament and parliament must accept the ROADMAP. Has that happened? Is the ROADMAP legal or Illegal? Today TFG has done absolutely nothing to solve re-unit the current 2 groups which has two speakers. WHY?
    f. Somalia and Somaliland must talk to decide on their future without conditions. There should be two rounds of talks by an independent committee (intellectuals) from both parties. First round of talks should take place in Hargesia and Second round of talks should take place in Mogadishu. Not in London nor in New York or Washington DC but at home in Somalia. The outcome of that committee must share it with the Somali people interim governments both in the North and South.
    g. The creation of Somali Constitution must be done by Somalis ALONE not funded or has hand in foreign meddling or influence. When and the time a constitution is drawn up is up to the Somali people, they will agree the time when it best suits them ie there should be no timeline or deadline. Constitution making is complex and sensitive one specially a country which suffered a civil war. It needs to be adopted through referendum and we must wait until such time is right. As interim Somalia can use 1960’s constitution with few amendments such as the removal of PAN-Somalia. I think Somalis can say they have learned their lessons for pursuing such wild dreams and we must make it clear to our neighbours and the rest of the world we mean no harm. We don’t want to create instability in the region especially with our neighbours such as Kenya and Ethiopia who have thriving Somali populations.
    h. Allowing in the next Presidential election the contest between political parties that have recently formed rather than through the crude 4.5 political formula. The whole world uses civilised means of electing a credible leader why not Somalia. We must elect our leadership based on competence rather than heer or clan based system to appease the illiterate politicians who are supported by IC.

  8. Anigo ah Umarow Abdiqadir Umarow. Hada waxan ku nool yahay Seattle Washington. Waxan ku dhasahy Jubada Hoose, tuulada Sabatuuni kumagac dheer subutu. Fikirkey waxaa weeye Somaliyey deegaan lama dhaci karo Raaskiyambooni ilaa Baardheera. Somali Bantu Wagosha ayaa dega wagtigii hooga lama jooga soohin hadii wareerto abka ayaa laga soo joogsanaya. Abka yaa waaye? Waa aduunka weeye. Anaka dagaal marabno laakiin hadii nalaga khasabo, nin korkiisa bir kujirto malaha. Taariikhdii awowyaasheena ayaa soo laawan doonta. Dhuulkeena hoog ayaa lagu haysta kii doonyo ka imaadey iyo kii geel ka imaadey, Somaaliyey iimaan Alle ha idin geliyo. Dhacii, boobkii iyo qabyaaladii way dhamaadeen.


  9. Abdul, I agree. Some disturbing, if predictable, noises from Addis. Let’s hope the spoilers aren’t permitted to spoil.

    Also, outcomes from Istanbul will be interesting as much hope for Somalia rests with Turkey and the intentions of its friends..

  10. If the IC wants to take the Somali population’s comments on board, please take a note: 1. Keep the momentum on the Shabaab front and wipe them out by this summer. 2. Be blunt with Somaliland, Puntland, the TFG and others: keep to the time table. Somalia is not Afghanistan; It will work.

  11. This week’s Addis Ababa Somali groups meeting was unnecessary, not least because no new points were put forward. We all new from the London Conference on Somalia that the transition deadline MUST be met. Now they are back in their home turfs, Faroole, Somaliland and others are sifting through the pages of what the IC have said. They are looking for ways to create a new obstacle, and they will find one quickly as I write this. This culture of warlordism have taken root in the country in 1991 and the Somalia groups will do anything in their power to sustain the status quo. The Shabaab know this as well and are hoping that a window of opportunity may arise before August 2012. After all the Somalia groups have the same interest: everyone to stay put in their fiefdom. Will the IC accept this? Time will tell.

  12. May I first of all thank H.E. the British ambassador to Somalia for his political statement on the political process and the ending of the transitional weak government in Somalia.

    A number of my crucial observations:

    1. The two Garowe and Galkacyo so-called principles are counterproductive and seriously flawed to bear tangible results.

    2. The six signatories to the so-called road-map are unpopular individuals among the Somali public and they are profoundly corrupt, undemocratic, clannish and have no clue about how to manage state affairs, on top of that these individuals are openly campaigning and planning through gross corruption to come back to the top seats after the transition ends.

    3. The process of selecting the NBC and other bodies and the unlettered elders who are hand picked by the six signatories through crystal clear corruption is a non starter and totally unacceptable to the Somali people.

    Finally, the international community should honestly help Somalis to retake the ownership of their country and rebuild their nation-state in an atmosphere free from heavy handed interference and continued international support for illerate and corrupt individuals.

  13. Dear Ambassador Matt Baugh, the problem of Somalia is way far from the road map, the unsettled issues in Somali is based and caused by the lack of justice among the Somali people. This land has never been justice since 1960s. Lets please be open minded and search for the truth though the truth is hard to get, but at least got information from the healthy societies, the most and very susceptible people in the land. coming back to the purpose of my writing, the road map is not the problem. The signatories themselves are the problem, becasue they are, a, based on interest,
    b, not equaly and fairly represented by the entire somali community, i.e to the groups the signatories call minority.
    Therefore, ending the transition successful is impossible while current TFG leaders and its signatory members are in possition to pull their falling pants up and fastening their belts to be reelected for possition. Thus, recognizing the need to overcome the current turmoil in Somalia, the Somali Bantus,
    1- Calls upon, The EU, UN, IGAD, AU and other international member states to take Somali issues serrious, it is time to hear opinions from the voiceless and disarmed societies, it is the perfect time to hear from them and there is where the truth is,
    2- Emphasizes, the International Communities to work closely with the people who love peace in dialogue not with a gun point. And to support the IDPs in Mogadisho,
    3- Reminds, the International Community not to attached the support resources with hard strings, “Conditionalities”. let the International community offset their interest with that of the healthy Somali’s which is PEACE.

  14. If South Somalia’s leaders are ready and willing to do the right thing, still the matter has not resolved as a whole, there are many south somali oppositions leaders who in Hargeisa not taking part of peace process in what called road map .they are waiting the right time, the right place,and the right person to negotiate to build matrix peace process.

    I think the peace process must be comprehensive and include following:

    2-The Somali Bantu .(state)
    3-the Signatories road map.(state)
    4- south somali oppositions leaders who in Hargeisa.(party in south somalia)

    this scenario is one of the best scenarios peace process

  15. Ambassador

    We welcome the UK Government’s strategic and coordinating role in the International arena and understand the difficulties (as decribed above in considered comments) that you are striving to overcome.

    In taking a strategic lead with International partners we would ask that the UK and others don’t neglect the tactical, day-to-day safety and security of Somalis struggling to scrape out their basic needs from the country.

    Please examine the gap created when AMISOM push back AL Shabaab and ask partners, not only to support the AU Mission, but to support the local police and local communities to ensure ongoing safety.

    Please ask those partners to start to create an environment in Somalia in which honest, hardworking people and their families can go about their business, attend the market and go to the theatre and other public buildings without fear of attack. That’s exactly what I did in London yesterday and I hope to do in Mogadishu before I die.

    Yesterday, outside the FCO building in London, I counted around twenty armoured Range Rovers and Landrovers, properly used to convey UK ministers around London. Please consider the threat to senior police and ministers in Mogadishu and compare the resources.

    Please keep up the good work.

  16. My views are as followed: The UN, AU, IGAD, EU & all non- Somalis should let the people of Somalia decide themselves what their future will be. If not, there will be a never ending war in Somalia for eternity

    1. dear brother

      as we are somali people the last 22yrs why we not solve our problem with out international community ,
      Today we have chance to come together with help international community to rebuilt somali nation let us establish the future our country.

  17. thanks for give us this opportunty to express our oppinion; seconly,as soamli people,we should understand what are our first periory problems? and how we can soleve them? and what are posiple tools we have to solve those maters? I think the answers of simple questions are simale too. first of all our probem is that to keep in mind we are all somali , I don’t care if come from east or west, south or noth. after we all understand that, we can sit together and talk ,then tell me your problem, i will tell you mine. i think what ever you say, even if you talk all day night, what you trying tell me, is a same what am trying tell you, you tell me that you lost your countryand your people people are suffring ,so am i? therefore, when we come at taht piont, let us think how can solve our diffrance. finally, what are the tools we have to do job done, the first tool we have is Mr. matt bough and rest of the world, they are begging us to have future for our kids day and night as soamlian people. and the only thing they are unstanding very well is somalia and it’s people. for exsample, if you ask Mr. matt ,where come from he will tell you uk. on the other side if matt ask you where you from,you will answer somalia that is language he (matt)likes to hear every one of you, that is people(somalia) he(matt)trying to help them. please let be little more civilazed people, let us be little bit humman rice. I myself come from noth somlia where some people call somaliland, some other people call othernames , and I don,t like to hear all those names becaouse I am somali and I am proud to be somali.
    I conclud this:if you were a ware what is going on nowdays the whole world included Mr matt who is whith us today watching us carfully, you don’t need to worry about who is sighning something and who is going istanbul or london. they know every well our somalia people, they know we most corepted people on the world,liers and so on. the only thing we need is let us stand behind the roadmap and its princibles. and wish good luck.thank much indeed every one of you and for give me please if i crossed the border.

  18. Your Hon; Ambassador Matt, It is great job and effort you and your government are putting for the Somalian people to get an stable state, I personnally and Awdal State thank you for that.
    It is nothing better than peace in human lives, the 22 years of the civil in Somalia we were seeking one group and only one to realise the value of a dialogue and the fruits a political talks bring. Many argue there are powerful nation or the neighbouring countries involved but this is not the case. Our people are slow to understand their country geographical strategy and who are those influencing tribals war. Europeans have saved Somalia the country and the are still trying to find a solution that works. Now it is time to grasp this opportunity of peace supported by many powerfull country like U.K the EEC and the USA.
    The very important issue to understand is that constitution can not be one as to believe as a divine statement but rather be a progressive mutual aggreement evolving within the populatin’s lives and the manner they are happy to live with.
    The road map is not a monster each person treat like an ennemy striking the rights of others. It is mutual acceptance of promess and followed so peace is.
    Some complex paragraphs or seem difficult for some can be reshuduled later date, the constitutions will go on as long as peace is praised.
    Awdal State people are till today victims,there are dayly killing, youth improsoning in Borama, biased media and corrupt in land, deprived from aids..etc and we are trying still to achieve our rights in peace with Somali, our brothers.

    I am urging to all Somalis not to sing with devil (war) but this peace must be our choice and all shake hands so sign and respect one and another. God bless Awdal State of Somalia and Somalia Federal Republic.

  19. i really wonder whether there is room for women in all this discusions over the power struggle among somali leaders “Men”, and to what exent women are really aware whether their rights and opportunities are incorporated in to the constitution and what is the role of international community to ensure women’s interest are there!!!!!!!!

  20. Dear Mr Ambassador Baugh
    Like majority Somali people I sincerely pray for successful outcome
    of this process. However I am often reminded ptential risks still on the way line the once I explaied below which I wish to share with other bloggers.

    Crucial stages of the Road Map & new potential risks

    Dangers of undue influence from self-appointed political warlords
    Intimidation of legitimate clan reps can lead to unworkable outcome

    The two traditional leaders from Cayn region of Puntland came to Mogadishu and attended the conference of Somalia traditional clan leaders in early May, this year, as the legitimate representatives of their clans. Two days later, another two new members flew from Nairobi also claiming to be representatives of Cayn region. Strangely, neither of the new claimants has come from nor have any right to represent clans who live in the region concerned. This defrauding act has outraged the real Cayn reps, their wider clan reps and TFG officers.

    The incident has further exposed new problems relating to attempts of political warlords, mostly from the overseas Somali Diaspora communities, to infiltrate and exploit Somali clan leaders in order to create fake reps and unduly influence the outcome of the process into their favour. Such inappropriate intrusion of the Road Map process grossly violates freedom and legitimacy of the process while it equally compromises equality and fairness of representation amongst all participating clans. It is a factual reminder of how political warlords are adjusting to the current political situation and continue trading bloody clan conflicts along the way.

    The current groups of conflict traders are re-employing old policies which often trigger fresh waves of bloody revenge and retribution clan wars. They are deadly reminder of chaotic conflicts that brought three decades of anarchy, lawlessness and humanitarian catastrophe to Somali people. Now, Somalis are getting closer to achieving what they desperately wanted in the last 30 years (i.e. to re-establish peace, security, political and social stability and rule of law). The future of Somali people is what is at stake between now and August 2012. Overwhelming majority of Somali civilians just want basic ground rules so they can get on with their lives and breathe normally again in their country as individuals, communities and society. This great aspiration is finally within reach. However, they know it requires successful completion of the federal constitution, selecting representatives of federal parliament through clan system and electing or appointing inclusive federal Somali government. But, one must not underestimate the potential risks ahead.

    Political warlords returning from the Diaspora are mainly political opportunists who have been detached from local and regional clan politics and, hence, unfamiliar with local clan structures. Their cowboy behaivior destabalise local and regional peace and stability. Members of these groups comprise unethical and corruptive ex-politicians who actively infiltrate and exploit traditional clan leaders and create fake representation for their unrepresentative groups at the cost of both main clans and marginal sub-clans. These acts of infringement and their undue influence on the Road Map Process can result or lead to the formation of un-inclusive, unfair and hence unworkable outcome.

    If adequate protection is not provided for the legitimate clan representatives these new groups of political “Loan Sharks” can Serious undermines efforts of the Road-Map stakeholder’s and important support of international community. Lack of protection against threats of groups explained here, who are also known as political brokers, spoilers, democratic movements and, in certain regions, floating wolves, will certainly increase risks of slipping Somalia back into more tribal imbroglio.

    The second threat can come from Somalia’s neighboring countries who may have politically, economically or in other ways gained from or intended to capitalize the country’s prolonged situation of lawlessness and anarchy. The transparency and accountability of the process should give STFG adequate assurance and the necessary safeguards against policies and practices of that nature. The representatives from United Nations and international community should also ensure to promote, protect and uphold the best interest of Somali people and their state during this process.

    Ali Waqooyi

  21. I agreed with the British Ambassador to Somalia, but I have to add this!!!
    The Roadmap signatories have got a lack of transparency, accountability and they are manipulative as well. So far the Roadmap signatories are not capable by putting aside their personal differences, interests and by contributing building peace and security to Somalia which is more important, So I think it is better that The National Transitional Federal Government including the other Roadmap signatories has got only a facilitating roll in current Somalia political process and let the clan elders which should be chosen by the local Somali people to select the national Constituent Assembly (NCA) without influencing them, let The National Constituent Assembly (NCA) decide the constitution and the International Community must help the clan elders and The National Constituent Assembly (NCA) to achieve this.

  22. ‘Everyone should get involved’. Everyone? This is the problem that the IC is dealing with at Addis Ababa right now. Do the complainants about the Draft Somalia Constitution really know what they are talking about? Please read my piece, the Somali people and the Draft Somalia Constitution, at This piece will aslo be published by the New African magazine on June 1st. If someone is ill or needs assistance with a particular academic task, do you involve that person to become a member of the medical team or those who are qualified to deal with such subjects ? Entertain more of the warlords and you waste your time and resources, Mr Matt Baugh.

  23. I am very pleasent the right dirction every going on soamlia, especially, internatinal cummunuty, and I think outsideworld now understantood more in soamlia. thanks mary harper rised many importnt points which were a vital the sutuation on the gtound in somalia, in her book “getting somalia wrong”. on the other hand, please keep prussere on those who alweys make things a very complicated, for instance, spiolors are a fist enmy of our future, they have to go, if they try to block our futre. thank you every uk and i think we are a right driction, please keep going on.

  24. Both sherif must be laid to rest. Mr Rawlings mjust take-over. No more games. veryone is fed up.

  25. Mr. Amb. matt/ Time is up now. Act today before tomoorow there must be an end to warlord, sheikh lord, shabab lord business. as well so called parliament lord wolves that only represent their self greed and interest. The road map u have set before must be implemented without further delay. Mr. Rawlings must take-over from poor red mouth in-experienced presidentg sharif and his lethal corrupted knifeman sherif spkr. Let Somaliland teach them how to govern withj collaboration of the intl ciommunity.

    INTL COMMUNITY FRUSTRATION IS NOW TRBELLING of Mogadishu ongoing lack of leadership and corrpution.

  26. Dear Amb Matt

    A process as inclusive and representative in the Somali political power is a holly message!.
    Inclusive in politic means “Internal political power balance in the country”.
    There are only two ethnic groups in Somalia: The Somali Bantu which represent 45-50% of Somali populatin. Does Roadmap based on this ratio?,does Roadmap cure the marginalized people?.
    We Wagosha people(The magiority people in Juba Land) need Justice, Equality, Freedom of speach

    1. Dear Amb Matt

      A process as inclusive and representative in the Somali political power is a holly message!.
      Inclusive in politic means “Internal political power balance in the country”.
      There are only two ethnic groups in Somalia: The Somali Bantu which represent 45-50% of Somali populatin. Does Roadmap based on this ratio?,does Roadmap cure the marginalized people?.
      We Wagosha people(The magiority people in Juba Land) need Justice, Equality, Freedom of speach


      2. It is the justice that we are all crying for. There are huge number of Somali population who are not represented in any form at any time. Some say Somali is under occupation of IGADD and the UN. I feel there are segments of Somali society who are under the occupation of those tribes who regard themselves as Mighty and Powerful. The international community needs to be honest and stand on the side the powerless and help bring that justice. Justice is what will help to overcome the problems we are facing in Somalia today.

  27. It is very sad that our leaders, who until have been engaged in their own self-preservation, are entrusted with laying down the foundations of the Somali state. As we, Somalis, take full responsibility for the mess in which our nations finds itself, the international community should be held responsible for presiding financially and often militarily over our squabbles.

  28. international community should not let greedy politicians to ambush the road-map, and argue every step senseless, like puntland president farole,
    and tell the language he understands (shut-up and leave somali alone)

  29. We support the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and any peace inutiatives in our country Somalia.

    The half Somali population(50%) are Somali Bantu who take part in the country’s food production,out of this figure the Wagosha or the Bantu Swahili speaking people(in Jubbaland) which is 25% of all Somali population in a case that can easily be proved.

    However the process of Roadmap should be a real inclusive and representative in the (internal politica power balance) in any new Somali government and its constitution,this means that the marginalized like our Wagosha/ Bantu people and other Somali Bantu people should take a fully and fair representatinve in future political power in Somalia.

    We, are really keen to see a lasting solution is obtained in Somalia, with a fair,equality and justice approach.

    Also we urge to understand that the number of Bantu people in Somalia is bigger that its portrayed by Somali clans(4.5), who call themselves “majority”

    Our people still remain as peace-lovers, and people who are committed to achieve their goal

    So far the international community seems to be siding with other Somali factions, ignoring the suffering and the painful period our people are experiencing.

  30. The Road Map signatories needs to ensure that the selections of Legitimate Clan Leaders are appointed to selected the NIC in order to move forward the process otherwise all the efforts will be meaningless.

  31. “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”
    Abraham Lincoln.

    Foreign influences specially neighbor countries could only increase our differences.

  32. The biggest obstacle to this process in my view is the selfish greedy politicians who time and time again ambushed any opportunity to salvage this war ravaged country. The road-map process is neither perfect nor panacea; however, it is a process that is supported both by the international community and the so-called Somali stakeholders (the signatories). Efforts and energy have been put into this process and we cannot turn the clock back, it is insane to disregard it but rather it can be reformed and improved. Some politicians argue that we were not consulted in the road-map there fore it is not valid and we will make it fail it. That is unfair to the Somalis and to the international community. Your input should be in reforming and improving the road map not to derail it. Every Somali person cannot be consulted in every single issue, those who seemed to have some form of authority were consulted (the signatories). There are handful of politicians who either want to run this country or to ruin it, and businessmen (profiteers) who wants Somalia to remain status quo. It is the collaboration between these two groups that poses the biggest threat to Somalia after Al-Shabab. I urge international community not to let these groups to wreck the country and get away with it once more. The culture of impunity must end in Somalia.
    As for draft constitution, it is often said there are some controversial articles in it, surely it has to be checked thoroughly inline with the Somali customs and religion. The prospected constituency assembly should debate and reform pertinent to the interest of Somali people. I don’t understand why this draft attracted huge oppositions before it is out. Any thing deemed irrelevant can either be omitted, edited, and amended. Let this draft undertake it is course.

  33. I think it is very important that all parties involved ensure that process go smoothly, there could be disagreements on some provisions e.g what type federalism, power relations between federal government and states, but all these should not led miss golden opportunity “New Somalia” and support and interest of international community. i urge all leaders to sacriface thier own country, people and for them selves, and safe us from another chaos.


  35. The destination is far from reach because the whole process is simply a joke. We are witnessing a situation in which the whole process for reaching the desired destination is hijacked by few individuals who are not thinking of anything else apart of their personal interests and personal gains. This is demonstrated by the way the so called tribal leaders are picked, which will be followed by the picking of members of the legislative assembly. Very little consultation has taken place, not to mention the lack of transparency in the way those so called leaders are picked. The fact the the politicians of Puntland could recall back their elders shows how the whole process is manipulated.

    I am pleased that the UK Government is taking interest of what is happening in Somalia. I believe the time has come for all people who have interest on Somalia and its people to exert maximum influence and pressure to all concerned: the spoilers and others by using every possible means not to let the Somali people down and allow the suffering to continue.

  36. I think u have laid it clear.its time somalia finaly gets the peace it deserves and the people who desire this should stand for it in reality by puting all our differences aside nd puting somalia and the people first.somalia is far much greater than any individual.the international community should safe guard this process by assuring penalties for this so called ‘spoilers”.this ‘spoilers” are no ordinary people but people who have never known the plight of that innocent child and mother who have suffered the last 21years.all i am saying is lets stand and be counted.this is the other time

  37. Dear Matt.
    I would like to thank to the your efforts and tireless support to the somali peace process. i and other open minded indivituals will sincerely admire the co-ordinated efforts of the international community and special involvement of the United Kingdon on Somali political settlement.

    I, However, like to sugest the following:-
    1. To implement the Road Map, The somalian community must chose a well educated and open minded indivituals for the next face of the new government. this can be initiated and started by somali traditional leaders who are now comming together and international community should facilitate somalis to chose a right leader on the on coming government.

    2. to create a broader political settlement. the Somali educated intellectuals together with the members from international community should create a presure group. this group will put a presure on the Somali political leaders to work together and eventualy give the power back to the people. somalis never enjoyed democratic process as every one in the west do. this is the life we want somalis to have.

    Working together will help us and the rest of the world.

  38. The world community have been working 20yrs for stabilising Somalia and still the matter has not changed. why you don’t support the development, security and democracy exists Somaliland since we declared independence more than 20 yrs.
    We understood the international community prefers in stability, violence and problems not those who need better development and receognition.



  39. Please put more pressure on these self styled guys. That is the only language they can understand. If they are let off the hook, somalia will be back to square one ( terrorism, piracy and hunger). God help somalia.

  40. Dear Ambassador Matt Baugh

    Your statement The Roadmap: Focuss on the Destination seems to me the right stand and statement. But the problem is the wanting top leadership the IC supprted so long and flawed selection mechanism provided by Garaowe agreements also involved by the IC. The outcome is putting the power and destiny of Somalia only on the shoulders of 135 who are unpaid and in dire financial need and are vulnerable to the manipulation/brbery of the six signatories esp the two sharifs and rich MP asprirants. This fundamental flaw of the Garowe selection mechanism could neither result in genuine selection of elders in the first place in most cases nor can be expected fair selection of NBC and MPs members unless this deeply flawed Garowe selection provision and poor way and procees of handling the drafting the constitution are rectified and better way of more appropriately inclusive and particpatory mechanism are put in place. For example that the selection of the 135 elders is verified and validated by impartial commisssion made up of 4.5 responsible personalities reputed with impartiality and objectivity and have no presidential and parliamentary ambitions; that selection of NCA delegates and Mps should not be confined only to Elders but combined with more respobsilbe members of the civil society from the same clan (including women) to help the elders in the selection of the members these bodies and , and that a conference participated by appropriately selected various social stakeholder social and political groups be organised to debate on the conversial articles of the Draft Constitution for a couple of weeks to address these problems instead of pressuring and expecting the wanting Six signatories what they dont want to do and cannot do even if they wanted..

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About Matt Baugh

Matt is married to Caroline, a GP from South London specialising in pre-hospital care and tropical medicine. They have 3 small children. Matt has been working on Somalia since May…

Matt is married to Caroline, a GP from South London
specialising in pre-hospital care and tropical medicine. They have 3
small children. Matt has been working on Somalia since May 2010, when he was appointed the UK’s Senior Representative and Head of the UK’s
Somalia Office. On 2 February 2012 he was accredited as the first
British Ambassador to Somalia for 21 years. Since taking up his Somalia
appointment, he has been able to travel to Mogadishu, Hargeisa and
Garowe, and has been deeply touched by the warmth of the welcome he has received, but also the scale of the challenges that Somali people face
every day.
Matt is a career civil servant and is currently on secondment to the
Foreign Office from the UK Department for International Development. Now 37, he has spent much of his career to date dealing with conflict,
security and humanitarian issues. Since 1999 he has worked in Iraq,
Sudan, Afghanistan and the Balkans, as well as a number of major relief
operations and protracted emergencies. He also helped to set up and lead
the UK’s Post Conflict Reconstruction Unit, now the UK Stabilisation
Unit. Matt is a graduate of the UK Joint Services Command and Staff
College’s Higher Command and Staff Course (2010) and was previously
Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for International
Development (2008-9).
Away from work, Matt is an avid England rugby fan (although he
refuses to admit his own playing days are long over). He is also a keen
mountaineer and skier and, together with Caroline, was part of a team
that raced to the Magnetic North Pole in 2005. These days he is more
likely to be found teaching his children how to swim and build